9/20/2020 Acts 2:37-41 | Peter's Sermon Part 3
I write what you was a packed house. I love that when everyone is together. One of the things that Ricky was that that first song that we sang. That was amazing. That was great those new, right? I don't never heard that one before. Okay. That was good. I want it before I as I was worshipping Jesus this morning here in the front row a couple things came to mind Psalm 63:4. It says so I will bless you as long as I live and I will lift up my hands in your name. God calls us to that's why we do that right? So we lift up our hands is it it's biblical. It's right. Tell raise our hands sometimes when we're worshipping we don't really feel like doing that or engaging the Bible tells us to do that to praise God cuz he's worthy and even to raise our hands to him and it says in Psalm 143 for 6. It says I will stretch out my hands to you stretching them out to you because you're worthy and he also says and that's the second part of that versus my soul Longs for you. And you know, that could be I Believe It's Not Just Praise, but it's also a prayer. It's also God I want my soul too long for you. I've looked at other things. I've I've grabbed grabbed other things this week to fill my soul. It says that even says that the fatness that my soul is is fat in your presence so much in other words. It's satisfied in your presence, but you know, not everybody is there right and I think it's right to just be honest remember worship is not hype. We're not into that. That's not who we are as a people. I mean some pot sometimes who are our emotions can get the best of us in perhaps. Maybe we're not even worshipping. It's just emotion. But I think that worship is supposed to be a place where we worship god with our mind and our hearts. It's a place where we worship him with everything we have. Yes our emotion, of course, but when our mind is stimulated by the word of God in the gospel and what he's done for us, it's right there were able to engage also what you might see and not just a bunch of people raising their hands, but also people running around praying for each other which I love in this church and where we get that many people. Sometimes you going to ask that it from Ephesians 5, it's the passage were talks about being filled with the spirit and if we are people that are filled with the spirit, there's going to be action. There's not just the motion we're not talking about is it as opposed to maybe what you seen on TV being filled with the spirit people are going crazy. You know, it's not an emotional thing. It's not hype again it it has its roots in the scriptures when we are filled with the spirit. It means that we have the mind of Jesus. It means that were filled with the word. It means that we haven't we have power to do what everything God has called us to do and it says here and 4/16 is making the most and he's charging the church is saying hey make the most of every opportunity otherwise make the most of every opportunity here wherever you are make the most of every opportunity meaning that with your waiting for the plane. You know, we were just in Dallas with my boys. How old is boys this weekend was it was awesome. We had a an incredible time to hearing the word of God and Exposition on Romans 8 powerful. Perfect for this time right now, but I probably was honestly the youngest guy there I believe it or not. I will of course. Maybe they were pointing out. Let me know that I'm older than my kids. Thank you for that wonderful comment. But but when I was when we were there, you know we had there is probably in 60 70 and maybe even 80 year olds. We are just enjoying the word of God. It was it was just so powerful to be in the presence of God with those people Heroes really of the face. Honestly, the speakers were well in their late 60s and early 70s and shows it was just a fun time together, but they had us wear masks. You know, when we go to the bookstore, you know, when we're walking around and stuff with them when we were in the room just there's a lot of people hundreds and but without mask and I always thought it was very interesting music. Year olds at without Master the most vulnerable when you're reading when you're learning about Romans 8 and that nothing can separate you from the love of God, not Peril not even the sword which is death nothing. It's powerful. It's not ignorance is not Hayes was just Jump off a bridge and see what happens. I mean even the Devil tempt Jesus to do that and song remember he said he quoted is okay. If you jump off some 91 angels will swoop you up. You said don't test the Lord your God. I think there's a place in the body where we can we can both be wise as serpents right? We can be wise in every area of making most of every opportunity. But at the same time we need to be faith faith field. We need to trust God with our lives that any moment death can come upon us. That is why we need the gospel. Why you need to know if you're saved it's probably the most basic question. You can ask yourself. How can I be saved? That is the the intro to this message? It's how can I be saved? That is the question. We're going to ask today, even though it may be something you guys are like already heard this message. Bummer. I want to hear it. I'm so thankful that I get to teach it because I want to hear it. And in fact people that have a lot of wisdom years and years say preach the gospel to yourself every day fact, I believe it was D L Moody that said that I went to school years ago, Chicago. great evangelists for I get all all over the place versus 16th is making the most of every opportunity and means even waiting for the plane even waiting for for for don't you don't need to scroll your Instagram every time you get your bored. I don't have social media. I don't want it. I don't need it. That's not a slammed anybody that has it. That's that's your call. But I I believe that Do you got to make the most of every opportunity and I would imagine that like back then two thousand years ago because what the days are evil, you think they're more evil than or less evil. I'm not sure. I don't know you be the judge of that, but the reality is I think we're in evil days. We need to make the most of every opportunity. So when you're sitting there waiting for the doctor waiting for something.
I have one in my car and one of my room one of my living room. I want in my pocket.
