Worship Gathering 9/27/20
Luke Chapter 20, if you would please stand for the reading of God's word.
Up and down up and down up and down.
Luke Chapter 20 starting and verse 27
some of the Sadducees who say there is no Resurrection came up and question him teacher Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother has a wife and dies childless his brother should take the wife and produce Offspring for his brother. And there were seven brothers the first took a wife and died without children. Also the second and the third took her in the same way all seven died and left no children. Finally the woman died to in the resurrection there for Whose wife will this woman be? 407 and married her
Jesus told them the children of this age marry and are given in marriage but those who are counted worthy to take part in that age. And in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage play can no longer die because they're like angels are children of God that they are children of the Resurrection. Moses even indicated in the passage about the burning bush the dead are raised where he calls the Lord the god of Abraham and the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob. He's not the god of the dead but of the living cuz all our living to him some of the scribes answer teacher you spoken well and then no longer dare to ask him anything.
This is the word of the Lord.
Father now we come to your book.
And as we read it it reads us.
We laid bare before it. all of our sins Our imperfections are mistakes. our worries
and there you are.
with a good news of the Gospel
the hope of the Resurrection
But this is not all there is. Maybe hold fast to your promises. Maybe walk the straight and narrow. Do we see you face to face?
And the church say Amen you may be seated. 11 I'm here to tell you today that without the resurrection there is no hope for us.
Now listen, some people just like to argue.
Don't they? I mean it's just all there is to it there. Just some people you run into in life that just really enjoy arguing. It's been said that it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Proverbs 17:28 says even a fool is considered wise when he keep silent Discerning when he steals his lip lips, but some people just want to argue and it doesn't matter how dumb it makes them. Look they still want to argue. And it's here in this circumstance that we find Jesus in the temple with a group of people who like to do just that. Like to argue now, you'll remember from the last few weeks. His authority has already been challenged hasn't it? He's been in the middle of a plot the political plot to trap him with questioning. Thinking that if he says one thing that you'll lose the grip he has on the people if he says another thing then he's going to lose the his life because the Romans will kill him for staying there. He does that we don't have to they don't have to pay taxes to Caesar.
And then or tasted a Jesus face with another thing that people want to argue about all the time.
African people come to me and when they want to get think they want to get me riled up. They want to talk about a couple of different things. I want to talk about Calvinism. Thinking that I'm going to Champion the calls of Calvinism. Or they want to argue. 4 in x
And they find out really quick cuz I'm not going to buy it. I think why I'm not going to buy it. Because we're going to know everything about the end times in the blink of an eye. You and I might disagree, but we're not going to fight about it. Say men. Jesus in the last week of his life. They they've already talked about his authority. They they've even talked about politics and religion and now they're going to talk about the end times. Can they fight over anything else? And they've got a question about the end times that they're sure that will give this Jesus. It's Carpenter From Galilee. This Joseph's son. They think that's going to give him fits. And whether they're trying to kill him discredit him or outsmart him every attempt to trap Jesus proves their own ignorance.
I'm going to break the conversation that we just read up into three main headings. The first one is this a riddle to be solved?
You remember the Riddler, don't you? Riddle me this and then you say something I never did understand.
Look what it says some of the Sadducees now, we were introduced to a different group of people know the last couple years. We've talked a lot about the Pharisees haven't we the scribes and the Pharisees but nothing really about the Sadducees and we don't know a lot about this group of men the Sadducees. But that's what we hear of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. These two groups came about about the same time. We have a lot of information about the Pharisees because a lot of it has survived. We don't know much about the Sadducees because around 8070 in the destruction of the Temple. And overthrow Jerusalem the statue see movement the sedge see set was all that stomped out and the only people that we have really commenting on the Sadducees were the people who were the opposite of them. People who were different religious lead in them. So you can imagine we probably don't get if they don't get a fair Shake in history. But who were these Sadducees? Well, they were on the opposite side of the political fence and the religious spent the dog kennel fence in the Pharisees.
