Sept 20, 2020 Sunday Morning Worship Service
Good morning. We have a wonderful day today specially that we're here today together. And that makes it special the Lord's days always special because of our time together and fellowship with one another and with our Lord. And of course it is great that we show up on the first day of the week to remember our Lord and savior who died upon the cross brother Roy was talking I can't help it go back to that is all that's been accomplished through Christ with all that he's done for each of us with all the continuing blessings. He showers upon us. How hard is it to come to worship him for an hour a week? Can we dedicate the king of King and Lord of lords to Worship in spirit and truth. I don't think that's asking much. That's all I'm going to say. Well preacher little too long. Okay an hour and 10 minutes, okay, 10 minutes, but we can I think that is a wonderful thing to think about. Think about our Lord this morning. We think about the institution of the church. He established the church. He purchased the church with his own blood according to Acts chapter in 20 and verse 28. We were talking about the church and now we've been talking about the leadership of the church for the past couple weeks and specifically we talkin about the elders and who they
Not my name but the older ship and it's so we're going to continue that today as we think about the leadership of the church. But notice what he says in Ephesians chapter 4 he says to each one of us Grace was given according to the measure of Christ gift gift. Plural, I mean secular price gift is singular there for or actually could say the gift of Christ. Christ gift equals the gift of Christ therefore. He says what he ascended on high. He led captivity captive.
That he himself gave some to be noticed. I have to be in italics. Meaning those words aren't there in the original Greek and the manuscript. Those are supplied by your version of the Bible that you read. So it really says and he himself gave some apostles. Some prophets some of it you didn't get anybody to be an apostle because the apostles were already there and already given but they were a gift to the church in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20 the Bible tells us that the church is founded upon the apostles and the prophets and Jesus Christ who was the Chief Cornerstone. So the apostles play a significant role in the establishment of the church and the church through the word prophets. These are by their very nature miraculous offices miraculous position You couldn't be an apostle and not have the power of the spirit to be working miracles for you because first of all you're preaching and teaching a message to the world that is guarded supernaturally by the spirit himself. So Supernatural Now we coming to the next. Evangelist and some pastors and teachers. So I'm looking at this a little differently than cell. And I say that some Apostles and Prophets represent the miraculous officers of the day, but since the church was to continue on and the miraculous age ended. There's still some other offices or positions that continue on in other words. We don't carry on with Apostles and we don't carry on with Prophets The but the church still continues with evangelist preachers ministers. and pastors What is the difference are you says evangelist which is a preacher and Pastor evangelist Angeles and pastors. Pastor people talking about that word Cubs from poisoning the Greek word which means to Shepherd or to pasture the flock and that's a term that's not given to the preacher. Go to the Elders of the church the Press beauty rose or the Bishops which comes from the Greek word Episcopal overseers. So those are the pastors. I'm not the pastor the church one because I'm not qualified to being a pastor of the church. I don't have any children. Right off the bat. I can't be your pastor. I can't be an elder. right go to the qualifications to sign we'll get to those in just a moment and he said some some pastors and teachers notice the word some some Apostles some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers. He says and some pastors and teachers. That's one group. That's one position. Pastor teachers pastors who are teachers that's the point. So the Elder while being apt to be able to preach or teach is also one who should be teacher. That's the role of an elder the pastor that they are to lead and to be examples and to teach sound Doctrine. We'll get to that and just as well. So he's giving me Physicians weather in the first century the miraculous age or now in the number I can see he's giving these positions. For there's the purpose for the equipping of the Saints for the giving you guys the tools giving you guys the information. for equipping of the Saints for the work of Ministry for the edifying of the body. What's the body? The church for the Church of the body. How long?
