Jesus: Have you any food?

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The Gospel of John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:28
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1 John chapter 21 is going to be the last chapter of our journey through John. Wow. It's been quite a journey and We're going to have this weekend, then we'll finish up next week. So that's I guess that's why I've been in a reflective mood just to be able to lead God's people through. a gospel such a privilege so grateful to be here and be able to do that can't believe most of your stuck around so Appreciate that and if you see three surawon or daddy or Kevin Carroll getting start waving their arms in the back is not because they're being slain in the spirit is because there's a bee in the back somewhere. I probably freaking out spot that it's oh, so if you see a bee everyone knows right that's what's going on. John 21, so this is John's epilogue. This is his closing remarks his conclusion. We know that he began his gospel with the prologue. Right and we talked about that last week in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and begin to demonstrating described as who Jesus was and now he's concluding his wonderful gospel. And so we're just going to read the first 14 verses today and then we'll get in to see if there's any truth that we can glean from it. So we can in the first one the word of God says this after this Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples by the Sea of tiberias and he revealed himself in this way. Simon Peter Thomas called twin Nathaniel from Cana of Galilee zebedees sons and two others of his disciples were together. I'm going fishing Simon Peter said to them we're coming with you. They told him they went out and got into the boat boat, but that night they caught nothing. Words for when they break came Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not know it was Jesus. Friends, Jesus called of them you don't have any fish. Do you know the answer? Cast the net on the right side of the boat he told them and you will find some until they did and they were unable to haul it in because of the large number of fish. The disciples the one Jesus loved the disciple. The one Jesus loved said to Peter it is the Lord and when someone people heard that it was the Lord he tied his outer clothing around him. Taking it off and plunged into the sea first aid since they were not far from land about a hundred years away a hundred yards away hundred years the other disciple there's some glare here in and see if we can fix that. The other disciples came in the boat dragging the net full of fish and when they had gone out on land, they saw a charcoal fire there with fish line on it and bread. Bring some of the fish. You've caught Jesus told them. Simon Peter climbed up and hauled the net of shore full of large fish 153 of them, even though there were so many than that was not torn. First 12 come and have breakfast Jesus told them and none of the disciples dared ask him. Who are you because they knew it was the Lord verse 13. Jesus came took the bread and gave it to them and he did the same with the fish. And this was the third time Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. Let's pray father God we come before your throne Lord, so thankful to be able to do so. Not based on our Merit. Not based on our religion. Not based on her ethnicity the based on the sole work of Jesus Christ. What an amazing gift you've given us soon his sacrificial work. to be Justified in your eyes to be adopted into your family to be a tone or soon-to-be a tone for Lord. We're so grateful. Be able to be reconciled to you through the shed work the shed blood of Jesus Christ Lord. We're so thankful for the opportunity to be able to open up your word. Freely this morning. And to see what you've given us how you revealed your Redemption story to us of who you are what our problem is and how you've rectified it through Jesus. We're so thankful that we have your inspired inerrant word Lord. And we just asked as we come before you Lord as we open it up. We ask that your spirit would lead guide and direct. But you would through the power of the spirit and Lumen our hearts to your truth. Everyone here. Has a different perspective and has a different me Lord, and we we call out to you now and just ask that your spirit would work individually in the hearts of your people. And Lord that you would be glorified and all that is said. And Lord you two would also be glorified in her actions as we take truth that we might learn today and apply it to our lives. Would you be glorified in that? We ask God in Christ precious name. Amen. All right. So this is his conclusion is epilogue and it's really full circle, right? That's what an epilogue is. He's trying to he's thinking back and all that. He's recorded here in his gospel is kind of concluding having some concluding thoughts here and kind of wrapping things up and ultimately what he's doing is he's bringing things full circle yet again, he I we talked about last week were Thomas Found Jesus to be though his Lord and his God right and how John to the inspiration of the spirit use the story of Thomas V to be able to demonstrate that Jesus truly was God In the Flesh how John begin his gospel in John 1:1 in the beginning was the word the word was with God the Word was God. The word became flesh and dwelt Among Us. He he provides evidence to the fact and we focus last week on the importance how Thomas had to personally come to that understanding of who Jesus was and it is with all Humanity. salvation heaven relationship with their God is not found in a religious system is not found in an ethnicity that is found in a personal interaction with a personal coming Baltimore personal moment where you understand your need your sand in your need to be forgiven for that sin. And you see Jesus as God's only means to be forgiven to be a tone for and then to be adopted into his family. There's only three him and everyone has to have that personal encounter. I often talk with Pastors in the Bible Belt many of you from the south and their biggest fear is because they have a bunch of people that go to church just because it's in their culture. And you ask him? Are you a Christian? Yeah, I'm a Christian. Why are you a Christian? Why tell me that why I've been going since I was a kid every Sunday or I got baptized at this age been going ever since it's just a part of the culture and that's not the right answer. The right answer should be I had an encounter with Jesus the spirit of God convicted me of my need to receive Jesus as my savior because of my sin. I saw no way out. I saw judgement coming and Jesus provided the way that should be the answer individually. Let me see that in Thomas. And so yes, John gives us this beautiful prologue of June. The getting was the word was with God. We all just ring it off of our out of our mouths. But I want it comes down to is that knowledge? Where is that knowledge at it just in your head? Hope it's not like Thomas is coming to your heart will you know Jesus as your lord and your God? And his and his apologue. I see him doing the same thing. He's he's providing actual examples of what he's already taught. He he gives us Jesus teaching and John 15 and John chapter 6 and then in his epilogue he's taking things and and showing look this is what you who Jesus is. He's risen. This is the third time I've seen him. Oh and by the way, he still got in the flesh bodily. Risen. And he's giving demonstrations of Jesus not who he is, but how he interacts and how and what he's doing in in his creation and self we see that here. Go again, so John 21:1 through 6, we see Jesus providing a meal right after this Jesus revealed him again to this his disciples by the Sea of tiberias. He revealed himself in this way Simon Peter Thomas called the twin Nathaniel from King of the galley zebedees son and zebedees Sons and two others of his disciples were together.

