Real Rest
Backing Up a Bit
Backing Up a Bit
There is another day of rest coming
Possibility that some thought they’d been missed at the 2nd coming
>With all the other errors, this is possible
>>Thought that Jesus had returned secretly??
Possibility that some may have even thought that coming to the Promised Land was the rest
>Were that the case, what about the Exile?
Obviously, the rest in the Promised Land was NOT permanent!
Also a thought in Judaism of the day: Rest in a messianic kingdom—a remaking of Solomon’s or David’s kingdom by the Messiah
Our Rest, Like God’s Rest
Our Rest, Like God’s Rest
No more labor? Really?
Discussion is open to is God still working?
>Does not Jesus sustain our very existence?
>Does not the Father answer prayer?
>Does not the Spirit empower, enable and intercede?
Best understanding is that God ceased His creative labor
Rest in view (short-term) is the rest of sleep of death
Helpful to look at Luke 16:19ff
Will we have labors? That’s a whole different lesson—or lessons
Even after the “rest” of the Promised Land, there was still work to be done
We will be free from toils and struggles of life
“Soon I will be done with the struggles of the World…Going Home to be with God”
Now, About that Striving
Now, About that Striving
Links to the Warfield comment
>Praraphrase: defeat doubt by doing
Can we lose salvation? NO
Can we doubt our salvation? YES—Satan likes to see that
>It kills our effectiveness
If faith is real, it is shown in our work
The Judging of our Work
The Judging of our Work
That the Word…that 2-edged sword
It lays us bare, open
Motivation and purpose behind our thoughts and actions all visible to God
We Will Give an Accounting for our Actions
We Will Give an Accounting for our Actions
Text says “must”
No escape clause here
So What?
So What?
When God is done with us, He calls us home
No time left to complete the tasks given us
At some point we give an account for all we have done—good, bad; worthwhile or worthless
Motivations and background thoughts called into account
Lets make sure they’re right: Heart first, for saving faith;
>Actions follow…proper motivation