To win we all come to the unity of the thing. During the first century. We understand that the say the word of God revelation. Was going to be completed and when it was completed the miraculous age within they would no longer be the need for Apostles. There were no longer need the need for profits because Revelation was spoken through those two groups. I want a revelation ceased there was no longer a need for those two groups because Revelation was in codified if you will written down in Scripture. So he says to we all come to the Oneness of the faith or as Paul States the 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 10 when that perfect thing comes the completed thing. That's Revelation and so miracles. various miracles wonders signs and Gifts of the Holy Spirit would cease that's the point and along that line also would be the miraculous offices of the Apostles and Prophets remember in 1st Corinthians 15 and about verse eight. Paul says that he was the last Apostle one born out of due time that kind of puts an end to The Winning Edge of anybody today claiming to be an apostle of Jesus Christ. We talked a little bit about that Wednesday night bible class talking about how some had gone out of the way and claimed to be an apostle of Christ when Paul was the last man or last apostle. So the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect complete mature, man. The face the word of God completed Revelation made the church mature complete. Before that they were still growing growing from infancy into adulthood. That was the purpose of Miracles. because a miracle a company prophetic teaching Which came from the apostles and Prophets still in the prophetic teaching and it Revelation ended then obviously the Miracles also ended and the church now had become a match or complete man. That's the point. That's exactly parallel to 1st Corinthians chapter 13 when Paul using soap as Bill stration where he says when I was a child, I spoke as a child. I thought as a child I reason as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things. Pause not talking about any other thing other than the context and the context there. He's talking about miraculous gifts talking about prophecy talking about now, and he's talking about tongues. He says,
All that would end as it goes on to say when I was a child. I spoke as a child franchise real reason as a job when I became a man I put away those things. I'm a chore now. Is representing the church the church of mature now, we no longer need those things take down the scaffolding the church has been feeling. That's the point. I know it's Miracles served as a scaffolding. If you will around the church as it would being built by the apostles and the profits with Christ being the Chief Cornerstone to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carry about with every wind of Doctrine. So even while they had Miracles even won't even though they have miraculous offices such as the apostles in the prophets and other inspired men who know Apostles lay their hands upon even though they had all that there was still here.
But now he's saying listen Revelations going to be completed. We don't have to rely upon the apostles in the prophets and other inspired men to give us a piece male Revelation from God. We will have all of that Revelation it'll be compiled for us scripture.
And we can't defend the truth. We can defend the faith and there's no excuse for being a children tossed to and fro by every wind of Doctrine. Kind of sounds like today lot of people here a new thing and they get excited about the new thing and I think that's got to be it man. That's got to be the that's got to be the deal right there. We got a phone. Who comes down the pike once more and someone says?
person that teaches that well, he say notice the responsibility is not just Not just the elders responsibilities.
The ministry for the work of the ministry part of the ministry is that each member of the Lord's body take part in defending the truth? That's what Paul implied when he says that you learn how to behave yourselves in the house of duh, which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of the truth. Who was the church? everyone Show YouTube us to know the doctor so that we're no longer talk to you and cared about by every wind of doctor by The Crossing coming this planet. So that's what happens when it comes to false doctor. That being said go back to what we talked about last week means Elder means Presbyterian. The presbyter the Presbyterian Church was named after that silly means the older Church the older Church in a means Elder Elder Chappell. It means an older person one who is mature it overseer superintendent of sorts one charged with overseeing things done by others. The literal meaning of the word means old as a reference is made to wisdom reference is made to match or someone who is live sometime making application of God's word to their lives. And someone who's also been teaching God's word. That's the point. And so that word is translated to overseer. Which is the literal rendering? And the other English word is Bishop. So if someone says we have Bishops, yes, we have Bishops. Their Realtors are just two different terms discussing the same position. One who keeps guard sheep to feed the flock the work of the shepherd. And so play Maino is the shepherd or pastor and he has exactly what the elders are to do. They are to Shepherd the flock which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers Elders Bishops of the Church of God what you purchased with his own blood Acts chapter 20 verse 28, so it's the elders the preacher.
