Where Are We Going?
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Where Are We Going?
Where Are We Going?
We are living in a very volatile and unstable world. At best, half the world is at peace, the other half at war, in some way.
The United States has internally wars. Democrats are called “the left”. Republicans are called the right. They’re usually against each other.
People are rioting for black lives matter as well as protesting for them. People are rioting for blue lives matter as well as protesting for blue lives matter. There are the All Lives Matter as well. Prolife vs prochoice...none of which ever mention JESUS.
Israel vs the the middle east, the US vs China…and they all have their own hidden agenda.
Sin issues are more accepted than rejected. What is good, correct, moral, ethical, respectful, truth, and sinless, has been replaced by what is bad, it’s OK or good enough...wrong, immoral, unethical, disrespectful, and sinful.
Matthew 24:12-13...“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”
Then there is media...
Ephesians 2:1-3, describes media. It says...And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.
Peter says that they too, were doing the same issues by being influenced and tempted to not be Holy and righteous...and they only had word of mouth that made them drift away from the laws before CHRIST, and grace after CHRIST ascended. As the miracles that JESUS and the disciples did, so did unholy influences. News got around fast. Keep in mind, history is cyclical.
We are subject to, tempted to, influenced by media.
The shows on TV, the censorship, or lack there of…no cursing or implicative (no, it’s, not a real word) actions are now cursing up to the “S” word and implications as far as, well…showing too much skin. The prince of the power of the air.
There are TV shows that are called reality. The realities are scripted to increase their audience. And this includes the home flipping and reconstruction shows. Ratings…ratings…ratings…for satans influence.
A few shows on TV
- 2 Broke Girls…Two waitresses form an unlikely friendship in the hope of launching a business.
Black-ish…A black husband and father tries to establish a sense of cultural identity for his family while living in a suburban community.
Modern Family...A diverse clan bridges cultural and generational gaps.
They may be funny, but what are the edifying parts of the shows? What takes precedent in the scenes? What is Holy and righteous in them? I feel that there is very, very, little that is.
The shows are what the general population watch, laugh at, and enjoy. We feed what we idolize. There are also police shows, weather shows, how it’s made shows, as well as evangelical stations within the many networks. We do have the choice to watch what we want to. I won’t get into the commercials.
Then there is social media that have apps that we can put into our phones, tablets, and computers, that are places to network, communicate as well as seeing what others are doing or are into. They also allow you to see others opinions, political feelings, lives, etc. This can be good or bad. Again, our choice as to what we choose to see. Memes...
The radio shows are the same way. Completely out of any control.
This are just some of the craziness.
--->I have an opinion…before you vote, research the candidates, their political parties and their stand, and what they say about the current and future issues.
<<EXPAND>> The platform to influence or coerce anyone’s thoughts about voting, I believe, should not be done on the alter. We all have opinions and we’ll always be happy to share them. I won’t do that here though.
*****Remember, what we say is ALWAYS under a microscope.*****
WE are going home…AMEN?!? WE’ll be caught up, raptured, at the proper time. What is the proper time? When is the proper time? As 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says...For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
We have eternal life through pit Faith IN JESUS CHRIST!!!
Can I get an amen...
CHRIST IS COMING AGAIN!!! As said in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17...But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
We are Christians. WE should be holy and righteous. We know what is right and wrong. We are also considered intolerant and bull headed, sometimes making us afraid to tell others the Gospel.
- We are the encouragers
- we are those who bring light to this dark world
- JESUS is seen in us, and that is the hope the world needs
We must be sober of spirit at all times as we never know when someone needs encouragement.
We must be in GODS Word so we can answer questions about end times, when JESUS is coming, and the hope the eternal life we have in HIM.
- HOW DO WE DO THIS? By staying in GODS Word…our instruction manual, the Bible. By having fellowship with like minded believers. By praise and worshipping GOD. By breaking bread with other believers. By praying Acts 2:42 explains this. This is commonly called Koinonia.
It says in 1 Peter 4, verse 7…The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.
We will be questioned or disbelieved or even ridiculed. JESUS was ridiculed for the Father, I think we can take it for HIM.
Mark 13:13 says...“You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”
All of the disasters, including the pandemic, were prophesied, as said in Matthew 24:7-8...“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.”
Be careful of those who falsely teach the Gospel. JESUS said, as is told in Mark 13:6...“Many will come in MY name, saying, ‘I am HE!’ and will mislead many.”
<<EXPAND>> We’ve preached on this a couple of times this year.
Sadly, we all know many who do not have eternal life. Theyt have not accepted JESUS as their LORD and Savior. If we want to see them again, help them to come to CHRIST. Be the example that shows JESUS. They may hold onto their individual beliefs of whatever, but will not have eternal life, as we have. Keep praying for htem and with them during hard times.
Mark 13:23 says...“But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance.”
<<EXPAND>> JESUS is preparing us. That’s Love.
There are a lot of preachers in this world, many who are preaching to get the saints prepared for Jesus’ second coming. We need to be ready.
Oh, and take physical notes, research what you’re taught, be prepared for JESUS. Matthew 24, Mark 13, 1 Thessalonians 4, are just a few places in the bible that give insight to JESUS’ second coming.
Therefore (to conclude)...WE are of the Body of CHRIST, we are the church, we bring light not political influence. we of of JESUS, not the world. We share the Gospel…the good news…and nothing else.
As explained many times in Ephesians 6:10-17, which explains the Full Armor of GOD, WE MUST STAND!!!
Let’s pray...
<Usual closing video>
Many preachers are preaching strength, hope, love, and joy, to prepare us and encourage us to share the Gospel. It’s coming and what’s going on in the world, is part of it.
But always be encouraged…we are never alone while sharing.
<Pray out>