Versuri I'm going fishing Simon Peter said to them. So here's the disciples are hanging out near Galilee Sea of Galilee. That's tiberias. It's the same as synonymous and they're they're hanging out. And so what do fishermen do when they're bored and go fishing? New King James fans like this I go efficient. Simon Peter said to them were coming with you. They told him or something. Peter said I'm going fishing This Is War coming with you. They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. So here they are professional fisherman and they can't they haven't caught anything, right? And when they break came Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples does not know it was Jesus. You have to understand right? It's not very often that people rise from the dead right and then hang around and so they're very kind of you can see from the Texarkana living in an awkward moment. Like Jesus is already paired to two them a couple of times so they know Jesus has risen from the grave, but they're receiving the text her that it's kind of awkward. Even when they know it's Jesus's that I have boxes. This is life. This is how it works right now, but then when God decides to intervene supernaturally All right. It's a whole different ball game. And becomes uncomfortable sometimes. When they became Jesus stood there on the store, but the disciples did not know it was Jesus friends. Jesus called them. You don't have any fish. Do you know the answer? Cast of it on the right side of the boat he told them and you'll find some so they did and they were unable to haul it in because of the large number of fish. And so we see hear Jesus again demonstrating his power over creation, right? The Risen Savior still demonstrating is Sovereign work in his creation receive him that does the resurrection has has changed nothing as far as to Jesus Is God In the Flesh except for that. He's in his glorified body the body that you and I are those of us there in Jesus our promise one day. But he shows us and demonstrates this but again John as I I believe he's he's using this experience under the inspiration of the spirit to demonstrate something that John has already recorded as Jesus teaching in John 15.

Jesus says this to his disciples John chapter 15 1 through 5. I don't remember this I am the True Vine. And my father is the gardener. Every branch in me that does not produce fruit he removes and he prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit. There's your explanation of why we have trials in life.

