UMBC AM SERVICE - 09-20-2020

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Good morning. How's everyone this morning? blessed amen at babies excited ain't hey you me and everybody needs to take lesson this morning. Alleluia so good to be in the Lord's house today. So very good to see each one of you.

Wow, one more time. I want to thank Mark and Michelle for opening their house and feeding everybody Thursday night. If if you missed that I'm going to tell you what I've been to some good services, but that's probably one of the best ones I've been to in awhile. But the good thing of it is if you did miss it will be doing it again in October amen and and will let you know when and where and and just living in anticipation of a of a good time. When we get together then to amen. Amen. So good to be in the Lord's house today. If you got your Bible this morning like 4 then turn with me over to the 10th chapter of The Book of Mark.

God's grace truly is amazing, isn't it? All the thing. I look probably love most about that that 5th chapter of Romans that was read this morning.

is is the very last part where while we were yet? Sinners not when we were at our best not when we were at a place where we thought we were presentable not at a time when we thought we were somebody but at our very worst at our lowest at our most ungodly a man at that point in time in our life is when Christ Jesus look down through the through time and died for you at that point. I thought them can I use that word amazing Hallelujah? Will read a few verses this morning and I want to preach out of somewhere that I have. preached a lot of times in In the Years Lord has had me in the ministry, but he's he's letting me back here this morning. And so we're just begin reading with Mark chapter 10 verse 46. We're going to read about an individual that everybody everybody knows his name. I'm sure he probably nothing about this scripture reading I can tell you you probably could tell me some things about it.

It will don't read several versus but I I just want to be simple this morning if I can. Amen. I hadn't in before I forget it and do not run off know where we got a nice meal planned after service and we just going to take some time out and and eat a good meal and enjoy some good Fellowship. Amen that easy-chair be waiting on you when you get there. It ain't going nowhere. If I say Amen. alright God's word reads beginning with Mark chapter 10 verse 46 it says And they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples a great number of people. Which includes brought blind Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus Sat by the highway side digging? And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth. He began to cry out and say Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me. And many charged him or told him that he should hold his peace or that he should simply be quiet. But he cried no more great deal. Son of David have mercy on me. And Jesus Stood Still and commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying unto him. BM good Comfort rise for he called it the Any casting away is Gorman a rose and he came to Jesus. And Jesus answered and said unto him. What will the owl that I should do unto the Just so we don't get lost in the Deez in The Dalles Jesus. Simply said, what do you want me to do? And the blind man set into him Lord that I might receive my side and Jesus said unto him go that way. Faith has made thee whole and immediately. He received this site and follow Jesus in the way father. We do love you today. We thank you God for your goodness to your grace for your mercy for that amazing grace that we've been reminded of this morning Father. We thank you so much for each one each individual each family. He's young person that's hearing your house today and the Lord just to help us to put the things of life to the side for a few moments and just and just give audience to the to the Holy Ghost is my prayer this morning Lord father lead us onto yourself dross ever. So close run to you and we'll be sure to give you the praise the honor and the glory with all that is within us as law. Long as you give a breath in the name of Jesus and the church says Hey men, so many things about the scripture reading that we love to say this morning. So many places is your love to go how many points you would like to bring out and and and so you're asking you began asking yourself, you know, Lord where it where do we go here with this? You know, what One Direction would you have a stake Golf? And and and I told you this morning I just want to be real simple and you know, we we read over something there and there's no way it don't matter how loud I get it don't matter how much emotion I pour into those scripture readings. There's no way we can grab the magnitude of what has happened here. I don't I mean stop and think about it. This is not just some casual happening, but it's an individual that's been blind his whole life. And all of a sudden the thing that you and I take for granted amen, he's finally able to print a coven and I promise you it was it was an explosion of emotion with him. Amen. And you know, would love to talk about that with just to be simple this morning, you know, here we had with Jack Martin. And Bartimaeus is problem is he's blind. Bartimaeus is problem is he's not only blind physically, but he's spiritually blind. Bartimaeus is problem. Is he survives off of the generosity or the crumbs or the handouts of the world? Amen, he's at their Mercy. And I promise you he lives a very Solitude very broken life. And so there he is going to buy business as normal and and and you say business yes business because if he doesn't set there and and and and beers as pitiful as he can. Nobody's going to show him any any generosity. Let's face it if he's standing there a prideful arrogant beggar. He's probably not going to get much love showing through it. So I promise you his whole approaches is is is pitiful. I remember as a child going down into Mexico on vacation with my family in and it was the first time I'd ever seen someone begging. It was a young lady with an infant and I was only six and then but I still can't remember exactly what she look like and it broke my heart and in so I can't see Bartimaeus but get an idea of where you coming from. So there he is and he's doing what he does every day and he's making ends meet the best he can. All of a sudden he hears. Rumble a man and a crowd of people y'all with me this morning Y'all were. It's a y'all got that I'm worried about that buttermilk pie look in your eyes, and I promise you that.

