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Resilient Faith...
a. Follow Jesus Together Jesus is not discovered, enjoyed, fully experienced as an invdividual.
We entiomned that a few weeks ago, when we say yes to Jesus, we say yes to community, as we grow into Chrsit, we must grow into commuity.
He laied down his livfe for you YES, but he laid down his life for THE CHURCH and that was how he was meant to be enjoyed and worshiopped, and how you and I become more like him....his disciples.
b. Place Jesus at the Centre - there is no place in the margins for Jesus
Becasue here is the typical practice of those who think Jesus can share the centre.
In our relationships, our business, our worship.
Either Christ takes the centre or something else does.
And in big and small ways we will either push Jesus out of the centre or we will push whatever if competing for our hearts our of the centre.
Resilient Chrsitians are daily making descisios to adjust and place Jesus at the centre
c. See Jesus as the ultimate Answer
Answer to questions of identity, meaning, and relationship
IDENTITY: Who am I? Where do I find my truest self? What does the scriputre say is tru about humanity?
MEANING: How should I live?: How do I make choices in a very loud individualized world? How can I live with dicernment in a world of so much information?
RELAIONSHIP: Who am I Relation to Others?