You are already clean because of the word. I have spoken to you for Spore remain in me. And I in you just as the branch is unable to produce fruit by itself. Unless it remains on the vine and neither. Can you unless you remain in me, right? First five I am the vine and you are the branches the one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit because you can do nothing without me church. I'm here to tell you where you can do. Nothing the kingdom of God without Jesus Christ. About the power of the spirit.

And I believe John under the inspiration the spirit uses this opportunity to record this incident with Jesus this third time of him appearing to them as a means to demonstrate what he's already taught without Jesus. You can go fishing all night long. You can have all the knowledge in the world. But if you want to root really catch men and women Without Jesus is impossible without the power of God. Without yielding to him walking in him. Clean to him keeping our focus on him. It's just a social club, right?

I don't want to do do just I don't want to just do Church. I want to be used by God.

I want to be used by him for his glory to reach the lost. I want to church then passion and compassion a passionately. Carry that forward.

And I believe we can succeed because it has nothing to do with her own strength. He likes taking little things cuz he can take little things and people can see his glory because we can't do it in our love ourselves, right?

Yielding to the spirit knowing that we can't do anything without him Jesus's using I believe this opportunity to demonstrate that. begone here versus six pack in John 21 Jesus saying cast the net on the right side of the boat. He told them you'll find some so they did and they were unable to haul it in because of the large number of fish.

The disciples the one Jesus the disciple the one Jesus loved said to Peter it is the Lord and when Simon Peter heard it that it was the Lord he tied his outer clothing around him for you taking it off and plunged into the sea, right? He wasn't waiting to have the bill go to the store. He was going in here. It is good old Peter item pulsafeeder. impulsively Acting out once again. for the right reason

speaking in Desiring to be close with his Lord. To be by his side. Impulsively is just as Peter is he that says I his side of outer clothing around them. So they're efficient. They had no different garments and stuff. And so when they were fishing and working in the boats, they would take some of those layers often to eat out of probably out of respect you tie those things back on before he jumped in and and swim to the shore plunge into the sea since they were not far from land about a hundred yards away. The other disciples came in the boat drag in the net full of fish. And when they got to The Landing site rock-afire there with fish line on it and bread. And so again this illustration the story shows that without Jesus the power Jesus without Jesus allowing them to catch fish, right? They couldn't so what a great story for us if we desire to be Fishers of Men. We have to allow Jesus. The power to be enabled by the power of Jesus to do it. We can't do it a church program isn't going to save people a slick presentation. South pitch is not going to stay people the power of God.

And so as we are building up to this time of this Vision 20/20, maybe I have guests coming and people watching this is the time to pray church that God would indeed use this opportunity. to save others