Now I analyze that I like sending the wolf Into The Henhouse rated. That's how you are used to it. Don't want to go nowhere amen, but he is in and he hears this this crowd of people coming.

He ask someone what happened. And when I say that I think about the woman with the issue of blood right same thing with her. There was a crowd of people coming and she asked someone what's happening. And the answer she got is simply going to be the answer that Bartimaeus against they said Jesus is coming this way. and

I'd love to ask a question this morning to you. And I thought about this question with me is I remember that night. I remember the evening when Jesus passed my way. And I'm pretty persuaded that Jesus is passing this way today and we'll get to the end of service. I don't know why I might like to ask you a question. Where were you when Jesus passed by? And at that moment.

He's faced with a question.

And the question is do I really believe in elf? In this one name Jesus that I've been hearing about that he can change my physical problem. No, we believe that he can change the spiritual side of things. But sometime when we get on flashlight physical Worley side out is I know we can but And so there he is waiting what to do and in his desire and this is where where we began to separate ourselves from his desire to be healed and to take a chance on on Jesus healing them becomes greater. Amen than than his notion that I've been this way my whole life and nothing is probably going to change. I don't know about you. I don't know. How old is Bartimaeus is but the fact that he's a grown man out there and tells me these 20 probably 20-plus years and and I know us and we go through something for a week or two. We feel like it's been an eternity and am beginning to think that nothing can fix it. Nothing can change it. So here's a man that's been found out of this for his whole life, but he he rolls the dice if I can say that without offending anybody and says, I'm gone. GMM try

and so Jesus is coming by. I thought about taking one of these young ones and or one of you adults and just blindfolding you. And then I got singing. I don't know if we got the church's insurance policy renewed so I'm better hold off on that today.

But I did something similar to that lane might remember at it at the church camp years ago. That was there was absolutely beautiful in and we were outside and and it had simply to do with being able to listen with your ears and your heart and not your eyes.

No, Bartimaeus naturally you can't see. But he's using what he's got and he's using what's needful to actually hear Jesus. And he just shouts out into the open not knowing exactly where Jesus is and he says Jesus now seven days in and I'm sure man he's crying and he's probably broken and I mean it's an emotional roller coaster and I only can think of to say is I need some mercy.

and the scripture says that Jesus taught Any Stood Still?

Any states still stay with me this morning? And as he's still he calls it.

Any weight someone?

Bartimaeus stands up

I don't know why he took his clothes or his Overcoat off.

You know what? He takes that thing off and he throws it on the ground. And it begins making his way. Not to worry, you can see. with what he feels What do you can hear within and he makes his way up. eegee's stay with me this morning for this is so good for me. You know.

I thought so much about him over the years and

You can't say Bartimaeus without saying his first name? which is

Anytime you say Bartimaeus immediately. You realize I didn't call him write his name. He's actually blind Bartimaeus blind Bartimaeus. It's always blind Bartimaeus mean it's always blind Bartimaeus understand why it is but I also know this Bartimaeus is not the only blind man in the Bible and I'm not talking about others in the gospel.

You see Samson was blind before you ever lost his eyes.

David was blind. When he was looking from the rooftop. David was blind when he numbered the people. Moses suffered temporary blindness when he struck The Rock

Judas was blinded. Buy 30 pieces of silver.

we become blinded. my money

we become blinded by self. We become blinded and y'all hear me use this word and you never going to hear me not use it by unforgiveness. We become blinded from a lack of compassion.

And we find ourselves in the same place. Bartimaeus was

I'm going to say it. Sometimes you get blinded by the preacher.

What do you mean by that? But sometimes you look at him too much. You rely on him too much. You let him be your go-between too much.

Some of you saying yes, he just gave me an out. I ain't got to listen to him that much no more.


Peter was blinded. When was he blinded brother bran? The moment he quit looking at Jesus and they looked at the waves.

He was blinded.

I'm not business it and relay the idea to you then it's okay to be blinded.

But I will sit here and and convey the truth to you that it happens.

the problem Escalades when it happens And we don't go to Jesus to fix.

Then we find ourselves. no better off spiritually blind Bartimaeus was physically

Bartimaeus when he when he was backing by Jesus to come here, I love what he done. And you say you're reading into it and that's fine with the scripture says that he stood up and took his cloak through it all and I never found where he went and picked it back up.

You know when?

And I just feel in my heart that so many times Jesus beckons to us. And we take the things that are on us and we go to him with her with them determined to hang on to them. Instead of just letting them go.

There's so many things the Lord cuz I want to make sure that you don't understand what I'm fixing to say. There's so many things that God can fix in your life. If you will. Just let him have them if you'll just get if you and your shin yourself and say here.