Where is yours? Where is your Bible? Is it close to you? Is it on your phone ready available to make the most of every opportunity to read so that you have the mind of Jesus? Squidward I'm just verse 16 verse 17 so then do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. Well, how are you supposed to know what the will of the Lord is if your Just always in the world. Renew your mind. So you know what the will of the Lord is Romans 12:2 and do not get drunk with wine for that is dissipation to waste of time but be filled with the spirit speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making Melody with your heart to the lord always giving thanks for the things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you all there's always cause for worship and what you might notice here in the church is that people go round the room. It's one of our marks of a of our church that people go around the room and they pray for one another and what would we praying for? It's not just what comes to mind a surly but we're asking Holy Spirit. What is this person need in the scriptures will speak right where they needed the most amazing every time it always happens maybe but if you get it wrong, It's the word you can't go wrong with the word. Can you? We're out here to manipulate people are direct them in the places that we want them to go. But we want to give them the word. So the Holy Spirit can direct them in the places that he wants them to go. It's good. All right now acts too. So here's the here's a guy just giving you a picture of what wood goes out when we worship. I'm not saying you have to raise your hands when we worship about saying you have to go across the road. But this is what the Bible says in this is where we get the the idea from it's not something that people said. Wow, that's so cool that you're doing that it finds its roots in the scriptures. It's a let's read acts. Where is it? Where we out here Act 2 if you're following along with us acts to where we at 3037 241 All right, just read it together. This is part 3 of Peter sermon says now when they heard this you just preach the whole message when I'm not going to read the whole thing, but you can watch it on I think online right with the sermons page you can go back and listen, but when they heard this they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter in the rest of the Apostles brother and what shall we do? Peter said to them repent and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off as many as the Lord Our God will calls himself and with many other words. He saw me he testified and kept on exhorting them saying be saved from this perverse generation. So then those who had received the word or his word were baptized and that day there were added about three thousand Souls I meant Next week we're going to do the famous passage that all of you guys know, maybe memorize Acts 2 4247 which is the vision of the church and how we function as a church. So I'll be fine to do that next week. But this week we're just going to finish Peter sermon because this is probably one of the most important questions you can ask is how can I be saved? How can I be saved from sin from Death in the wrath of God? It's not high. It's not how should I how can I be safe that I have a better life that is not at all with Peter's talking about. There's nothing in the previous passage has to say how can I have a better life tell me how does pragmatism so if it's true it works. It's that's most of what you see and evengelical church churches today is this it's how can how can I have a better life? Give me three principles. The Bible is no longer relevant relevant to this. It is especially relevant is everything we need a life and godliness is found in the scriptures. So I want to give you guys five different. This isn't the main point of message, but I'm going to talk about the process of Salvation which is needed for Detroit or winter sharing the gospel on campus or your family and friends or neighbors whoever it is important because if someone asked you, what does it mean to be a Christian, what would you say to them?
Would you just give them your testimony? Hey, it works. It's amazing. Well, that doesn't help anybody. But tell them the truth, what does it mean to be saved? We're going to answer that question today. But before that there's a lot of different ideas for going to start with a negative. There's a hundred different ideas on how someone might be saving. I guarantee you your neighbors. If you went to your neighbor next door or on campus, I guarantee you they would sign up for one of these things and perhaps maybe some of you signed up for one of these things one of these points in here and hopefully that'll be corrected. But it says number one is those what must you do to be saved those who follow the law? To try in order to earn their salvation, of course that doesn't work. But there's a misuse basically in James 2:21 was was not Abraham Our Father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar.
Many people take that and say well hey I need to earn it. I need to do good works. And sometimes you even evaluate yourself and say what I'm not doing enough. So therefore I have to try just a little bit more and there's there's like you're in your own mind. There's a scale there is a fall scale. It doesn't work. It says in James 2 14 years the context for that. So James to 14226. Is this what use? Is it my brother? And if someone says he has Faith, but he has no Works. Can that Faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food and one says one of you says that I'm going peace be warmed and be filled and yet do not give them what is necessary for the body. What uses that even so faith if it has no works is dead being by itself by someone may well say you have faith and I have Works show me your faith without the works and I will show you my faith by the work by my works you believe that God is one you do. Well the demons also believe in shutter such a good point, right? Even the demons believe even Satan quoted to Jesus. Like I just said earlier the Bible, so just to know the Bible of course doesn't save anybody to know facts about the Bible to know even when Jesus was born even the fact that he he did die on the cross. That doesn't mean that someone knows God. But are you willing to recognize you foolish fellow that faith without works is useless was not Abraham Our Father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar. You see that Faith was working with his works and as well. I'm sorry, and that is a result at The Works Faith was Percy Faith was perfected and the scripture was fulfilled which says and Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. And he was called the friend of God. You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone in the same way was not Rahab the Harlot also justified by works when she received the messages and sent them out of out and buy another way for justice the body without the spirit is dead. So faith without works is dead. And then Romans for 2 and 3/8 is the kind of the same thing for Abraham was justified by works. Yes something that he has something to boast a poor If Abraham was just five or excuse me. He has something to boast about but not before God for what does the scripture say Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. And so we know that the only way that we can be saved is by faith. There is a there is a place for works. It just proves the Not that we are saved that we are a part of who God is dead. God has made us alive and him if there's work to prove ourselves a Chien than Galatians 3 2629 even so Abraham believed God and it was record to him as righteousness. Therefore be sure that it is those who are a faith who are sons of Abraham the scripture for seeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith preach the gospel before him to Abraham saying all the nations will be blessed in you so then those who are fake of Faith are blessed with Abraham the believer then Romans 3:20 says because of the works of the law. No flash will justified in his sight for though for through the law comes and knowledge of sense of the only purpose of the law with the show us our sin. How many times do if you if you if you just hear something not to do some if I just say right now nobody take your mask off the whole service. Some of you guys are already tempted. Like. You just want to do it. There's something in us, right? I mean at the end of Roman 7 it speaks. I just I don't want to do the things. I'm not supposed to do and the things I'm supposed to do. I don't do and it's frustrating. Right that he says who will deliver me from this body of death who will deliver me from sin who's going to do that? And of course the Romans 8:1 it says therefore there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. He he will Deliver us from sin the holy spirit will Deliver us from sin. There are many people in the Evangelical world right now. Sadly that believe the end of Romans 7 speak about Paul being not saved.