Couple hundred years before Jesus they come up on the scene. And then you see that the Pharisees believe in God's sovereignty wildest a jasies believe in human Free Will alone. The Sadducees didn't believe in angels.
The Sadducees didn't believe in demons. The Sadducees didn't believe in scripture unless Moses wrote it. So is the pentateuch it was Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy. Those are the books of Moses. That's what they held you didn't think the rest of it was scripture. They didn't I didn't go by oral tradition either. Our text tells us today something very interesting about the Sadducees to look what it says. They're next who say that there is no Resurrection. They didn't believe in the afterlife. They didn't believe in the resurrection. These men were men of rank. They were connected into the priesthood in Judaism. They had much influence in the temple in too much influence in politics. They collaborated with the Roman rule in Jerusalem was good for the Sadducees. I can say that they were having their cake being religious and they were eating it too. because they were In Cahoots with the Romans But then there was Jesus in Jesus was a problem for them. Jesus challenged them theologically and he hurt them financially these member rich rich off of 4 people and hurt them financially. if he calls an uproar he would put them in a bad place in the temple, but he's The bad place between the Roman government and themselves. You see what the problem is here. The Sadducees need Jesus to be quiet because if he gets the Romans all riled up, they're going to lose their place of prominence. These were wealthy religious men. And they come to Jesus. The trap him notice what we have here is Jesus in the temple on Tuesday, and these groups are coming to him and wink records for us. It looks not an eyewitness. Luke you remember do you remember who Luke is riding to? Theophilus not for those you didn't answer we're going to do it or we'll start over again next Sunday. Lucas riding to a man named Theophilus the most excellent Theophilus, right? The Luke wasn't there looks a doctor. But Luke spent time with Mary. Luke spend time with Peter Luke spend time with the disciples into the people that Jesus is healed. No doubt Luke the doctor wants to go to the people that's been healed and ask him what it was like Luke Lucas put into an orderly account everything has happened in the life of Jesus that he thinks it needs to be in his account. And it's here that we see that in the last days of his life Luke and clues for the office for the early church and for you and me both. This idea that they're trying to trap Jesus in his father's house. And now everyone has struck out and the Sadducees are in the back put me in coach. I'm ready to play and here they come some of the Sadducees look right who say there is no Resurrection came up and question him. We know before we even read this this is not going to turn out. Well for this agencies is it they know it's not Teacher are trying to flatter him you remember what flattery is from last week? Don't you thought sincere and then I'm sure they say Moses wrote for us. But if a man's brother has a wife and dies child with his brother should take the wife and produce Offspring for his brother. But if you would if you write in the margin of your Bible, you can't or you can turn over there with me Deuteronomy chapter 25 verse 5. This is what they're quoting. When Brothers live on the same property and one of them dies without a son the wife of the dead man may not marry a stranger outside the family her brother-in-law is to take her as his wife have sexual relations with her and perform the duty of a brother-in-law for her.
We see it in Ruth chapter 4. Me. If a man dies childless his brother was to take the wife as his own and raise up a child for the deceased brother. levirate marriage law and the child would carry on the Dead Man's brother's name and The Inheritance and the Heritage the goal of the law was to raise up a seat for the deceased brother. So that the inheritance in the name would continue to spot the first husband's death. Do you understand what's going on here?
This is the law. This is what God told them to do. two brothers once married, his wife dies. They don't have any children. She has to marry his brother.
And it keeps the name going. Why do they do that Chris? It seems like the kind of archaic. It's kind of weird this way that this woman would not be overtaken by gentiles. It kept God's people with God's people. And this is the all these me and they believe Moses they believe Deuteronomy. So so they come and say hey this is the law the reminding Jesus of the wall. And then they come up with this fictitious story. Look what it says. Is crazy hypothetical situation? Now there were seven brothers. The first took a wife and died without children know what's going to happen.