Pharmacy only entanglement in and heal me I'm broken. I'm hurting I'm struggling. I'm without so many things and then there's so many things I have that I don't need and I'm I'm talking about issues related or you or you can leave me an up in here this morning. That's all right.

so their use

can I said I wanted to be simple this morning and I do

His whole life he's depended. on the others His whole life he's been in darkness.

and then you finally calls out and I want you to notice something. Jesus never put this thing in Park Until Bartimaeus said geez

and when Bartimaeus said Jesus

camel put in East Texas tire, and he said Jesus, please help me. Visa stock

and it'll solve voice. Obagi gentle character

He says the Bartimaeus.

Come here.

UC I think about it a lot. Elijah went hunting guide one day.

all of a sudden

ground shakes and he's hanging on man and he's watching in in an earthquake just tore Mountain into and he takes off out running man, and he he runs over there. any looks

God ain't there.

only God could have torn in Mountain into and and all of a sudden

I've been Whirlwind and Manny takes off and he goes around the table this time and and it gets over there and

God's not there another answer that happens and he runs and

Godwin there

and it goes and sits down. They're at the mouth of the cave in.

And here's a still small voice. And that still small voice? said Elijah

I know that boy. And it was the same voice that said. Bartimaeus

it's the same voice that has stopped.

and it's saying Brody



And even though he can't see.

He's seeing clear at the moment than he's ever seen.

see Jesus don't play Marco Polo with

he's very distinct. He's very clear and he's very still when he's backing into you.

Still enough that this old blind man has dropped that that was upon his shoulders. And made his way to Jesus. And Jesus asked him. the most amazing question

he asks this man that's blind. And not only is he blind everybody knows he's blind and and can I share a truth about Jesus? You may not know the day he was all-knowing to begin with. Don't like when I ask my son who who broke that window and I mean The Baseballs laying there already know who broke it. But I want you to tell me in and he asked Bartimaeus.

What do you want me to do for you?

Bartimaeus says I want to see.

On a Tuesday evening. years ago

a young man so full of hate

so mad at the world and he didn't even know why I was mad at them.

so full of unforgiveness

Milton and alter to pray for someone else

and as Jesus passes by that night

I just simply called out to him brother Robert.

And I see so much of my life in Bartimaeus.

OB stop there.

And has that interaction began. I realized I got some things I got to shed myself, but I've got to take off this cloak of unforgiveness for the lady that's over. It's on the other side of the altar Down Yonder. Literally, that's where she was at.

I've got to take off this weight of self. Florida I got to I got to shed this best of of anger.

And because this person they just called I don't even like that person. Nobody else likes that person.

And just as he did, Bartimaeus.

He stood still for me that evening. And he said the most of night is this thing even still on it. He said the most amazing thing. Is he said? Camaro

I can do that for you. If

and I'll leave that there this morning. Why did Lord lay Bartimaeus on my heart this morning? I die. I don't ask him. Ask him questions no more.

But I do know this. And in and I will say this.

If there's one person in here.

that struggles with stepping up and calling on the Lord to help them with something then then guess what? I'll I'll never preach it another message than that. Until that problem is fix you say why you say that because because he's he loves you and he's going to send me after you wherever you are.

And you should thank God for that.

You should you should thank him that that he loves you enough. Here you go that he will pass by. one more time

Is this the last time?

Are you are you sure enough? That you have another chance that you can blow this one off.


Oresta, David David. Did you just pull a Bartimaeus and you say Lord? I'm tired of living off of the the crumbs of Happiness. This world gives me. I want to Feast on the joy.

That the relationship with you.

gives in abundance I want to spend morning.

Oh and by the way model, Bartimaeus.

the Lord told him

I said Bartimaeus.

You bet. I'll do it.

He said he said go your way. Your faith has made you whole and Bartimaeus don't say it. But if I could put into words what his actions testified of what he said was my way is wherever you go, cuz the word says that he received his sight and immediately began following who jinx if this is not a story of Salvation my friend then y'all need to talk me out that door on my head. If this is not a is this is not a story. Of restoration. This is not a a story of a god.

That loves you enough. That he hate. He stops in his tracks. And listens to your cry then I don't know. What is And actually get us some some music or something then. And I'm going to say this.

I want to ask you this last question.

if Bartimaeus

would have set their that day.

And and done what he was so very good at which was asking at all. Oh Jesus, I don't have no doubt that. Jesus wouldn't have told you to give him a coin or something. I don't doubt that.

But had he asked that. And received that that would have just been temporary. Santa Cruz leave for the real problem we had and he orders.

Is cats that are high.

Who's this video?

Where is you at? Is Jason real?


There is Victory.

in the Crimson flowing from the cross

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