Worship Gathering 9/13/20
Chapter 20 or go do something a little different today children. Kids teenagers young adults I would ask you to make sure you have a copy of God's word close to you, please.
Make sure you can see a copy of God's word and I would ask you to stand everyone stand for the reading and preaching of God's word.
I listen. Kids, did you know that when God's word speaks he speaks. So the one who made the rain fall today that makes your heart beat right now is the one that is speaking to you. As we say his word. if you would stand
Luke Chapter 20 beginning and verse 9 Are you ready?
Now he began to tell the people this parable. A man planted a Vineyard least it to tenant farmers and went away for a long time. At Harvest time he sent a servant to the farmers so that they might give him some fruit from The Vineyard but the farmers beat him and send him away empty-handed. He sent yet another servant. But they beat that one to treat him shamefully and send him away empty-handed. Any sent yet a third, but they wounded this one too and threw him out. Then the owner of the vineyard said what should I do? I will send my beloved Son perhaps they'll respect him. But when the tenant Farmers saw him they discussed it among themselves and said this is the heir let's kill him so that the inheritance will be ours. So they threw them out of the vineyard and killed him. What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them? He will come and kill those farmers and give the vineyard to others. But when they heard this they said that must never happen. But he looked at them and said then what is the meaning of this scripture the stone that the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to Pieces. But on whomever it falls it will shatter him. Then describe the chief priest look for a way to get their hands on him that very hour because they knew. He had told this Parable against them, but they feared the people. Let's pray father. We ask you to make this book live. May we understand that you speak to us by your spirit? You father have written a book May today. We be diligent in the study of it and may you make it live For Your Glory may you change us forever because of today and our encounter with you in your word. It's in your son's name. We pray and for his sake amen. You may be seated.
What seems like a long time ago is really not that long but probably 10 or 15 years ago. I was in a race car shop in Ohio. And I was building a new car and trying to get all the stuff that I needed to to build it. I have use a certain company for brakes for the brake calipers for a long long time since I was 17 years old. I use one specific company. This guy that was building built the car for me was telling me about this these newfangled breaks that he was selling.
He told me about how nice they worry. He took one of them out and show me the caliper. It was quite expensive actually is probably twice or three times more than what I was paying for the calipers that I used but they were Billet aluminum and they were this and they had they had this and they had this and he goes on this spiel about about all these things that these brakes were in that wasn't the brand that I use weren't he gets to the end of the spill in before I could even ask any set anything. He said, you know, there's only one thing I don't like about these brake calipers and I said, well, what is that? He said they just don't stop very good.
I need to go song with conversation. I didn't buy those brakes. But I have thought about that a lot. Ever since that day. I thought a lot about it. What was what's the job of the brakes on your vehicle? To stop you. Now your brakes can be nice and they can be fancy and they could be all this and that but if they don't stop you, they're not doing what they're intended to do. Are they?
Luke records the Israel's rejection of Jesus was their final Act of rebellion. Looper chords that Israel's rejection of God's son was their final Act of rebellion against God and his plan to save his people.
It's Tuesday.
In three days, Jesus be hanging on a cross. 33 and a half years. He's lived upon the Earth never told a lie. never stand in any way And their want they want him dead they hating.
They rejected him. the young boy in the temple at 12 was was
really something to see but when he got older they realized the things that he was saying that he was saying to them.
And they rejected him. If I had one main point that I wanted you to take with you through the week that when you go home, I know you're going to stomp your brakes to make sure they're working as you leave the parking lot. But one thing that I want you to do is not about brakes this a sovereign God sends his people to save his people. A sovereign God sends his people to save his people. Now, let's look at our Parable today and her three main headings number one.