think of the implications of that the fact that if Paul is not saved at that time and he says you can you should be perfect and it would there's a lot of people that believe that that there's there's the Perfection it then there's the fact that when you get saved that eventually you could be without sin totally not just it before God. You're Justified before God mean you have no sin before him right but that at the same time you could literally not have sinned before him. There's a place where you could be. Totally you could I mean there's guys and that are ditching the thousands of people. In fact that the send there are people at the send that believe that that's a you can be without sin. You can eat you can you can please God everyday you don't die. He's actually says his one man said one person said I've never I've never sinned I go with I go every day without saying really
Wish I could just climb in his body. Just know what that feels like is apparently he's got the glorified body, and I don't.
It's very dangerous some of the teaching that's out there honestly, and I want to correct that and I believe that is we need to call out false teachers because it is shipwrecks. Our faith in reality is Romans 7. Is Paul talking as a Christian because here's the thing. No krishno. Non-believer would say deliver me from this who no, no unbeliever would struggle with sin that way then delivered on care. TennCare but he does and he say when will this end? Jesus comes the holy spirit says it will I'm putting the holy spirit in you as a down payment and then one day you'll have the fullness. of God That is something to think about on a daily basis. One day. I won't have any sin. Can you imagine what that would be like going to be amazing to think about that is better than think about the car buyers. I promise just think about that and how amazing God is the symbol in church. We need to hear the word. We need to encourage one another. It's important. All right number to our good deeds will outweigh our bad how many guys ever heard people say that? The Good Will out somehow there's is the Divine scale in heaven and then it just popped some good things that you've done over the years like hold doors open for old ladies and on this side, it'll be bad thoughts that you might have had over here in just a bit if the tail spent the scale tips this way and then you're in you can buy a hair you're in. Of course, that's not true. But people take that from John 5. 2829 says do not Marvel at this for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs dad will hear his voice. This is Jesus and will come forward those who did the Good Deeds to Resurrection of life good deeds to resurrect your life. And those who committed evil Deeds to the resurrection of judgment, right? I spare the Bible right to what is he talking about? Let the redeemed life will be characterized by Good Deeds. Did those who are of God there will be good things that you do you will see your brother who's in need you want to help them whether that is financially or whether that is spiritually speaking even says in James V that those who are sick a lot of people take that not just physically sick was spiritually tormented. If you know people in the church were like that grab some people and leaders in the church go to their house or oil doesn't do anything special. It's not like there's some special potion in there's not sensual oils. It's what we pray. We lay hands on them. We just say alright, we're going to believe God for healing physically spiritually and emotionally Sozo that is what we're believing for. And we've had people do that. You guys came over to the house for my back was hurting and just believing for healing. That's how we that's a good work. That's care that's compassion that you had. And they're tricky thing. Sometimes is that non-believers do the same thing. In fact, a lot of times on believers do the same more than Christians. You're like, how does that work your Pinterest and because their motives are off, they might get something they might get friendships. They might get status. They might you know, their motives are crooked there is not of course for the Lord, but they still do good things like for a for a raise. I'm just going to you know, get around my boss and do nice things people do that stuff all the time. Politically you can see that now people are all with its manipulation that is not a sign of a believer. Okay, but also there's times where we do sin. And we we have an advocate with the father. His name is Jesus and we can confess our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Alright Ephesians 289 says for by Grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves. right It is the gift of God. It's a gift not as a result of our work so that nobody can boast. People say well there's you no favor. I have favor. Not really. I mean you do but not more than somebody else. You got to be careful that stuff. I just know when everything good happens. I shove a favor the Lord what? Yes, it's Grey's but not as opposed to someone next to me that something bad happens the rain falls on the righteous and unrighteous that's convicted. You cannot just look at your life that wow, look at all the blessings poured out with a blessings are being poured on a Billionaire's will rot in hell. There is nothing to do with that. That means that means when you see somebody who's sick or someone who's who's suffering? Don't just assume they did something wrong. Don't be like jokes friends don't assume that there they don't have favor with daughter. They're not of God. That's not true fact that you might be just participating in the sufferings of Jesus and the person whose blessed might be participating in the common grace before judgement. It's so true Squidward, but we have to have a different evaluation system and it's the word. That's what does that say Romans 3:12 all have turned aside together. They have become useless. There is no one who does good not even one. Tell that to Oprah.
Contrary to what they believe in the view or the world. Dirt, we're not born good. There's nobody who is good. We're not inherently good or wretched. Blind naked is revelation says we need him. We need a savior and we need a lord. We need a king to direct us when somebody save us we also need. Someone to direct us to lead us the guide us a king the right King and of course, you know this remember memorized it kind of like using two words together their Romans 3:23 all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. You know that is comforting. It actually is comforting. They were all the same playing field. They're all in need. We're all blind and we need someone to come in on our behalf to take us out. Of death and send and to bring us into the kingdom of his son. Jesus the kingdom of heaven. Is good number three, this is maybe a big one for some but by birth meaning if your parents like I'm saved because maybe I grew up in a Christian home.
my kids do I want to guide them in the truth are not guaranteed salvation because I'm a Christian or even more I'm a pastor. Nothing to do with that. In fact, these people thought that Matthew 3:9 to 10. It says do not suppose you not suppose that you can say to yourselves. We have Abraham as our father their boasting that they're saying. We'll hey look I am you're talking about repentance hear John the Baptist your your ear very convicting the message her. Convicting but I don't think you're talking about us because our fathers Abraham and we're Israel and we're good. You say no no. No I say to you that from these Stones God is able to raise up children of Abraham. Alex is already laid at the root of the trees speaking to them there for every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into fire and he's talking about hell.
