Prayer's Purpose - Spiritual Alignment (Matt 6,5-9)
Title: Prayer’s Purpose – Spiritual Alignment
Date: October 15, 2006 (Note: Part 2 “Community Building Prayer” Oct 22)
Text: Matt 6:5-8 (Note: Part 2 = Matt 6:9-15, emphasis on 12 & 14)
Idea: Prayer aligns you with God’s will
Series: Christian Character & Virtue
Idea: Morality = Virtue + Purpose + Social Ethics
Virtue = Who we are
Purpose = Be holy, for I am holy (cf Love God & neighbor)
Social Ethics = Kingdom Life
Prayer includes:
Personal prayer would become egocentric if not held in balance with intercession, adoration & Thanksgiving (ties in to next week’s “Community Building Prayer”)
Summary: Prayer aligns us with God’s will. The goal of prayer is not absorption in the God … it is the transformation of the world for God’s glory.