Israel rejected and rebelled against a saving God. Israel rejected and rebelled against the saving God look with me and verse 9 now that word now they're brings us back over to verse one there when it says one day. He was teaching the people in the temple. This is the same day disconnecting us back. Now, he began to tell the people this Parable no doubt the people that that he had brought in the the poor neglected in the ones on the outskirts were there but there is another group that's there who are the people that are there? It's the chief priests scribes in the elders the ones who make up the Sanhedrin. He began to tell the people there this Parable and here's the parable and I'm going to explain it to you as we go. A man planted a Vineyard least it to tenant farmers and went away for a long time under the heading Israel rejected and rebelled against the saving God. You must know this but in this Parable the man who planted the vineyard was God himself. When you remember our Old Testament reading today, we read Joshua the end of Joshua's life. He says God said this and then he gives us the history of Israel, but then we went to Psalm 80 and we went to Isaiah chapter 5 and specifically the Bible teaches us that this Vineyard was Israel wasn't God had a Vineyard and it was Israel. Not some of the weaker Brethren will tell you that that Vineyard is still Israel today.
Some of the weaker brother will tell you that this is the nation of Israel, but now listen close to what I'm telling you the vineyard that was planted.
Was God's covenant people?
Think about this for a second. He calls Abraham. It says from the other side of the Euphrates River Abraham had the same exact DNA and his daddy. Why wasn't there a part of the Covenant people? Because God made a covenant with Abraham. God made a promise to Abraham. God saved Abraham
what to say Abraham believed God and what it was counted to him as righteousness and all the people of God from me from from the beginning to the end will always be saved by the same way by faith alone.
Are you still with me? A man planted a Vineyard God planted a people a covenant people. Look what it says. We stood to tenant Farmers. The tenant farmers are the leaders. These are the people that are listening to the parable describes the elders the Pharisees and Sadducees the chief reason. These are the pharmacies are the religious leaders of the day. They are the ones that was responsible. They are the ones that were supposed to teach the people what God Said these men do more Bible than me and you know, and they only had the Old Testament books of the Bible in the Randall make it day in and they spent their live in the scripture.
But God had two people. Blood that God didn't have to have a people. God doesn't need anything. Can I get a amen now? I know it's raining outside. and I know
but when I say God has a people I'm talking about you. Don't doesn't have to have a people picture. But this God my God is a saving God. You see what what do we lose in the fall? We lost communion with God God's Wrath rest upon all of us doesn't it? But he has a people. And Israel rejected about and rebelled against this saving God. He planted a Vineyard think about this for a second of all and all the world. There is God's people and their he's planted in Sovereign Lee bringing them down to Egypt bringing them across the river through the desert into the land of Canaan all the while showing the world that this God has a people and he saves people from there since this is the true God this is the one who defeated Egypt. This is the one who defeated the amorites in the parasites in the this is the one who who's doing all these things that brought these people out this stiff-necked and rebellious people keep brought them out and made them flourish one, man. One man and Maid of whole nation out of one man. Not just a nation. What are people from every tribe tongue and nation that will worship him forever and ever this God that you and I serve love it is a saving. He planted a Vineyard who are what is the vineyard? What does covenant people? And then he leased it out to tenant Farmers he goes away and he make sure that the tenant farmers are there set up the Peace of people about him. This is common in Palestine during this time that most landowners did not live in Jerusalem or even in the area. They live far away. If they had people working there that took care of the business and took care of things while the owner was gone. And these leaders use religious leaders are the tenant Farmers. So you understand what's going on. Who is the man? God and in who are the who's the vineyard? Israel God's people God's covenant people the people of promise And who are the tenant Farmers the religious? leaders Israel rejected rebelled against the saving God
you look with me also as we work to the text Israel rejected rebelled against us ending God. At Harvest time he sent a servant who is the servant the prophet to the farmers so that they might give him some fruit from The Vineyard but the farmers been him and sent him away empty-handed urine what Jesus says he looks out over Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem, the one who kills and Stones the prophets. God did not leave us alone. God not only saved us but he sent Prophet to teach us in to tell us what he is saying. See we serve a God who saves we serve a God who sends as well and what happens if he comes the prophet comes and what they do to him. They beat him and they send him away empty-handed. Why do they send him away empty-handed because there's no fruit to be had in the vineyard. God plans of people God plant a Vineyard in there instead of flourishing and growing and ALT producing these great grapes what it what happens if it doesn't happen it'll produce fruit.