You cannot Bank on some even some experience that many people ask but how do I do you have to know the date that I'm saved in order to be saved? I mean, I know it's September somewhere. I don't know the exact day, but I know it's September 2020 years ago in my dorm room is an 18 year old. sitting there Realizing. I have a huge gaping hole in my heart that no one isn't Ecclesiastes can fill but God. It is any Turner. It is a gaping hole to the size of return and there's no end to it. You're lost. I realize I was utterly lost even though my parents kind of grew me up in the church. So to speak I even went through eight years of Catholic School.
and heard these messages to some degree and most Catholics believe you have to mix works and Faith, which is heresy.
But for the most part I heard I saw Jesus. In fact, Jesus was always on the cross in the Catholic Church. Remember that forgets grab that way. He's always bloody just on the cross and then later. I realize why am I hearing right? He's not there anymore. It's just a remember remembrance that did the cross rights symbol of people wear that on their next year. It's totally fine.
But I had I had an actual need I realized that I was I could not get myself out of this mess that I was in that wasn't in trouble. I was in any big mess. I went a few parties and stuff realizes so empty go back to my dorm room over and over and over again and just close the door and realize man. I just this isn't it is not life. Something has got to change and then I was convicted of my sin. Are there questions you don't have to know the exact date, but you do have to know right now that you need a savior. You're recognized. I need him. Now. I want him now. I still want him. That's why it's silly to even think like I've heard this stuff already, but it's such a reminder saying oh, yeah, I do need this even today because God saved us is saving us and will save us that's the gospel. Justification just as if I have never sinned. I he looks at me through the lens of Jesus and just as I have never ever ever send that amazing sanctification means he's setting us apart. He's saving us Philippians 1:6. He's continually saving us and doing the work in us to make us in his likeness of Jesus to conform Us in His image is Paul says and then he will glorify us which is an amazing day. That's why we need a Theology of suffering. We don't need all the other garbage that has been told that event told it to us for Me. Maybe many years or maybe you came from that prosperity and health and wealth types the ology because there's always something wrong with your face. There's always something wrong with you know, in fact if you see the story of Jobe or the Paul for that matter. Paul didn't just go I'm Healed. He suffered and you realize there's actually good. Because it's producing a weight. For the glory to come it's doing something send Corinthians 4. It's doing something every suffering suffering after suffering after suffering is producing an even greater weight on that side of Heaven realizing. Yes, sign me up for that because I'm driving around in my Aston Martin and just everything is going well for me and I'm taking money from people who are hurting. I'm not sure if you really want Heaven because it's too good here on the coast of California cuz I'm looking at my beautiful house and everything else. But I'm saying that's more of an extreme but I would even say bring it back here to the everyday life. It it's it's not has nothing to do with there's something wrong with your face. There's nothing wrong with your face. In fact, it says in John 5. There was a man who was was near the pool right? And he didn't even know Jesus. Jesus says be healed. It wasn't activated by faith. Was it activated by salvation? Was it activated with some sort of favor? It was activated by the kindness of God. Not that the bands of man. And that's awesome because God has called us to suffer in this life. There will be people that get the virus. There might be people that do died. There might be people that died on I-4 or tragedies that happen in every everyday life has an opportunity you wake up. There's an opportunity for something tragic to happen. We need the truth because we don't need someone saying well, you just need a little bit more faith or you need a little you got to get in war with God got to get in and then went to get in to get that favor flowing and that play favor flowing is going to help kind of over like kind of bigotry of protection shield for for harm coming. that hurts people God has given us truth to set us free. So that whatever comes our way we have answers. It's awesome. Amazing. All right, then number for the Universalist all will go to heaven because of the work of the cross at a misuse Romans 5:18. So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to almond.
Is a misinterpretation of the Bible everyday? And we've all been there. I have we have God's grace covers us but we should seek the truth in the right interpretation. But there are people to Universalist. It's just people that there's a hold their souls Universalist idea. There's there's Annihilation is the meaning that if we die we die and it just be kind of sleep for forever. We don't know whether we're living or dead or just we're not even dreaming. It's just we we cease to exist that's not truth. There's a literal hell, there's a literal Heaven. It's a place for all of eternity in the chasm is wise decision. Luke 16 its wide and if back That even if Lazar said are the one who is burning in hell. He said if I could just touch my tongue with water, I would have a little bit of a little bit of relief and can you just let me out? Cuz then I will go to preach the gospel. Jesus is Ono if they didn't believe Moses and the prophets, they're certainly not going to believe you. What is he saying word over experience the word of God is true. Is true and it's enough to bring Salvation. He knew that. Hey, yeah, that'd be a great story and write a book 55 minutes in hell. Something like that.
And people have done that. Alright some Matthew 7:13. It says enter through the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and there are many who enter through it. Not that we should desire people like if we don't like somebody especially now in the political world like Wide is that place for Destruction? You're sick?