It's the elders Den together the ownership. Those who are Elders within a local congregation. So we have Elder presbytere which goes back to the idea of maturity overseer or Bishop more of the administrative role the shepherd or the pastor that teaching role. And so that's all wound up. In the term Elder in the work of an elder. That's what an elder does an elder have to teach a class for Molino, but certainly Notre teaches. And instructs and gods and pastors the church. So the work of an elder beer for us to take heed to yourselves and to all the Flop guard Garth Garth Church among the Church of God. concerning the eldership take over satin willingly not having to be compelled to. Those are the people when it comes to selecting or nominating someone to be an elder. to be a pastor to be an overseer. You look at an individual he say why he jumps to it. He really takes charge to do that on the ground. And what's are our common thing that we do we walk past it, but the guy that picks his own will and he did the right thing. At the right time, so he takes over set. He leaves. This natural talent to do that. Elders bar overseers again it suggest Authority and it's more responsibility than just a boss and Elders are not the Box. They are Shepherds. They oversee our souls they oversee the church in all of its activities to make sure we're living in a body by Christ and living in a body in the doctrine of Christ. It doesn't mean micromanage that we get the example and Acts chapter 6 or the apostles were in total control the church at that time and it was something that was bothering a church. There was an issue that arose and evidently the hellenists widows were being neglected by the Jews.
They were supplying need to the Jewish widows, but they were not supplying me to the hellenists widows because the other was just Prejudice. There was his bias in the church. So there was an uproar in the church. And in order to stop at the Elder said for the Apostle said listen, you guys slept that from me seven Men full of wisdom and spirit and there are going to be dedicated to that work. and so part of the older side of eldership from that principle is that they also delegate there's also another group will talk about next week of deacons there. Extremely important to the Lord's church, but they don't micro manage and they're not to Lord their authority over the church while having authority to Lord it over but not going to tell you you better do this because I'm telling you to do it that's know. If someone has said that or says that they stepped out of the Roll. Their oversight is only with the activities of the building know will there when they look out for the souls of the church, it's not just on Sundays inside these four walls. Their oversight reaches the church. Where is the church? Well, some of the church is over here. Some of the church is over here because that's where some of the church lives. It's so other people live in other towns, they come to gore to assemble here. That's the church the one that church disassembles the church goes back to their homes while the element still have Bridal church. Words, you're still in submission to their Authority. So they're responsible for your soul. Remember? Stand up for what we have done in the body for 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10. But the elders they're also going to give the captain what they've done in the body and and how they shepherd the church. So they have an awesome responsibility. We are concerned. They should be concerned with the type of business you run. I should be concerned all the crowd that you hang out with.
They should be concerned of the entertainment you might get yourselves involved in. Because they're concerned for your souls if they're not concerned for yourself that first of all, they have no reason to be an elder and second of all, they're not doing the work of an elder. They're supposed to oversee.
And likewise, we as members of the Lord's Church were supposed to submit willingly to know that doesn't mean if he says that we should have women elders. We'll get to that in just a second. That doesn't mean I might as well just even if that long.
So there's responsibility for member of the church is to uphold the pillar and ground of the truth. That's what the church does that's you and me.
Take heed to the flock. So this requires some connection with each of us to know us. So what was pronounced upon Shepherds who neglect the Sheep? They must know the flock. They must be acquainted with each of us. They must know the needs of the flock and the only way that they can know the needs of the flock is to ever heard of a Shepherd who couldn't care less about.