Are Old Testament text oldest and it produce sour grapes? What was the fruit that Israel was supposed to produce?
a sovereign God sends his people to save his people.
The fruit that the children of Israel was supposed to produce was the fruit of God's people. How is that done? Well, the Bible tells us very clearly that that you are to be a separate people baby supposed to be different than everybody else you. That's why you wear different kinds of clothes. That's why you eat different things. When you go out into the promised land Into the Wilderness when you go out here and do these things you'll be a separated people and because of that people will ask who are these people? Where did they come from and because they inquire then they'll come into what the Covenant promise?
It was God's plan all along to save his people by sending you people. That's why they went to Egypt. Did you hear me? That's when he went to the desert. That's why they went to the promised land. It was to be a lot wherever they went. They had the pillar of fire at night in the in the clouds during the day everywhere. They went there is God's people.
What do I have to do to be one of his people?
So they got Sansa. prophet to the vineyard he sent a servant but they don't listen to him know they don't listen to him at all. They beat him and then he comes away empty-handed. There's no fruit to show it's not even fruit of Holiness every time you turn around they're making idols and they're worshipping Idols. They're not holy people there wondering people are complaining people there murmuring people. This is me different people.
What happens next? Will he sends yet? Another servant? I'd like for you to Circle that word yet there in verse 11. It's very important.
He sent yet another servant. God did not send just one servant but God continually cared for his people. That's what that were teaches us that he continually cares for his people and yet he sent another servant but they beat that one to treat him shamefully and send him away empty-handed. And this is the crescendo every time that God sent the profit every time you send someone it gets worse and worse and worse and worse, but God keep sending verse 12 50 Cent yet. He's he's continually doing this a third, but they wounded this one too and threw him out. No fruit to be bad. Yeah, he keeps sending all beloved you and I serve a God who sends. I'll let me tell you this. The idea of spending doesn't just happen in the Great Commission. I listen every Sunday somebody in this Bunch gets up and and recites the Great Commission go ye therefore into all the world preaching and teaching baptizing the name of the father Son and the Holy Spirit and lo I Am With You Always even to the end of the age and then you raise your hand, don't you and accept it? He's with you always.
For the Love of the Great Commission did not start When Jesus went back to heaven. Actually it started in the Garden of Eden.
That's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life. I thought you would say that. book with me in Genesis chapter 1 the first chapter of the Bible now this week we start a catechism in our house. Maggie Maggie who made you God Made Me
we did not come from monkeys. Are we did not come from the sea? We came from God. He created us he created our first parents look at verse 27. So God created man in his own image. That's why we shouldn't murder babies no matter what the circumstances.
He created him in the image of God. He created them male and female. Well, that's a whole nother subject, isn't it? Look at verse 28 God bless them and God said to them be fruitful multiply fill the Earth and subdue it. God sends his people out into the world.
God is Not only a saving God. The Beloved God is a sending God. God tells his people go therefore into all the world. Back to our text over and Luke chapter 20. He sent three servants has any and each time it gets worse and worse look at with me and verse 13. Then the owner of the vineyard said what should I do? I love how how Luke with us into the mind of God. I told the brothers that in here the other day. What should I do as the writer brings you right into the mind and the Heart of God, what will he do? What would you and I do? I've heard it so many times. What is Just For Feet off go on? What would you and I do if we planted a Vineyard it didn't produce the people that was running it. They were making a mess of it. And then we were sending people to help them and to get some of the produce from it and every time we send somebody they beat them up and send them back into hand and what we do.
