Declaration of Change
a: to make different in some particular: ALTER 〈never bothered to change the will〉
b: to make radically different: TRANSFORM 〈can’t change human nature〉
c: to give a different position, course, or direction to
2 a: to replace with another 〈let’s change the subject〉
b: to make a shift from one to another: SWITCH 〈always changes sides in an argument
AS I travel through various large airports across the country, I regularly see chapels. That is interesting. Why do they put chapels in airports? The airport is full of people trying to catch a plane and trying to get to their destinations. Chapels are put in airports because the airport people know that folks are bringing their pain and problems with them, even as they are rushing to go to various places. In the middle of a busy airport, there is provided a place of rest. In the midst of the hustle and bustle and hectic movement, there is a serene environment where travelers can rest spiritually between destinations.764
In your soul God has erected a chapel—a place of rest.
The day of rest laid down for the people of God. The OT treated the seventh day of the week (Saturday) as the Sabbath, a custom continued in modern Judaism. The Christian church, in recognition of the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, observed a day of rest on the first day of the week (Sunday
SABBATH [Heb šabbāt (שַׁבָּת)]. The word “sabbath” designates in the Bible the weekly seventh day of festal rest which is a day of abstention from secular work that follows each six-day working week.
The Sabbath grounded in creation itself
memorial, commemoration, i.e., a place or object to remind one of something
re•mind \ri-ˈmīnd\ verb transitive
1660: to put in mind of something: cause to remember synonym see REMEMBER—re•mind•er noun
In the 2007 film The Bucket List, two terminally ill men—played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman—take a road trip to do the things they always said they would do before they “kicked the bucket.” Before the film’s release, Nicholson was interviewed by Parade magazine. Reflecting on his personal life, Nicholson said, “I used to live so freely. The mantra for my generation was ‘Be your own man!’ I always said, ‘Hey, you can have whatever rules you want—I’m going to have mine. I’ll accept the guilt. I’ll pay the check. I’ll do the time.’ I chose my own way. That was my philosophical position well into my fifties. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had to adjust.
Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God (Gen. 4:3–4)—Cain “of the fruit of the ground” and Abel “of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions.” Noah expressed his gratitude for deliverance from the Flood by presenting burnt offerings unto the Lord (8:20)