that we is a church to go out and do our community and God will provide us the opportunity to speak the truth to speak the gospel in the pizza is life so that God can use us to save others. Those are call for 10 bring some of the fish. You just caught Jesus told them. So Simon Peter climbed up and hauled the Nets ashore full of large fish on 153 of them. Even though there were so many the net was not torn. And again, I think this is another full circle moment. Because we know as Jesus called his disciples Mark record for a child that happened and it was the same circumstances right? It's interesting 153 of them. I just got to do a quick note on that a lot of people at turn that or try to turn that number into something extra special and I bread in a bread and the scripture scripture does not dictate our show us your demonstrate to us at 1 to 3 means a specific thing. And so I just want to warn you that this is a this is a good opportunity for proper hermeneutics that we never want to insert something or own meaning into God's word. We will allow God's word to tell us what the what the author is trying to dictate to give me know that's inspired but forgot to say 253 has a special because that's not the way we should interpret the Bible. So that's a little Rabbit Trail side note. Even though there were so many and that was not torn but the Bible does tell us here in and have breakfast told them. None of the disciples dared ask him. Who are you because they knew it was the Lord. So yours is awkward moment right there. Like they know that the guy has risen from the dead. So they're they're just kind of you can sell John just trying to demonstrate to us that it's just this awkward moment. But here it is Jesus again, right providing a meal for them. They got to the shore and the fish and the fire was all set up Jesus again provides a meal remind us of Psalm 23 write the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want Harry is taking the time to break bread with his Apostles his disciples. Again, John demonstrating to us that Jesus wants his teachings to be placed into action. John 13 love one another as I have loved you Jesus Takes this opportunity to demonstrate his love to his disciples by providing the middle. And that part of the Gospel to yes, the gospel is salvation in Jesus alone, but God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Arta Culebra Navy right into to love our neighbors. It's the greatest commandment. So we demonstrate I love the God by loving our neighbors and that's part of the Gospel to the social aspect meeting. The needs of those who are in Dire Straits in the world is a part of the Christian work. We have hospitals and the Salvation Army on all these things that churches have built an established in order to help people to demonstrate Christ loved the world around them by helping them and that's part of it too. That's the money that we give to North American Mission board in the international Mission board and the stay offering those are all monies that go towards missionaries. Yes proclaiming the gospel. Yes, establishing churches. Yes, but it also goes to helping people out that are in need. And tornadoes or hurricanes all those things those money goes towards demonstrating God's love around them. So we're not just speaking about Godzilla, but we're trying to put it into action. And that's part of it what it means to love our neighbor as well. So he says he remembers 12 come and have breakfast. Jesus told them. None of the disciples. Dared ask him. Who are you because they knew it was the Lord verse 13. Jesus came took the bread and gave it to them and he did the same with a fish. This was now the third time Jesus appeared to the disciples after he had raised he was raised from the dead. So again, John's making the point look list. I've seen it three times now. I'm recording this cuz it's in the storico fact, we talked last week about how important it is to have a historical fact of knowing that Jesus died. Yes, raise from the grave. Yes without Jesus resurrection. There's no sense for us to be here right now.

And so G's are John uses this opportunity to demonstrate to them. Look it wasn't just as we saw him this one time in the room now three different times. He's recorded for us Jesus appearing bodily to his disciples demonstrating his Supernatural gifts over nature and his creation Kia most important but he's also giving us what it means to know these things what it means to love your neighbor have a meal with them feed them. right take time out of your busy schedule for

our neighbors for those who are in need of a great thing to be able to do to demonstrate God's love to those around us. But again full circle. This is not the first time Jesus tells them to cast their Nets Mark chapter 5 verses 1 through 6. This is Jesus calling them to the ministry. And so I just think it's just as beautiful picture of this full circle gods are John just kind of wrapping everything up. So in March after 5 will see a Jesus calling the disciples here in verse 1, they came to the other side of the sea to the region of the gerasenes. And as soon as he got out of the boat a man with an unclean Spirit came out of the tombs of met him and he live in the tombs and no one was able to restrain him. I think this might be the wrong Because he often found in shackles over. This is the wrong person. I'm sorry guys.

I believe it's Mark chapter 5.

Yeah, that's a big mess up. I'm sorry Mark chapter 5

What is March? I'm sorry guys. I I messed up. I got the wrong burst down. Sorry about that. So there's a account in the gospel of Mark where Jesus encounters his disciples and he tells him to cast out the Mets and there's that point they didn't know who he was or like we've been fishing all you know, there's no way he says do it anyway, and they did a bunch of fishing at that time to fish the have broken right in the door so much fist at the fitted fish at broken or the nether broken. And and so that's how Jesus interactive their first came into pelvis to come into contact with his disciples. And so I just think it's great that he John's ending his thing with this this account of Jesus doing the same thing. Hey test out your nuts. and through his powers are able to Do I. catch fish

Dr. John chapter 6. I believe there's an also a connotation with what John is doing in his conclusion is up a lot. I just reminded me of John are Jesus's teaching of him being the bread of life. the bread of life that he provided this physical bread for them to eat there on the shore. But it just reminds us of who Jesus said he was right that he was the true spiritual bread true spiritual nourishment. John chapter 6 verses 32 through 40 says that Jesus said to them truly. I tell you I was just didn't give you the bread from heaven, but my father gives you the true bread from heaven. So he's talking to religious leaders at this time. He's telling them look Moses didn't give you that bread. But my father gave it to you came from heaven.