We wouldn't go three times. Now we don't have that kind of patience. Look what he says. What should I do? I will send my beloved Son. Perhaps they'll respect him. This should bring your mind automatically over to Luke chapter 3 shouldn't it my beloved Son? When was this said? when Jesus was baptized you think Israel was supposed to be the son Israel was supposed to be the Son of God. It actually says that in the Bible. He is one of the sons of God, but but he did not do right Israel sinned and turned his back on God.
But Luke chapter 3 tells us something else, doesn't it?
When all the people were baptized Jesus was also baptized as he was praying Heaven open in the Holy Spirit descended on him in a physical appearance like a dove and the voice Came From Heaven. You are my beloved Son with you. I am well pleased.
The father is the one who owned the vineyard. He's sending his beloved Son.
back Well, that's what he did and he he sent his son but this picture also remind you of Matthew chapter 17. Is it on the Mount of transfiguration? There's the prophet standing with Jesus. Peter the loudmouth raise his voice as we should build a schacht we should build some things so we can worship all three of them in Jesus and what will happens God shut it down if this is my son listen to him Why does he do that? Because not only is Jesus the greater son, but Jesus is the greater profit.
You see that these men were obsessed with the prophets and they killed them all. Jesus is the greater profit. They'll kill him to. Perhaps that respect him verse 14, but when the tenant Farmers saw him they discussed it amongst themselves and said this is the air. Let's kill him for the inheritance will be ours think you should do when they saw him. when they saw Jesus
they automatically admitted that he was the air. Beloved men knew that he was the son of God. There was no doubt in their minds. They were trying to save face. They're going to nail him to a cross and a couple of days because they hating but they know he's the air they know he's got they know he's the son of God.
Let's kill him. They said so that the inheritance will be ours. There's a two-part plan here fueled by greed. We're going to kill him and then we're going to take what's rightfully his and it'll be ours. They wanted the people of God. They thought that it was all theirs.
That's just crazy, isn't it? Thanks of a dumb playing like that. Let's kill the son and maybe the father will forget that and leave us here and we'll take over.
There's a Greek word for that. dumb That's not great, but it still dumb. So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. This is the prophecy Jesus prophesize right here. Loving you. Listen to me close. We serve a saving God Israel rejected and rebelled against the saving God Israel rejected and rebelled against us ending God and Israel rejected and rebelled against a sovereign God.
They threw him out of the vineyard and kill him where they throw him out if they threw him out of Jerusalem and nailing to a tree in just a couple of days. He prophesize what's going to happen walked in with the owner of the vineyard do to them. He will come there's a two-fold promise. He will come and kill those Farm farmers and give the vineyard to others.
Are you listening?
You come and kill the farmers. Jesus is prophesying exactly what's going to happen in 8070. In 8070 the temple will be leveled in 8070 Jerusalem be smashed. It'll be over.
all beloved but not even the destruction of the Temple. Can 4th the plans of our God why because he is suffering.
They'll kill the prophets. They'll kill the Sun and guess what it does not change a thing actually. actually all things work together for good God is working all things. I met a man yesterday and we got to I didn't mean I've known him for a while. He's opening up in years. He's lost and we were talking and he said the only thing the Bible says that God will give you a home and heaven or eternal life and it doesn't say anything about that. Now you and I can sit and say well that sounds like crazy talk. But did you know our founding fathers believed the same thing? Some of them did you know some of them believe that that God created the world and then he steps back and puts his hands and fold them and lets us do what we want. This is not the god of the Bible. No, you and I serve as saving God is sending God but beloved we serve a sovereign God. There is nothing that doesn't happen. But he has not willed in some way.
They're going to kill his son. Surely this is the end of it. Rome's going to come in and wipe out Jerusalem, surely this is the end of it.
Never the end of it. Me tell you something there is no into it.
You'll come and kill those farmers and give the vineyard to others turn with me. If you would to Ephesians chapter 2. Let me read you a little passage of scripture Ephesians chapter 2. And will begin and verse 11 if you if you don't want to turn their just Market in the margin of your Bible God like for you to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11.
I I haven't heard anybody shout today. Are you already?