So can they watch over your souls are so they are to rule well, but they are well Bible verse 17. You're supposed to know how to rule and we'll get to that in just a second. Remember those who rule over you Paul tells us. Obey those who rule over you Paul tells us. So there's only one person in the entire New Testament scriptures. Letter described to be rulers. And you were told to rule. That's not the preacher. It's the elders are the only ones. We're the only ones that have the authority to rule because that Authority was expressly given to the eldership if you will by Jesus Christ himself. That's how he established the church. He said the elders are going to rule the church. Not anyone else and so it is. That was not a rule. They are Drew. Well, there's a difference in ruling and ruling when we get the example of the third Epistle of John just one little chapter and it's about this guy who was kicking everybody out of the church is dying. You don't agree with me. You're gone. You're out of here so we can also become a diet if we are not careful. What's not rule as a legislative body? We must not be a CEO of a company. I'm not saying Elder cannot be in a CEO of a company I'm saying they cannot rule CEO of a company and it's not the word of God. About how they lead by the word of God by sound Doctrine and solve every decision. And of course their overall Authority and Rule will be in harmony with God's word. Elders must have the respect of the congregation in order room now just a little caveat there some years ago. There was a congregation that did something a little different and they were collecting new elders. And and they said about the current Elders if 25% of the church doesn't think that the elder or eldership has any Authority then they'll step down. We didn't ask you that question to you. Where is that methodology? found in Scripture If a man is qualified to be an elder, he's qualified. Whether I know it or not. qualify just because I perceived him to be without Authority or just because I perceive him to be someone I don't really care for doesn't mean he's not qualified to be an elder. And so with that that's why we need to be careful. That's why we need to understand that we can all longer be children tossed to and fro by every wind of Doctrine and Elder is like a father he rules with love and patience. Doesn't provoke the children. Dads are told not to provoke the children unto wrath, but Elders are the children of God. And so they gain respect through the communication in the communication. Isn't that the most important thing in every relationship on Earth? If there's a lack of communication in a marriage, there's problem in a mirror that does lack of communication at the workplace. There's a problem at the workplace if there's a lack of communication. There is a problem in the church. Okay, so communication is Paramount. Feed the flock they are to feed the church to make sure it has a proper diet. So that's why they hired the preachers. And they go out naked will be the right person to do so. Here's what I church needs the church may say, you know, we got enough of the diet from Dodger. All right, we want a new diet. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with it if they say true and I think that needs to be done by all means they have the authority to do that.
So there are to make sure that truth is taught but they also need to be there to make sure that there's a balance, you know, if I talk about hell every Sunday, you would not be getting a balanced diet you be getting one-sided bounce. A one-sided down there to council they are they are to instruct there to warn members of the dangerous food. Loss Doctor Who in Hell, the word is talk and when teaching in the classroom, it's not what it should be. Then the responsibility falls upon the hours to make sure that that is correct. They are stopped the mouths of the paint.
That's found in Titus Chapter 1 verse 10 and 11 that name ball false teachers either from without or within and those are repelled who are divisive Inspira or those who fight discipline. Builders may have address someone over a. Of time trying to get them to change their attitude or even their actions and behavior, but they keep insisting on doing what they want to do. So the owner has to step in his confrontation write something we all don't enjoy but its necessary. And they are to make sure that they aren't the churches discipline. They have that right. They had that Authority and asked members of the Lord church. We have to acquiesce. We cannot sit there and say well. You may be right, but I'm not going to take that. This is this is what happens. This is what happens when someone is immature in the face rather than accepting the fact that okay. I've done something wrong. I'll work on it and I'll change and I'll submit to the record. A lot of people just get up and leave and walk away. Well, you don't read about that in the first century church at all, but you do read about the correcting process. That are found with the power and the authority of the elders in the first century Church. So they are to teach the council to lead to God all that by sound Doctrine. They are to Mark or identified those who teach false Doctrine. Mark them that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine what you have learned and avoid them. Notice that sometimes it's it's it's apropos and necessary for the elders to Mark someone who is consistently doing things wrong and it's causing division in the church. All right, and then he says I avoid you don't say have a party with him all the time. He says I'm going to so the marker identify the minimize the influence their influence in the church again watch for the souls. I won't go through that. He'll try to guard and protect sound Faith by sound faith.
There to protect sound Faith the truth by the truth. They lie by sound Doctrine Elders are to God Us in living. Holy and so we have to understand that that's the role and when we become a member of the Lord's that's the role. That's what they're going to do that help us get to heaven. And we must understand that there if they want to do this out of love shouldn't be the way we look at everybody in our community and in our lives as Souls. Not just bodies. but there's an inward person that's going to live someplace where ever That forever maybe inhale or that forever, maybe in heaven. So you look at the individual as a soul.
