Weakness - Comtempt and Foolishness
Weakness, Contempt and Foolishness
(Idea – See if you can come up with an acronymn for this title that spells W.A.R.)
God ways are not ours and often His choices have been to use weakness to give Him glory. (scripture)
2. Contempt.
Often we find that the way the Lord wants to do things to be the hard way. Thus,
we find his ways contemptible. (Mal)
3. Foolishness.
The Bible says that many find the message of the Cross foolishness. And the danger of our age is to try and figure out, from an evangelistic standpoint, how do
we strategically craft the message in a way that it won’t be foolish to those that may be perishing.
- Matthew 16
23Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."