Set up real strike clear your throat cuz some of summer squash out right here. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11. So then remember that at one time you were Gentiles in the flesh called the uncircumcised by those called the circumcised which is done in the flesh by human hands. You are Gentiles you are not God's people you are out on the fringes. He didn't want anything to do with you is what they told you.
At that time you were without Christ excluded from the citizen Citizenship of Israel. You were outside the vineyard.
In foreigners to the Covenant a promise without hope and without God in this world. Could you had no help?
but now in Christ Jesus
are you listening? But now in Christ Jesus you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
For he is our peace who made both groups one. There's one Vineyard beloved. There's one people of God. There's one people of promise.
And tore down the dividing wall of hostility in his flesh. He made of no effect, the law consider consisting of commands and expressing regulations and himself one new man from the two resulting in peace. He did this so that he might reconcile both to God in one body through the Cross by which he put the hostility to death. He came and proclaim the good news and peace to you who are far away and peace to those who were near we're through here. We both have access in one Spirit to the father. So then you are no longer foreigners. Praise the Lord you are no longer foreigners. You are no longer people at the dezer. You're no longer people with an aisle, you know people of painting you are the people of God.
no longer strangers But fellow citizens with the Saints and members of God's household. We went on the boat. We were coming back in and it got dark on us and Nate was crammed into the belly of the boat is much like a disciples. But not really any way. He's Crandon the the belly of the boat and he looks up and he sees all those stars and he asked a question and here's what the question was. Hey, Chris.
Why did God make those Stars?
and my mind went
to Abraham
Abraham come outside Look up. Do you see the stars? You don't have a boy.
And you're old.
But I'm a God who says I'm a God who send that I'm a God, who is Sovereign look? Your descendants will be more numerous and no stars.
I'll be loving you and I stand here today.
as people of the problems
Israel has rejected and rebelled against the saving God is real rejected and rebelled against the spending God and Israel rejected and rebelled against The Sovereign God, but that did not stop him whatsoever.
Look what it says built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Christ. Jesus himself as the Cornerstone fall says in him the whole building being put together grows into a holy Temple in the Lords and him you were also being built together for God's dwelling in the spirit. Where's the temple at now and saltpeter?
There's a pimple. There's a Temple.
Go back to our text. this suffering God They scream out verse 16, but when they heard that they said this must never happen, but he looked at them and said then what is the meaning of the scripture? He quotes the Old Testament Psalm 118. I believe. He says the stone that the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone. What is the Cornerstone? It's what everything else is built on his football just told us the Corner Stone. This church is built on the cornerstone your relationship with Christ is it's not on the cornerstone now listen to me because some people will tell you that you don't need.
The weaker brother will tell you that that you just have a relationship with Jesus and the church doesn't matter. That's not how this is set up. There's a Cornerstone because something's going to be built on top of that Cornerstone. What is it if the church? The church is being built up. You need to church you need church history you we need each other same n Did I tell you that? Sovereign God has set us up the way he wants it set up and how is it with Apostles and Prophets and pastors and teachers?
Good Verse 18 everyone who falls on this Stone will be broken to Pieces. But on whomever it falls it will shatter him. Guess what whether you fall on the stone or where the Stone Falls on you whether you stumble over him in your life and never think nothing about him or whether he comes guess what judgment comes when he comes he is the Cornerstone.
You fall on he can fall on you or you can fall on him. either way Hillcrest you in judgement
Do you know that? Do you know that for those who do not trust this Cornerstone for those who don't build their life on the cornerstone of Christ judgment is coming.
What was finishing up verse 19 in the scribes in the chief Priests look for a way to get their hands on him that very hour because what they knew. He had told his Parable against them. But they were chickens.
They feared people.
Weather is the parable. What's a plot two different ways number one? Ways to avoid the same mistake know if you read that Parable right there and you think that was Israel and shame on Israel Beloved the warning is to you and me both the warning to the Elders of the church as well. And there's two ways to avoid the same mistake that they made number one but cause God is a sovereign God who sends his people to save his people we must make stewardship of the vineyard the priority of our life.
