A Study of Romans (11)
Abraham’s Salvation
So Paul must explain just why circumcision and legal ritual were given, and prove that those external religious practices were not the means of justification.
Of course, circumcision was necessary to salvation! Of course, an uncircumcised Gentile was not saved!
Abraham’s Seal
“Hold on, Paul. If the uncircumcised can experience right-standing with God, then why be circumcised? Why did God give it in the first place?”
“Seal” means an image impressed on something for official identification, and Paul uses this word to explain more technically the word “sign” (token).
Abraham’s Identity
First (11b), he asserts that Abraham, justified by faith and chosen by God to be the father of a spiritual covenant people and given circumcision as a seal thereof, became “father” of uncircumcised (Gentile) believers.
Second (12), Paul asserts that Abraham is spiritually the father of believing Jews too.