Please don't do that. Don't curse anyone to hell don't don't do that to people wear on fact is Bible says in just a few verses before that Matthew 7 don't judge people as it relates to their Eternal salvation, but we can't judge people Israelites the false teaching and their life their fruit. In fact, we are supposed to judge a tree by its fruit. That was so cruel to name a name Will Paul did that It's for the benefit of the church is not a better for the church to be hypocritical if I judge you right now if I'm judging if I'm if I'm getting drunk what to say. For example all night long and Mike is doing the same thing to like man. Look at this sinner. Center for divorce in today torvill and then all the sudden he's like what is wrong with you? You do the same thing. We actually do it together when you talk but what is wrong with this guy? That is what Matthew 7 is talking about it saying hey if you if I judged by the measure this 12 12 foot ruler, whatever then the same thing that he's going to judge me the same way. He has the right to judge me the same way. That's apocracy. But if Mike is a false teacher, which is not but if you supposed to end he's he's just teaching all this heretical stuff and leading people astray. I have a right to say do not follow him. In fact, the Bible doesn't do not even eat with them. Don't even eat with him because he's destroying the church that is not illegal judgment. I am saved through baptism which is a lot of people bring this up from acts 2:37. 241 fact, it says repent and each of you be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins for the Forgiveness of your sins, and we'll talk about that in the sand in a second here. But that you cannot be bad. You cannot be saved through rituals. In fact, it says in Romans 10:10 with a heart person believes resulting of righteousness. And with the mouse. He confesses resulting in Salvation has nothing to do with baptism. But I'll show you why that is actually important, but I want to go through the Salvation process number one conviction. You cannot be saved without the conviction of sin. You are not called into the kingdom because it's better than the world. Hit me, right you hear that don't don't do just because when you watch a person's life, okay know which is legit. You say wild that I'm unsaved in there safe. Like I like the way I like the benefits of Christianity. I want to know that I could be in heaven. But if they never are convicted of send themselves, they can never participate in the benefits of being saved that makes sense. It is really important actually because when we're sharing the gospel lot of times we skip over sin and conviction and we get right to the benefits to go to heaven doesn't have only been a few and I really honestly I've only met a few that actually said he'll I don't really really weird strange But they obviously don't understand that cuz I think my my professor Moody a long time ago. He said he said if you if a person if God would allow you to experience hell for 30 seconds, you'd be on the floor dead. 30 seconds is so unbearable.
But you have to go by way of conviction and the only way you can go by way of conviction is to talk about Sin and Peter just rocked it. I mean, he just laid it down. He said you crucified the Savior you are the one they had killed the savior. They had killed the Messiah he's at and that okay. So is that in any other message work on me while I would say we've all kill the Savior once it we talked about that couple weeks ago, but there's there's got to be it so pierced means to stab it literally mean to have a sword being lodged inside of you. Have you ever felt that way my question have you ever When you're thinking about yourself Asian store, have you ever had a moment? We're like, I'm undone Isaiah 6, holy holy. Holy. I'm undone in the presence of God. Like in fact, it means the word when he's talking about. Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty when he when he's looking at that this vision of God, it means he was disintegrated. He literally was broken up into tiny little pieces Thomas like I'm a person John and I have everything together I get into the presence of God, and I literally I can't even disintegrate these little tiny little pieces on the floor. I just been shattered. Is another way of saying it have you ever felt that way. They're just had this moment. We're like, I don't deserve anything. I am undone. If God does not come through if I don't know. There's a God of Savior to come through. I'm undone. I mean, I'm just in this now because I got to get out of this torment. Because if you don't go quickly from conviction to Jesus you experienced torment. That's why a lot of people don't go you got to go quickly from conviction. Boom. You got to go right to the Cross. So I went by before weeks ago. He said Peter you had a choice to go to the Cross or the news. Jesus Judas went to the news while Peter went to the Cross. They both had the piercing they both had the conviction, but there is there there there there has to be a choice today. Where am I going beat myself up route across route. We got to go to the Cross is the only shadow that will protect us.
And then what should I do? Since this is also found asked to 2210. I'm going to run out of time like it. Okay, tax 2210. What should I do? This is Paul saying that he asked that question also acts 16:13 of the Philippian Jailer after watching these people like I believe he also got convicted because he was the one that put put chains on Paul and his and his in in his in his companions and threw him into jail and he's like these guys are going to rot there after they beat him. And then they were singing hymns. They were singing songs. Have you ever had that feeling where you know? You're wrong and someone treats you with kindness. You kind of feel like not stupid. But you kind of just feel you feel convicted you feel like I feel shame feel like I deserve so much and this person comes along side and just shows me such kindness. I believe that that same kind of feeling that they felt their like we're there. They're not yelling insults at this Jailer, but they praise God because out of the they understood deeply with a signed up for and this trailer says after the earthquake is like I'm going to get there must be somebody on their side and I'm not on that side. And and the the Earth opens up is like I'm going to go be swallowed up in the judgment and he said please what should I do to be safe? And that's exactly what happened in Act 2. What shall I do to be saved? If you never had that convicting moment in your life today is the day you've got to have that that is the mark of a Believer or unsafe person about to be come a believer. I don't have time to go through a lot of these with John 16829 were convicted by the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit brings conviction and acts 17:30 231 God brings conviction do the preaching of his word through his there was people Paul and it also through the word Hebrews. 4:12 is convicting. How many know when you read it. You're you just get literally just did something moments before and then I'm reading it now and I'm like, oh my goodness. Thank you Lord. That was perfect timing. I'm convicted you got me. So many people like oh, he's that's convicted. It's too harsh. That's for your benefit. That's a gift. If you feel that that's a gift. If you don't I'd be worried. I would be very worried today. If you've never felt the conviction of God if you're just in this for the hype because I'm telling you right now. Taking away the hype. Right now in this season the last six months in case you're wondering if you just need to understand what's going on in the world right now. He's taking away all hype in the Church's Church's to make all sorts of decisions.