Ellison just like me. Everything wants your time doesn't say Amen. If you can't say Amen say ouch. Just like me when your eyes open something is wanting your attention and it keeps on keeps on keeps on till you pass out at night. Am I right or wrong? And then sometimes for some of us we wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Something's grabbed our attention.
What is that?
It's the priority of your life.
What is the priority of your life? I know I don't want to be hard on you. You know, I love you.
But you're wasting your life.
With stuff it doesn't mean anything. You know these men these describes the Pharisees the chief priests they come up with so many rules and regulations that it's stomped out the vineyard. And I believe we've done the same thing. Now you you might not live by a rigorous set of rules, but I do believe. That we've added so much we've added so much.
To our own lives at the stewardship of the vineyard. Is the least of our worries?
Do you know what Adam and Eve problem was?
They wanted to be the owners owners of the vineyard not Stewart's.
Beloved I'm here to tell you today.
But this church does not exist. For us to have a big time.
Our Lives Are not given to us so we will have our best life now.
The breath that you have the children that you have the grandchildren that you have the air that you breathe the church that you have the house that you own are given to you to work in the vineyard. What is the vineyard? God's people
for the mom teaching your children is being a good Steward of the vineyard for the dad turning the phone off and leaving your your family in Family. Worship is being a good Steward of the vineyard. 4 singles or four for grandparents inviting your neighbor who drinks beer every night to your small group. Is being a good Steward of the vineyard?
kids reading your Bible
reading good books listening to good sermons learning songs Is being good stewards of the vineyard? But you'll never do these things unless you decide that for me and my house. We will serve the Lord. You'll never do these things until you come to the realization that the vineyard means more than my own wife. The Vineyard means more than my foreign no more.
You see because God is a sovereign God who sends his people to save his people. We must make stewardship of the vineyard the priority of Our Lives.
And lastly because God is a sovereign God who sent his people to save his people. We must make the superiority of the Sun the focus of Our Lives. Did you catch that? Cuz I thought some of you might say Amen to that, but I didn't hear you.
Because of cost God is a sovereign God who sent his people to save his people we must make the superiority of the Sun the focus of Our Lives. How do we not become like these men? How do we not become like God's people has become so many times over one. We make the stewardship of the vineyard the priority of our life and to we keep the Sun out in front. What is this mean? Well in our text today, he has told us that he is the heir of all things. He's a Cornerstone on which all things are built. He is the Beloved son. He is the judge and he is the Lord.
Do you want your life to mean something? I am closing in on 40 years old. next month and some of you are shaking your heads because you're a lot older than me. But let me tell you something. I've been reminded lately. that this goes by quick doesn't
did you know that this year we celebrate a hundred years of God's faithfulness here at this church. A hundred years ago of a group of people started the saltpetre Methodist Church. ello store here
Where are those people?
Raise your hand if you were here when it started.
They're gone.
one day if the Lord tarries don't go through the the history of saltpeter church, and then they'll be my picture and they'll go on to the next one. And I'll go on to the next one. And he'll go on to the next one.
You want one guy said? Surf craft die be forgotten. That's what I asked you to do today.
He is superior. He is greater than I am. And he is the one that should be the focus of all my life.
how to get to fitting clothes I think it's fitting to the think about how cross is superior to all things as we come to the Lord's table. Would you by your head with me, please? Father you are good to us. Luke is required to us that you were rejected and rebelled against but that did not stop you from saving us. Many kings many rulers many Emperors many priests tried to Stomp the message of the Gospel out. But you are a sovereign God who sends his people to save his people.
May we always remember that we are to be on Mission.
Go to all the Earth.
We thank you for Jesus.
the Cornerstone the heir of all things
that passed on to us this Surfer.
to remember what was done for us? to remember a sovereign God
Who saved? his people
by the death of his own son.
In Jesus name we pray. amen