He goes on to say but my father gives you the true bread from Heaven, which is speaking of himself for the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. They said to him then they said sir. Give us this bread always thinking in the physical sense and then he declares himself to be the bread of life, right? I am the bread of life. Jesus told them no one who comes to me will ever be hungry and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again. But as I told you you have seen me and yet you did not believe. As of the religious leaders are blinded to Fugees as truly as everyone. The father has given me will come to me and the one who comes to me, I will never cast out. I've come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me. And I should lose none of those. He has given me but should raise them up on the last day. For this is the will of the father that everyone who sees the son and believes in him. Will have eternal life. And I will raise him up on the last day.

yes part of the Gospel is to meet the needs of physical needs of people but Of what's true importance is understanding that Jesus is the bread of life. I believe in and trust in him. This is the promise. Everyone who sees the son and believes in him will have eternal life. There's coming a day when we was in up bodily. Just as Jesus was that is the gospel message?

Again we go back to John 20:31. This is John telling us why he wrote this, right? But these are written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name. And so all throughout the Gospel of John. I've at the end of the sermon if called to to the church cuz I can't judge hearts. And so I never want to just assume everyone in the room is saved and still have called again and again for those who do need to have that personal Encounter With Jesus to to do so that today could be the day of salvation. Today is the day of salvation if I believe in trusting in Him again, and again and if I called us to that and I pray that that is been a reality in your life and it's not I pray that you would have the courage to the conviction the power of the spirit understand you need. And to call out to him. To receive him as your savior to repent from your sand in from trying to do it your way and trust in Jesus accomplished work alone. It is only through him that eternal life. And believing in him that eternal life can be yours until the question. I posed to you. What about you first and foremost? Have you had that personal encounter or you're just relying on your? Baptist affiliation I pray that you had that personal encounter.

And if so has been gone to John. My question to you today is what what have you learned from it? I'm spent two years. Don't you the gospel? Can you think back on these last two years? I hope you can think back and save learn this when going to the gospel. Or I've learned the section of scripture that I know I can use right John said these things so that you may believe that we tell people what John said they can believe to. Do you have sections and passages and John that we've gone through the recycle? This might be really good for my sister or my neighbor. What have you learned from our journey through John? James tells us but prove yourselves doers of the word.

and not merely here's Who delude themselves?

You've had the privilege to go through the gospel to talk about it to pray over at 2 to hear its priests and hopefully that's the spirit is talk to you these some truce here. And so my question to you this morning is what have you learned? How is this going to help you go forward in your Christian? Walk? How's this going to help you and your witness to those around us?

If we are able to be able to show people the word of God the Gospel of John and shown different things. You meet. Someone has had a rough life woman at the well. You made a religious person taking the Nicodemus.

So many things we can use just in this gospel alone. We will demonstrate. The good news that Jesus died. Was buried in was raised. 40 days later. He ascended to the right hand of the father and all those who believe in him will have eternal life. We have some good news Church. Be busy about getting it out other than we love you and are thankful for this opportunity. Got to just go through this gospel Lord, and we're grateful for the freedoms that we have to be able to do. So we're thankful Lord that we have that freedom and we just asked God that you would continue to provide that freedom for us Lord that you would work silently in our in our hearts in the hearts of the people of our country and our leaders. We pray for them. Or we also last day would work individually in our hearts Lord that we would be here your ambassadors God that you would truly Empower us that we received today that we can win people to the Lord in our own strength as it has to be your work but you you've called us to be your vessel is Lord. And so we just ask that you would embolden us to be so we ask that you would Empower us to the spirit Lord to to preach into and to act out our beliefs Lord to those around us. So that others may come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. We do. So For Your Glory we ask you thanks for your glory. We asked you in the precious name of Jesus, Amen. You have a song of invitation now as brother Jim Keim Ford in.

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