Speak All the Words of this Life

Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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What, fundamentally is the church? In this text we get a clear picture of the nature of God's divinely called and commissioned sent ones and of our mission in this world.

What, is the church?
Society of like-minded people who are trying to keep a moral code?
Cultural construct whereby people are kept in subjugation by having other people tell them what to do?
Is it a bunch of hypocrites feeding their own idea of superiority by constantly reminding themselves of how they are distinct, or better than others?
Is it a group that gathers to be made to feel better about life’s problems, and about personal failure? A self-help, weekly motivational time where we get tools to live?
Is it an organization that works to reform government and community? Is it a source of welfare for the poor?
In our passage this morning, we have a stark reminder of the primary, fundamental nature and work of the church as God works through and on behalf of His sent ones.
Read Acts 5:17-42

What is the Church?

Two terms to know: “church” and “apostle”
Church: ekklēsia - a gathering or assembly
Apostle: apostolos - a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders
The Church is a group/assembly of believers in Christ who have been called out/sent as His ambassadors in this world.
What does the church do? What is it’s mission and focus? Fundamentally, the church exists to proclaim the good news (gospel) about Jesus the Messiah.
Acts 5:20, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20
Several things we are reminded of in this passage:
The church is of divine origin - God calls together, sends and establishes the identity and mission of His church. He hasn’t changed it. Neither should we.
The church is essentially at odds with this world - while we are called to live in peace and subjection to authorities to the glory of God, the reality is that there may be times we must defy men in order to obey God.
The church’s fundamental mission is to witness about Jesus Christ. Our mission was given to proclaim and teach the message from God to man and while we should seek creative and collaborative ways to get the message out, we must never stray from our God-given purpose.

The Church’s Origin

The church is not just another movement of men
Gamaliel’s advice is true. You don’t fan an unwanted flame, you let it burn out. If it is man, it will fail, but if it is of God, they cannot and should not fight it.
Movement started when a carpenter’s son who claimed to be sent from God was executed. His uneducated unremarkable followers suddenly go from hiding in fear to telling everyone everywhere that Jesus was raised from the dead. Miracles are performed as people are healed and delivered from every affliction. The Jewish authorities try to silence and stop them, but instead the church explodes on the scene, transforming the region, the empire and in many ways the world.
Converts come from the poorest and least educated to the most revered scholars and wealthy leaders
Throughout history it has been attacked, it’s message questioned, and yet it remains
Times of controversy and corruption were met with resurgence and reformation by the Word and Spirit of God
God has birthed, and sustained His church as His witness in this world and will continue to do so.
If the church is not a work of man, but of God, then men cannot define who she is or what she does.
That is going on today, as it has throughout history
When we move our focus from preaching Christ crucified for sinners, we end up finding some other message to proclaim.
Works Righteousness (Do these things and you can get to heaven)
Prosperity Gospel (Jesus died to make you happy, healthy and wealthy)
Liberation/Social Justice Gospel (Jesus came to release the oppressed so His church’s mission is to release the oppressed)
No - Jesus came to die as a sacrifice for sinners, that they may have life and forgiveness by repentance of sins and faith in Him. That is why Jesus came and that message is the primary focus and defining element of His church.
Be careful how we try to define what makes a church a church!

