The Warning! Part 1
Suffering for Christ • Sermon • Submitted
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· 9 viewsPart 1 is Intro and Point 1. Jesus warns his disciples that they will be hated and suffer because of their testimony for Christ.
Over the past few decades persecution of Christians in America has grown. It has been happening since the 1st Century throughout the world but since the late 19th Century, Christians in the U.S. have begun to be persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.
An Arkansas Kroger store violated federal anti-discrimination law when it reportedly fired two employees who refused to wear LGBT-themed aprons due to their religious beliefs, according to a lawsuit filed Monday by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
According to the Miami Herald, a dress code by the Conway, Ark., grocery store required employees to wear a rainbow-colored heart emblem on the bib of the apron. The women “believed the emblem endorsed LGBTQ values and that wearing it would violate their religious beliefs,” the EEOC said in a news release summarizing the suit.
Over the next few weeks, we are going to hear from the Scriptures about what exactly persecution is, why it happens, and how the Church is to respond to and even live with persecution. We will also hear true accounts from our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
The hope and goal are to prepare ourselves, especially our younger believers, for persecution for their faith that is growing in our nation and culture.
This morning we will begin with…
Three warnings from Jesus to His disciples.
Three warnings from Jesus to His disciples.
First Warning: The world will hate you. John 15:18-21
First Warning: The world will hate you. John 15:18-21
Why? They hate Jesus. John 15:18-21
Why? They hate Jesus. John 15:18-21
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.
- Who hates Jesus and Christians? Notice the word “if”. This doesn’t mean that there is some uncertainty about the hatred or who it is doing the hating. This is Jesus saying, “If-and trust me they will hate you…” It goes along v. 19, If you belonged…
- The world: those who do not belong to God through faith in Christ. Those who are still a part of the system, the ideology that is in rebellion against God. Those who are still in their sin, enslaved by it and under the influence of the evil one.
- The world hates Jesus and everything and everyone associated with Him. We see evidence of that throughout the gospels, especially in John. Jewish religious leaders are always trying to trap Jesus, they hate Him for His teachings, His claims, His works, His popularity, His not fitting in with their system and crowd.
- They find Him detestable and not worthy of love, obedience, or worship. Their attitude toward Him and Christians is one that rejects all who do not conform to its life style. The mark of the world is hate while the mark of Jesus and a true disciple is Biblical love.
They are not like you. John 15:19-20
They are not like you. John 15:19-20
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.
- Jesus has chosen His followers out of the world. We are now separate from the world, called out for redemption and for a mission. We are called to bring honor and glory to Christ and to proclaim the gospel making disciples. This automatically marks believers as different. Different purpose in life, different character, different choices. We are not of the world, and they know it.
- Jesus was persecuted for His claims to be Messiah, the Son of God, His healings on the Sabbath, and much more. Jesus disciples of any generation can expect to receive the same treatment He did. Some listened and believed in Him, most did not.
- Jesus tells the disciples that He has shared this before when He taught them that a servant isn't greater than their master. If the master is treated one way so the servants will be treated the same way.
- Everyone finds it easy to love, in all its senses, those with whom we are like and agree with. The word love in v. 19 is of a natural affection and passion, it is not agape love. It’s finicky love. A love based on what you can do for me. The true test is whether we can truly love those who are different from us. Ultimately only those who belong to Christ can truly love those who are not like us because that is how God loves us in Christ.
- It is very evident that the world will not even tolerate Christ, His teachings, or His true followers. If we are truly disciples of Christ then we will be marked as different from the world. We will be hated because of it. It may not be to the fullest extent, but it will happen.
- Ever been ridiculed for not participating in gossip, adultery. For not cheating in some fashion. For not following the crowd. That is a form of hatred because you follow and belong to Christ.
- If you can’t think of a time when you were left out or laughed at because you chose to follow Christ and His way, examine your heart, thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Being a follower of Christ means there is and will be a major difference between you and the unbelieving world.
- This is the beginning stage of persecution for Jesus and His followers. The three stages are: Opposition, Disinformation, Injustice and Mistreatment. They all have a passive and active aspect to them.
They don't know the Father. John 15:21
They don't know the Father. John 15:21
They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.
- Ultimately the treatment that Jesus received and that we can expect to receive is because of ignorance, both intellectual and spiritual about who Jesus is and who sent Him.
- Even in Jesus day the Jewish people did not really know the Father, nor His Son sent to reveal Him and His plan of redemption.
- His reputation fell on His followers and even to believers today. The world’s obstinate attitude is because their hearts are wicked, turned against God and do not know Him. They don’t know the Father and so they don’t know the Son or His followers.
- The world refuses to learn the truth of the Scriptures but criticizes it and seeks false spiritual truth that makes them feel comfortable with their life and choices. All of which lead them away from Christ. The word “know,” in v. 21 is an intellectual type knowledge. They could have learned more but refused to.
Second Warning: The hatred comes from guilt. John 15:22-27
Second Warning: The hatred comes from guilt. John 15:22-27
They reject Jesus words and works. John 15:22-25
They reject Jesus words and works. John 15:22-25
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’
- Jesus has come and taught the truth about God, salvation, and the human condition. He has demonstrated His holiness and power through the works He performed which authenticated His message and claim to be the Messiah, the Savior, the Son of God.