She don't get remarried right to the next brother. Also the second he dies first 31 and the third took her in the same way all seven died and left. No children. Finally the woman to this is a crazy situation created to cause problems for anyone who believe in the resurrection. You see in the temple in that day the Pharisees believe the resurrection. Jesus was closer theologically to the Pharisees that he was a sadducee. It's always be here anyone who answers this question. With their reasoning would automatically have to deny the resurrection. They're just trying to prove their own point. The Sadducees believe that the that the soul and the body died at death. Surely this twist the arm of someone trying to answer the question. Doesn't it? They've got him in a trap. He can't answer the question Kenny. aicam riddle me this they say and now look at Jesus's reply.
Well, looking 33 in the resurrection there for whose wife. Will the woman be in had her.
in the resurrection She's May been married to all 7. So whose wife. Will she be Jesus? You're so big on the resurrection everyone in the temple right now. So big on the resurrection. If it's Resurrection is True how's this going to work?
Well, look what happens. Jesus gives us the reply. Look what it says.
Verse 34 Jesus told them the children of this age marry and are given in marriage but those who are accounted worthy to take part in that cage and in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage for they can no longer time because they're like angels in our children of God since they are children of the Resurrection Jesus does something here that is absolutely breathtaking if you'll step back for a second. Not only does he answer the riddle, but he actually correct their bad Doctrine in three different ways. Write this down number one.
their doctor was bad because it was based too much on the here and the now Beloved listen close the Sadducees were comfortable. They were wealthy. They were influential powerful life was good. So good one reason that they didn't look for the resurrection because they didn't need one.
Let me remind you of something. This world is not our home.
And if we have worked so hard to make our Earthly life comfortable that we do not long for a resurrection. Then we have sinned against the god of Heaven. I didn't hear you.
This life is not about comfort. This life is not about E-ZPass.
No beloved.
this life if not, all there is
you had a hard week this week.
This life is not all there is.
I guess you could say the Sadducees were living their best life now.
They don't talk about having them slick that preachers don't do.
They don't quote the song that says there is coming a day.
We know heartache shutdown. No more clouds in the sky No More Tears to dim the eyes. All is peace forever more on that. Happy Golden Shore. What a day a glorious day. That will be
You need a Doctrine? That is out of this world. You need a doctor that looks far beyond the veil of Tears. It looks to a heaven within there's a God. And your son sits on the throne you need a doctrine that is not defined by man's terms. You need a Doctrine?
the tent agencies did not have Because it was based upon the here and the now all blood listen to me. We have a supernatural faith.
Do you remember?
Luke John the Baptist sent his disciples
Jonathan prison he sent his disciples to go. Ask Jesus. Are you the one? Or should we wait for another?
John knew that the winnowing fork was in his hand he knew that the axe is laid at the root of the tree. He thought judgment was coming.
You go. Tell John.
At the blind receive their sight. And the lame walk and the Dead live again and the poor. Have the gospel preached to listen close to me.
We have water dog turned down to where there's no room for the supernatural. And beloved that is a dangerous dangerous dangerous thing to go down these men didn't believe in the resurrection cuz they didn't believe in the Supernatural. They were so wrapped up in the world. All blood that we have a supernatural faith. I wrote down we have a walking face. We don't have a sit-in faith. We have a walking Faith what you mean by that Pastor? We're going somewhere help me say this we're going to someone.
And Jesus corrects that never won their Doctrine was based too much on the here and the now.
Look what it says there in the text. So let's work on that text just a minute. But those who are counted Worthy. Jesus said to take part in that age and in the resurrection of the Dead neither married nor given in marriage. What does that mean counted worthy. Will you can write right beside that those two words there? That's a Divine passive. You are not counting yourself worthy.
God is counting you worth.
Who in the world God counted worthy to take part in the resurrection to put a part in The Eternity with him and in the afterlife?
