It's His Call!

God reveals Himself and His plan to Moses in a miraculous encounter. We see that God is fully aware and engaged with the plight of His people…and responds by commissioning Moses.
The Mountain of God - Horeb/Sinai
The Burning Bush
This was not a fluffy little angel in a golden diaper. He appeared out of the fire. He is also referred to as “the LORD” in verse 4. The messenger spoke as God not simply for God. This is what theologians call a “theophany,” an appearance of the invisible God. Many throughout church history, especially the early church fathers, believed appearances like this were pre-incarnate appearances of Christ.
The Voice of God
As an act of respect and reverence, which is still practiced in many settings today, Moses took his shoes off. In the book of Joshua, a similar experience happened to Moses’ follower, and he is told the same thing ( Josh 5:13-15).
Today, people like to define God for themselves. Think about people who say, “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual” or, “I think God is like …” What they’re saying is, “I don’t want anyone to tell me what to think about God. I’ll decide for myself what God is like. I’ll imagine him or her or it in whatever way I choose.”
Christians are not immune to this. Of some aspect of God’s character or Christian truth we might say, “I don’t like the sound of that … I just don’t think God is like that.” It might be his judgment, or his sovereignty, or his sexual standards. We make a god in our image and he becomes a fluffy god—a god who suits our desires but cannot help us when we are in need. We think of God in the way we want to think of him.
We see God’s Motive in verses 7 & 9
A prayer that God hears is when a person genuinely cries out to God for mercy and forgiveness in repentance and faith. If you will cry out to Him, He will hear you and save you. It is not about a magical formula. It is about crying out over the misery of your sin and begging Jesus for mercy.
We see God’s Purpose in v8
We see God’s Plan unfold in v10
When Jesus ascended to heaven after his mission on earth, the angels asked him: “Did you accomplish your task?”
“Yes, all is finished,” the Lord replied.
“We have a second question,” said the angels. “Has the whole world heard of you?”
“No,” said Jesus.
The angels next asked, “Then what is your plan?”
Jesus said, “I have left twelve men and some other followers to carry the message to the whole world.”
The angels looked at him and asked: “What is your Plan B?”
Friends, there is no Plan B. Jesus desires to reach the world through men and women like you and me.615