Down somewhere. That's why it's important for us to preach and to teach her to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with so many. So this is the faithful saying here we come to the conclusion of the lesson and I'm not going to spend much time on these different qualifications. That's for another time. But I want you to be familiar with him. So if you're looking for someone who might be interested in becoming an elder who's got this desire to be an elder. You want to find these qualities in an individual? He says this is a faithful saying if a man desires the position of a bishop Elder he desires a good work. First of all who is entitled to be coming over. females
males Maybe that's what Jesus wanted. Yeah, we have congregations today in the wards Church to Advocate egalitarianism that women to be elders and that they can be preachers and that they could be teachers.
How could they do that? Only if the congregation which this is occurring up doesn't know the word of God. Remember he sang to all of us no longer be children you grow up cost to and fro. APA every wind of Doctrine don't fall for that stuff. You got the word of God live by the word of God open the word of God study the word of God that it says prove everything. Who is everything by scripture? That's Our obligation. So he says a bishop must be blameless. That doesn't mean sinless blame was blameless. According to what according to what follows that's what he's talking about blameless about what he's about to talk about that. He's the husband. He's temperate sober-minded of good behavior hospitable able to teach not given to Wine not violent not grief gentle not corals not Covetous one who rules his own house? Well having his children and submission with all reverence for if a man does not know how to rule his own house. How do we take care of the Church of God?
So there we understand that a man must have a family. Must be the husband of one wife with automatically eliminates any other fee any female from being in that position and that he rules his own house? Well, that's where his experience comes from. It doesn't mean he has to be an NFL coach a CEO of a company. That means that he's done the job of overseeing people by virtue of being a husband. So we don't have to go outside of that. Not a novice. That's someone who's kind of new to the face. Show me some churches that they don't have the elders and they want to get elders and and sometimes they get these young people in and and they're pretty knowledgeable the word of God, but simply because you're knowledgeable about some things doesn't make you wise and all things and so they want to go ahead and put someone in as an elder in to help the church along the way as if that's going to help sometimes that can be a danger so young but someone who is with someone someone has that experience.
Blessed Be puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as a double and other words. Hey, how many older I don't know much, but I'm going to tell you what to do. That's what it comes down to moreover. He must have a good testimony among those who are outside outside. What? Outside the church outside that congregation outside that body. So don't tell me outside people you work with. Grabs your family and your friends who aren't Christians. And so, you know, it's it's incumbent upon us as members of the Lord's body and even the elders themselves to know how does a person conduct themselves on the outside? A lot of people show up on Sundays. They show up on your Sunday Best. I'm not talking about your clothes talking about their sunday-go-to-meeting attitude. They put theirs I'm here in church, and I'm nice and as soon as I get outside and get in their car there down the road at the bar. They're down at the gambling place. They're dropping f-bombs here and there they're using foul language that cheating on their spouses. They're going back if you name it. A lot of people do that because a lot of people are still immature in the site and they're not living devoted lives to Jesus Christ. And that's where the elders come in that's where they need to step in and to understand and to make sure that those people are living properly and one more. Actually, I'm going to have you do your homework. You're going to read 1st. Timothy Chapter 3 and you're going to read Titus Chapter 1. Okay, that way there we can end this I don't want to go overboard because last week I went a little too long and I don't want to do that again, but I do want us to understand the importance of the ownership there to make sure that we are on the right path of a righteous path The Narrow Path so that we can enter into that get together and Esther Rolle. And we should be happy that we have Elders who care that much and we should be happy that they have wives who support their work because it's not easy being an elder is it? It's hard. And so they have to live by examples just like the preacher has to live by example just like all of us. Have to live as proper examples before the world. And so we come to the point since they are to guard the flock that they are to do. So by sound Doctrine sound Doctrine teaches this He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Very simple, very clear. If you desire to be baptized into the Lord's Church to be baptized into his body to be baptized into his death to be forgiven of all your opportunity right now. If you've done that and you have not wondered or you have wondered and you've not walked in the proper pathway of Jesus Christ, we ask that you come forward to make that known and will pray for you will help you along the way but whatever it is that imitation, there is for you as Together We Stand and send.