Those who are counted worthy look down. They are the children of God verse 36 all beloved you and I have been adopted into the family and we have life Everlasting because we have been adopted into the family and guess what it was not the children's initiative to be adopted. No, no, no, no no, no, no. It was the father's choosing. Tell you something Heather and I before we ever met Martin and Mallory was on a mission to get us a baby but me and they wasn't even born yet. All Blended there's something so much better. Play before you or ever conceived. Thank God said his shot up on you knowing you I don't know what those children's going to bring me. They brought me great joy, but they brought 6.4 so far this morning having sex. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I don't know what kind of Heartache it's going to be like. I don't know what it's going to be like to explain to them about their situation. I don't know what it's going to be like. Call but God knew everything about me and he loved me in spite of me. They said his heart upon me and he adopted me into the family and he counted me Worthy.
To one day Rule and reign with his son. That's good stuff.
Notice they are counted worthy of the Divine pastor. But Jesus uses the language this age and that age this world and that world. And beloved I'm here to tell you today. They are not exactly alike.
He also says here that Those who are counted worthy the children of God the children of the Resurrection. They won't they won't have marriage. You don't need to be married. I told you the story before one day I was sitting. At a restaurant over in town and an elderly man in his nineties come in and sit with me and he's absolutely heartbroken because some preacher told him that he will not know his wife when they get to heaven.
He cannot fathom the woman that he was married to for 70 years. He cannot fathom life without her. It's hard enough living here without her but to think that he would go to a place that was supposed to be great and he would be there and not know her she wouldn't be his wife.
It robbed him of his Joy. It crippled him and his walk.
But Jesus says right here. There's nothing to be marriage in heaven.
Why? Look what it says there in verse 36. But the ones who were counted worthy the children of the Resurrection the children of God these these folks.
They're like angels.
This is going somewhere. They're like Angels now. Listen when your loved one dies, they don't become an angel.
Heaven doesn't have any new angels. Unless God makes them. Do you hear me?
Now listen close but they're lock angels. What's what that mean Chris they don't die.
I've loved it one day. They'll be no more death. the children of the Resurrection They don't need to. have babies Are you hearing me? We have children because we die off. Right, we procreate we still going right we think we do.
God what else did God make all things? AJ said animals. Yes all things.
God creates life doesn't he? well Do you see the circle? I think it was that great Theologian Tracy Lawrence. Time Marches On And if it begins with the babies in the crib and and it wasn't in with Daddy's in the ground beneath the maple tree and it just keeps going doesn't just time keeps marching on marching on marching on in one day. If the Lord tarries will all be gone and someone else to be in this building.
And we keep having children.
And we die. But the children of the Resurrection they don't die until they don't need to marry. There's no reason to reproduce in heaven.
They had a face. That was so bound that a doctrine that was so based on the here and now they couldn't see the resurrection in the afterlife. That was a problem. The second thing that Jesus clears up for them. Is this their Doctrine was based upon a shallow understanding of scripture.
They say that Moses said this. About this law. It was openly God that said that but jesus takes them back doesn't he? Look what he says the first 37th Moses even indicated in the passage about the burning bush at the dead are raised. I know what I was going to say. Listen to me if you're sitting here today, and you think all man he just said that we're going to be married when we get to heaven. I really love my spouse. I'm glad you love your spouse to listen, you love your spouse far more when you get to heaven then you ever did hear. Oh I didn't hear you. Don't hang your head and worry about that. When you get to heaven, you'll know your spouse far more than you know her now and you'll love her more intimately. You'll love her in a more spiritual more Godly way than you've ever loved her here. And she doesn't need to be protected there.
I want to make sure you knew that now. Let's go to the second problem. Their Doctrine was based upon a shallow understanding of scripture and Jesus here quote Moses even indicating the passage verse 37 about the burning bush. The dead are raised where he calls the Lord the god of Abraham and the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob you remember our Old Testament reading from Exodus chapter 3 over and over again. God says the god of what Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob. Why doesn't Jesus just say in Exodus 3
Well, why does he say the passage instead of Exodus 3 Jesus doesn't give the chapter and verse because chapters and verses didn't come to the 1500.