- One commentator said: “Both by his life and words he rebukes human sin and condemns it. He uncovers the inner corruption and hypocrisy of men, and they react violently to the disclosure. He strips away all excuses and exposes their selfishness and rebellion against God.”
- Not only are all people condemned because of their sinful nature but their rejection of Jesus, especially after He came to earth and died and rose from the dead, brings guilt upon the world. They often react harshly towards Christ and His followers.
- Even today, the world is convicted of sin by the presence and life of each believer and many instead of repenting and receiving Christ reject Him and are guilty of that sin. They demonstrate their hatred of God the Father and the Son fulfilling the very words of Scriptures.
They reject the Spirit the Church. John 15:26-27
They reject the Spirit the Church. John 15:26-27
“When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.
- Jesus tells His disciples that another advocate and comforter and support will come to them from the Father. The Holy Spirit which indwells each believer has a mission, to testify about Jesus as God’s Son the Savior.
- This is a mission in which God through the Holy Spirit along with the Church, Jesus disciples are testifying about Jesus. Sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus through repentance, confession, and surrender to Him. Together we witness to the love and grace of Christ.
- Illustration: Prior to her Christian husband being released from prison in Iran, Maheen, feared that she might be arrested too. So she seriously prayed, “Dear Lord, I am not ready to go to a solitary confinement because of my Christian faith. It is such a closed and dirty environment. As you know I was born and brought up in a wealthy family and had a comfortable life. Please don’t test me beyond my ability.” She told God she would not be able to handle being arrested and mentioned her fear that she might give the names of all believers in the house churches to the police or even deny Jesus.
Three days later, the secret police knocked at her door. She said to God, “I have already asked you not to put me in this temptation. So whatever happens, it is not my fault. Because I had already told you that I am not a strong person and can’t stand against these security people and can’t tolerate persecution.”
She said, “The police blindfolded me and took me to the solitary confinement. I was scared to death and felt sick as the place was very smelly.” They put her in a cell and a few hours later brought her in for interrogation. She added, “I sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit very strongly. And I felt that God’s peace came down on me and my fear went away.”
When Maheen stood before the high official, she courageously testified of her Christian faith.
Third Warning: The hate leads to suffering. John 16:1-4
Third Warning: The hate leads to suffering. John 16:1-4
- Don't give up when… John 16:1
- Don't give up when… John 16:1
“All this I have told you so that you will not go astray.
John 16:4
I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you.
- Jesus is showing His love for His disciples by encouraging them before the time of suffering arrives. Before He goes to the cross He is teaching and reminding them of who He is, what He is doing, and what they are to do after He is gone.
- He is warning them of the persecution to come so that they will not give up their faith in Him. He is telling them to expect to suffer for His name and to be strong in it knowing that He through the Spirit is with them.
- Many times, we can get though a tough season when we know what is coming. We can prepare ourselves to be ready and are not surprised when times of suffering for Christ come.
- Jesus did not share all of this with them right from the beginning of His ministry because the opposition was lite and was focused on Him. He was able to shield them while their faith was developing but now they must remember what He taught so they are ready to face the times of struggle He warned them about.
The Suffering is lite. John 16:2-3
The Suffering is lite. John 16:2-3
They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.
- Not to diminish the severity of what Jesus is saying for even being kicked out of your faith community is very serious and hurtful. We all know the joy and encouragement from gathering together to worship and learn and grow in Christ. The Jews would kick the disciples out of their synagogues because they claimed Jesus as the Messiah.
- This would also mean social and family ties would be broken. This is experienced by many in the global church. Turning to Christ they lose everything and everyone close to them except for other believers. Even meeting with other believers is difficult. While they may still have their physical life, they often would and do go without the basic necessities of life. Meeting together as the church is of utmost priority.
- We wonder how anyone could do this, even to their own family and friends but it is because they do not know Christ and the Father. Earlier it was an intellectual ignorance, they just didn’t have the right knowledge. Here Jesus is saying that don’t have the bond, the relationship with God that counts and so they behave according to their nature. They react hating God and all associated with Him.
The suffering severe. John 16:2-3
The suffering severe. John 16:2-3
- The ultimate price is often paid by those who claim Christ and serve Him faithfully. It seems like it should be that they are somehow protected, but we know that if they killed Jesus they will kill His followers.
- In fact, Jesus and the experience of Saul show us that many persecute the church thinking they are honoring God and being obedient to Him. The early church suffered due to the Jews at the time thinking they were serving God by killing Christians. Today the same happens in Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim Countries. You can even say it happens in atheistic countries as they hold to the idea of the state being the ultimate authority.
So what do I do know?
So what do I do know?
Is there evidence to convict me of being a Christ follower?
Is there evidence to convict me of being a Christ follower?
Am I ready to suffer for Christ?
Am I ready to suffer for Christ?
(The Message of John) The question every disciple must ask is "am I ready to die for Christ?" It is not a theoretical question: Jesus has the clear right to ask it of us, and he gives no guarantee that he will not. Following Jesus is not a game.
Be encouraged?
Be encouraged?
- (The Message of John) Jesus tells us that this opposition, hatred and persecution is endurable because…
- Jesus is still Lord and the O.T. and N.T. anticipated it all.
- We experience what Jesus experienced and We are assured of His presence.