You thinking with the hype and all that's left. I believe which is a gift from God is the bare-bones Christianity. We need that number two is repentance Mondeo, which means repent and means change turn another Direction. In fact 1st Thessalonians Al illustrate this 194. They themselves report about us what kind of reception we had with you and how you turned to God from Idols to serve the living and true God. It's not just turning away from sin, but it's turning to God. That's what repentance is every single time. You wrong someone turn away from the thing that you did to wrong them and also make it right turn turn chords em with kindness do something that will make up for the wrong. That's not some sort of works right to that. Okay, if I want to prove God now that I'm safe. It just comes out of this place is like I don't want to do that. I don't want to displease you. I don't want to do that to you anymore. In fact, it says that repentance. This is a quote repentance dread the consequences of sin Drew printinz dreads the sin itself.
Let me read that again. I don't think we got that false repentance dreads the consequences of sin true repentance dreads. The sin itself true. Repentance is a hatred towards sin. Cos God hates it. True repentance is not alive every time you sent off to or I just don't want to I don't want to pay for this one. I kind of want the blessed life. Is I hate this sin. I hate it because God hates it. That is true repentance.
And then baptism baptism is a sign suck my ring. Of course. This ring does not mean or guarantee that we're going to be in it for the long haul course not it's dead ritualism. Baptism doesn't save anyone before or after on the front end or the back end. You understand now, you're saved or after your saved. Well, let's just confirm it. Make sure that you are saved by getting In what water can save anybody can wash off dirt and that's symbolic of what happened. I went into into the grave with Jesus and my send is he represented Cindy took on since you meant I went with them and then I came out a new creation. Brand new out of the Waters of your mother's womb. New Birth and out of the Waters of baptism New Birth as a Christian good. Alright, well Peter also didn't make it easy for us though. I'll tell you what baptism is it's not it's a simple but it also was a public declaration and this is this is an important piece right here because it says in Matthew 10 3233 there for everyone who confesses me before men. I will also confess him before my father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I will also deny him before my father who is in heaven. You may be hurt me quote that a couple of times but Peter was not giving them a break. The gospel does not allow for private believers. It doesn't allow for people to live a private faith. It is public. It's so for those people they had a ton you they had it really rough. Jesus I mean he even looked at Peter and said you're going to die and Peter's like what about John? Is he going to die?
Just wondering what's in a destiny that makes us feel better. If we can have a friend that will die with us. Right. I mean, it's true. It's true.
He's not it's not for you to worry. Follow me.
And that's what he saying to us. But that was a public they had to break away from Judaism from their culture from everything that they knew Peter was a look. If you want to be saved you need to repent and receive the forgiveness of sin, but also be baptized he wasn't saying the baptism the water doesn't save that silly. But he's saying it was required because you was weeding out false converts and I'm telling you right now. This pandemic is weeding them out. It's weeding them out and we are seeing who is real and who is not.
And I I think that even more will come. In the coming days last week and prophetically or anything. I'm just saying more will come the Bible says that there will be harder days ahead and eat your friend who you thought might be saved will run away people who you thought you were prophetic or people of prayer or or people of evangelism. Whatever people have strong faith. All it took was that little trial to say they may not be of us as it says in 1st John 2. If they left.
Maybe perhaps they were never of us. Because in Romans 8 is the exact opposite if they are of him, no one will be able to snatch them away from his hand John 10 and Romans 8 is the security of the believer. He will always bring them back. Are we believing for a friend and her family and the people who have strayed away? Of course? In fact, this isn't Matthew 18 people who stray Away With Jesus wants us in the conflict to go after the one and leave the 99. There is a place for that but with wisdom. Wisdom, you need wisdom costly. All right. This is a costly Faith. I'll just give you two passages. We got to move quickly here Luke 14-26 233 if anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father hate in the Bible. Does it mean like hatred like you they want you to literally hate like I got him, I got so loved the world that he gave his one of those now you have to hate. I mean that's ridiculous. Hey just means there's a preference in the order. Jesus is just saying if you love your brother and sister or mother above me that you're not one who knows me. That makes sense. So don't hear I know that sounds hate his own father as preference his own mother and father father and mother and wife and children brothers and sisters. Yes even his own life. He cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which one of you when he wants to build a tower that you not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it. I'm telling you count the cost on the front end because what you're getting yourself into is crazy. It is counted. Orc and then he goes to another illustration is and then go to verse 32 for Times Sake or else while the other is still far away since delegation extra terms of peace. And so then none of you can be my disciple who does not give up all his possessions. Now you might be asking cuz I know everybody's asking at least I was asking is that mean I have to Mike pavonis to go home tonight and empty his bank account and give it to somebody else and then he can follow Jesus. No, but if you ask yes.
We are you cannot make yourself impoverished poor in spirit has nothing to do with poor and substance poor in spirit. Meaning. I have a nice butt if Jesus is okay show Luke 18, you know this passage of the Rich Young Ruler, right?