The Church’s Opposition

Not that we are dead set to oppose everyone and everything that is not “our thing”
We already discussed how we should not get a victim mentality
When (as in our culture) we are have some authority or influence we must be humble servants and not forceful and proud
2 Timothy 2:24–25 NASB95
The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,
1 Peter 3:15 NASB95
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;
Christians have long lived with the reality that the world is fundamentally opposed to our mission and message
Matthew 10:22, 24:9, John 15:19, 2 Timothy 3:12
v.17 - “filled with jealousy”, v.33 - “they were cut to the quick and intended to kill them”
People simply don’t want to hear that:
There is a God who is over us, who made us and to whom we are accountable for our actions
they want ultimate autonomy, not having to answer to anybody
That we’re held to His moral standard and cannot do whatever seems good for me at the moment
freedom to anything without any consequences or accountability
That we will be a reckoning for our disobedience to Him, and He will and must punish all sin
Instead they think that God should grade on a curve and that we should get a pass, or that to inflict punishment is evil in itself
That He made one way of forgiveness through the sacrifice of His Son on our behalf, and that if we reject this way there is not another
We want options, and to enforce His way seems to us very intolerant and tyrannical.
and so they oppose or ignore the church. Relegate us to our corner, so long as we don’t cause any trouble.
We expect opposition. So what do we do?
Romans 12:18, Romans 13 - We submit and obey when we can do so while fulfilling our God-given mission.
Then, we fulfill our God-given mission - obeying civil authorities when we can do so but making our obedience to Christ our primary goal.
Beware of, one the one side becoming defensive and overly concerned with our civil freedoms to the neglect of our mission of proclaiming Christ!
We don’t see this in the apostles - v.28-32
Beware, on the other hand of subtle changes to the mission or message in an effort to appease people
Changing emphasis:
Using the gospel to validate some other thing you’re about (Getting rich, Gaining influence, Getting your agenda accomplished)
Not our church, it’s God’s! Not our Agenda!
Changing message:
Subtle changes to the message of Christ to fit our own agendas.
Staying away from anything that may offend. (Calling sin sin, etc.)
Emphasizing elements of the gospel that are universally accepted by all (ideas of love, mercy, generosity, forgiveness) while leaving the primary issue of sin unspoken.
The Apostles did no such thing. The church cannot compromise the mission and message God has given them. (v.40-42)

The Church’s Mission

The church’s mission is to witness to Jesus by proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations.
- “What is the Mission of the Church,” Gilbert and DeYoung
Acts 5:20 NASB95
“Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life.”
The Mission is sharing the Message - the entire message, including it’s background, it’s hard to accept truths, and it’s implications to sinful mankind
Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration
God made us in His image, good and pure and in relationship with Him in paradise. Suited to glorify and life in such satisfaction forever with Him. (Genesis 1-3)
Adam, the first man fell in sinful disobedience to the command of God, bringing a curse on himself and his offspring - even unto you and me. This curse brought death, disease, calamity, hardship and pain. It brought sorrow and separation from the God who we were made to love and reflect. It also brought corruption to our hearts, whereby we strive against the God who made us, choosing our way instead of His, and condemning all who remain in this state to judgement and hell. (Romans 1:21, 3:10, 3:23, 5:12).
God sent another Adam, the “firstborn” or head over all creation, His only begotten Son,Jesus as a man to live the fully sinless life we could and would not live, and to die the sinner’s death that we deserve. Three days later God raised Him from the dead in power, demonstrating His authority as both Savior and Lord. God now calls all men, everywhere to repent and turn from their sinful ways and to trust in Jesus for forgiveness, for life and to devote themselves to Him and to His mission. (John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8-10)
One day, when Jesus returns, He will gather all His people, will defeat all of His enemies, and paradise that was lost, will become forever the paradise restored. All who are found in Him will enter into reward and glory, but those who refuse His offer of pardon will remain in their sin, and will be forever cast into the punishment of a rebel against their God. (Matthew 25:31-46, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Revelation 20:11-15)
We are called, church, to embrace and proclaim “All the words of this life”
The Bible is the Story of Jesus and it is the Bible that is our authority and message. All that we say must come from it. All that we do must align with it!
It’s a matter of Life! Christ is the Life!
This passage is a vibrant reminder and example of the core identity and mission of God’s church. As the gathered flock of God and the sent messengers of Christ, may we revel in the glories of the gospel of Jesus Christ, may we boldly stand for the Truth no matter the opposition, and may we keep our focus on what is important in this world full of discouragements and distractions as we keep our eyes on our Lord!
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