Jesus is saying look this one thing cuz he was boasting was like, yeah, I don't commit adultery. I don't do all the stuff. I'm like your guy Jesus. In fact, I can fund your ministry. But are you saying look I don't need your money. But you money has an absolute hold on your life and it's the one thing that ultimately you can follow me back. Jesus was doing him a favor. Because it looks like this is more cruel. Yeah come so he could be next to Jesus just like Judas all the way to the end. He went to the news. Jesus look be careful of money. In fact, I'm imagine Judas was right there. watching
listening but never penetrated his heart.
Jesus loved that man. He loved him and he loves you. If he requires it do it give it up give up whatever it is. That's hindering your walk with him.
We prove the genuineness of our repentance by letting go of our sin. Which has been paid for in the cross baptism is not required, but it is a sign. But the key the key to Salvation really is is the conviction of sin is repentance. But it's His Marvelous thing called the receiving of forgiveness. Everybody needs to know that that's what's so amazing. It's why I love reading the Bible of coming to church. I love know. I love hearing that we are forgiven. We need forgiveness of sins. And by the way, just for running out of time from having a kind of skip and cut here, but for 4 for the forgiveness of sin for the forgiveness of sin is also because of Fenugreek because of it's because of so, I am repenting convicting. I'm convicted first then I repent and then there's this place because I've received because I've received forgiveness not for forgiveness because I've received forgiveness. I'm going to get in the water and believe what Jesus has done for me. Does that make sense? Alright forgiveness the orders clear repentance forgiveness. And in baptism even though in the passage the orders different, but you have to understand how it was put together. Bible interprets Bible, it's never going to contradict each other. Never Here's a good clue. If you're feeling all there's a contradiction here. It's your problem. Not the Bible's problem. Cuz you don't know enough and I'm not saying that because oh how I got to know. I got it. I got to know you can drive yourself crazy cuz I'll tell you whenever Master this book on this side of Heaven never. But we can try to it's a good effort. That's a good good calling for the forgiveness is a gift to the church Matthew 26:28 for this is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many for the Forgiveness of sins. Luke 24:47 repentance for forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed in his name to All Nations. Triangle Jerusalem Ephesians 1:7 in him. We have the Redemption through his blood the Forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace is a great to memorize and meditate on 213 when we when you were dead in your transgressions and uncircumcision of your flesh. He made you a live together with him having forgiven us of all of our transgressions and sins. 1st John 2:12. I am writing you little children because your sins have been forgiven you for his namesake 1st John 1:9 if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He was talking to Believers country to the false teachers out there that says all he was talking to unbelievers that is incorrect and false. He was talking to Believers. What is that encourages it we will send and when we send will have forgiveness when we go to him.
And then the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen, it's free unmerited. It's yours. We have this I have courses probably 5678 teachings that I can probably go through with the Holy Spirit, but just for Times Sake they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. And it was for their children and those far off. You know what? I was sitting in my dorm room 20 years ago and received Jesus. I knew that at one point her to have kids they also could receive. This amazing forgiveness anyone else who I would share the gospel with the countless others who would share the gospel that they would too would be saved. There's a progression God is continually saving his people those who are far off. And of course he included the Gentiles there Ephesians 2:11 13 includes everyone the whole world. And I will say this in verse 21 of Acts. And he says that anyone who called and asked anyone who calls on the name of the Lord. Shall be saved an inverse 40. He says the same thing but he says something like this that God's hand also had his work in your salvation. And why is that important? It is important because of this let me read Romans 8 was the closer. We got the worship team up real close here.
But this is important.
God has a place in your salvation.
Garcia how amazing that is.
It wasn't me that just dropped up this idea to be saved in September 2000. She's idea. He brought all the events culminating to that moment and save me in that room. But he did not deprive me of my response to him. Autodip Rave eye on the prize. I don't take away at all from what God's work. And he doesn't take it all away from anything to do with my work Riley. There's there's a there's a place there's that there's a there's a partnership that happens another way of saying it there it. Is totally Sovereign over our salvation, but there is a human responsibility to it. That is a glorious thing. Here's the proof of that. It says in Romans a cuz I'm just going to close it Romans 8. The last part of this right here. Romans 8:28 you guys know this but as me and we know that God causes all things to work together all things are going to say all things all things including what's happening right now.
Got to believe that. For the good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. This means it is not working out for the good of this world. Your neighbor whose unsaved is working out to their destruction but to you it's working out for your good.
For Those whom he foreknew Suzuki. He also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the firstborn among many Brethren and these whom he predestined. He also called and he who he called. He's called you. He knew me before the world. I don't ask me to try to explain all that you Marvel at its truth in the scriptures. Somehow he knew he knew he knows he knows everything. He knew September 28th, September 2000 he knew that was going to be the day.
He called and then he justified and those he justified he glorified.
That amazing means all the way back before I was even on the earth. You said I am going to save John kiraly and this day but not always save him. I'm going to justify I'm going to make him ride with me is going to look at me and we're going to I'm going to look at him as if you never had any sin how to put it all in the body of Jesus everything everything that he's ever done in the past present and future going to put on the body of Jesus. I'm going to set them apart. I'm going to conform to the likeness of him cuz things occasion and then one day he is going to be perfect as god is perfect. Perfect. That is what it means to meditate on the scriptures to meditate on them and say wow what a glorious thing that we've signed up for and then he says there's What then shall we say to these things if these things what shall we say to these this amazing? I'm in agreement. I trust you. If God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son, but delivered him over for us all how will he not also with him freely give us all things. Who will bring a charge against God's elect his us God is the one who justifies. He is the one who can who's the one who condemns the enemy? And God God will can condemn the unshaved going to happen before those who are in Christ. Nobody. Nobody could say there's nobody in the courtroom. Nobody can say nobody could come up and say hey, you know what December 17th 2008 John did this this and this and got this by
I covered it. Noah can bring up some secret unknown. It's all been covered by the blood of Jesus. That's that's what causes us to worship him. That's what causes us with outstretched hands to say I want more of you. That's what it means. If you're sitting there, you're like me and I just I don't I don't understand all this stuff. Out stretch your hands and say God, please in your mercy Open My Heart. Sanctify me open up my heart wash me clean set me apart from your for your work. I want to know you I want to be satisfied by you not by the world. I don't want to be worried. I don't want to fear eternity or the future Christ Jesus is he who died? Yes rather who was raised to is at the right hand of God who who intercedes for us intercedes for you? And it's verse 26 the holy spirit intercedes for you. I think we got a pretty good package deal. Who will separate us from the love of Christ will tribulation will distress or persecution will famine nakedness Peril or sword just as it is written for your sake we are being put to death all day long. We are considered a sheep to be slaughtered. But in all things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us for I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height the heights of Heaven the heaven the heavenlies meaning God pronouncing judgment or acceptance hell which means that there's accusations Revelation 12 is the accuser of the Brethren that won't even be able to separate you from him. Nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ. Jesus our lord. As a pastor a word for us this morning. Amazing nothing. We don't have to worry about the future. We don't have to worry about what happens on November 4th, when we wake up in the morning, we can be a unified church. We could be a people after his own heart. We could be in love with God and with each other and not worry about what's going to happen in the future, but we know this for sure for certain we will be with him in eternity those who are his
We can have Assurance. It's possible. They're not wonder the Wonder these trews are yours. Take them receive them into your heart right now. receive Just Close Your Eyes let's just received the word Holy Spirit if you don't Work your work of conviction. As you said it says in John 16 that he can fix us of sin. He also says later in that he also can fix us of righteousness who is righteousness his righteousness. He can fix us of Jesus. He said yes be convicted of sin. It's my work not yours, but also my work is to show you Jesus is the show you him. the work of the spirit church Is to magnify Jesus if you're in this you're sitting here and you're listening and if Jesus is just glowing in your heart and you want more of them. You just want to study him. You want to know him. The Holy Spirit has filled you. That's how you know, your Spirit-filled Christian. It's a spot lights behind. You know, I stayed they light up houses. They let up palm trees you see him here in Florida lot, but they're hidden behind bushes.
And I just light up the house. So they light up the the the palm tree. They light up the trees. You cannot see the light but you see the house. That's the Holy Spirit saying look at the house. Look at Jesus look how glorious and amazing and amazing he is he's irresistible. And then also he can fix us of judgment to come the Judgment of the enemy the Judgment of sin and death has been crucified on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus. He he won for us all and some father. I pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit you wake us up to these amazing truths. Got that we would worship you this morning, but not in and of course it encouraging way, but just to be coerced into worship.
Irresistible is I want to worship God because of what he did for me and for all of eternity will stand as it says in Revelation. Every tongue tribe people and Nation will gather around the throne. One day putting us and we will worship him for all of eternity because of what he did for us a thank you God for what you did for us. Thank you, Jesus. We worship you Jesus. Thank you for what you've done. We are undeserving people. We are prideful people. We are controlling people who are manipulative people. We hurt people on a daily basis. We offend you with our thoughts. with our lust with our greed four things in four people we offend you with our lust for position and Power.
We offend you for wanting to to look good in front of other people.
Oh wretched sinner that I am who will deliver me from this life from this body of death. Jesus Christ Our Lord will do it. So therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. There is none none your right with him. You could go home rejoicing eat lunch rejoicing go to bed tonight rejoicing cuz those trees are true for you to have been for 2,000 years and they will be for all of eternity. Thank you for the word of God. I thank you for that. I pray God that you would protect every person in this room from every harm physically spiritually and emotionally in Jesus name God. I pray father that we would grow in the knowledge of Jesus in your grace and your mercy got that we would desire to know you above everything else. We pray that for us and our families Rd houses. We pray for that we pray for those who are watching on live stream right now. We pray for every person right now God that you would bless every household that you would encourage every household that we don't Place ourselves in the place of control or the place of a criticism of others of God that we we do we do not judge others with a hypocritical heart. We just say God, would you give us wisdom for these days these tricky days tricky the tricky they are in so many ways. But you have wisdom for everything that we need God. Would you give us faith for wisdom right now Faith decision James one. I want wisdom. We need wisdom. Would you give us boldness to share the gospel with people this gospel that we preach this morning the gospel we pray for that. God would you give us the Courage the fortitude? The step out to speak your word to people who needed in house here. And also for those who desperately needed outside. I pray to Detroit would happen that you would pave the way you're in jelly beans with pave the way right now all the way to Detroit on the airplane to our finances through the times together. I pray God for protection that we would be able to share the gospel and release it to Muslims who are darkened in their sin, who are Dustin right now to Hell Without Jesus. I pray God that Destiny's would begin to change by the power of the Gospel it would change when were there. Prepare Hearts now as you're doing. You said all things will work together. All things will work together for our good.
For those who love you and we love you. We love you. We love you. What's a stand and worship Jesus?