That should tell you something chapters and verses are not divinely-inspired. You can read more than one chapter a day.
But they did read this and they knew this passage. Jesus could a quote from Daniel from the song he can quote it from Jobe. I know that my redeemer lives. In my flesh. I will see God he could have called all these places. And what does he do? He takes them back to the books that they trust he took them take them back to Moses. And what does he do? He says you boys did not understand what you were reading and their doctor was based upon a superficial reading scriptures. We need to study the Bible. I didn't hear you. We need to study the Bible. We don't need to be a Ministry that is 30 miles wide and 1/2 inch deep. I would rather us be a half inch wide and 30 ft deep. We need to study the Bible. together and on our own You see their doctor was based on the shallow understanding scripture Look what Jesus says? Where he calls the Lord the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob. He's not the god of the dead but of the living, why do you say that Jesus hear your answer? Is it because all our living to him? Think about this for a second beloved today somewhere Abraham is alive. Think about it today somewhere Isaac is alive. Think about it somewhere today. Jacob is alive Calvin is alive is alive Paul is alive. Luke is alive. How can this be?
They're all live in him. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not true.
Well, I think that's really good stuff. You see their doctor was based on a shallow understanding of scripture that they read that millions of times that he is. He not he's not was he is the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob today. He's still there God.
One day when we are all gone. And are tombstones has moss growing over it to where they cannot read the letters anymore you and I will still be alive and eat will still be God.
All you see their doctor was based too much on the Here and Now their Doctrine was based on a shallow understanding of scripture and the number 3 and lastly their Doctrine was man centered and not God exalting. Only thing they were worried about was the here and the now and he says look what it says because all our living to him. They looked at Doctrine from their perspective and that is wrong.
They're all living to him. Cuz he's the Lord of all.
Well, we heard the riddle we heard a reply now. Let's hear the response. Are you ready?
Verse 39 sub describes answered teacher you spoken well. And they no longer dare to ask him anything. It was over.
You know, I thought this week. It's been a crazy week.
How about this week? Little passage of scripture. What is it? I mean really, I mean you all believe in the resurrection Say Amen. You believe in angels. and demons tell me is it really applicable to you?
Why believe this passage gives us great. Hope maybe you're single and you're struggling with the reality that you're not married. Maybe that cause as much grief in your life. The text today tells us clearly that marriage is not the center of the universe.
But God is the center of the universe. Your relationship with God is the most important relationship. Now listen husbands love your wives wives submit to your husbands.
But your relationship with Christ is the one that will have eternal benefits. And so you should cultivate it last night. Me and Heather went to a concert together. I before we left I I grabbed her in the in the in the kitchen and act like we were dancing and I asked her if if we could dance on this date and she said no we're going to go listen to Christian music. I Don't Dance.
We went and we ate Chinese out of paper plates and we went to a concert and we enjoyed each other's company.
Popcorn with M&Ms doing have a good time.
young preachers listen to me
don't lose your wife your bride over the church.
God will take care of his bride you take care of yours.
You should cultivate your relationship with your wife man.
Ladies, you should love your husband's even though they're goobers most of the time.
I will try to fix things when they just should just back off and listen.
listen close there is a relationship. It is calling you deeper and deeper and deeper.
And that's what the same man that was standing in the temple.
the same today our relationship is far more important. Any relationship you have?
I'm a firm believer you need to take time for yourself. I think you should exercise if you can I think that you should take time to read I think you should take time to do some self-care. I believe that wholeheartedly.
Beloved there is nothing greater for you. And to know God more and the way you do that is through his word.
We're working through James preachers are on on Wednesday evening preparing for these three months. We're going to walk through James. It's going to really really cool, too. That's why I worked on a text this past week in James and just just hashed it out worked on it and just studied it just like just like you would just sit down with my tools and my Bible and wrote it out and worked on it not really preparing a sermon just in the text and listen you cannot imagine the thing since Wednesday that that brought God has brought to my attention over the text that I studied.
cultivate a relationship with Jesus
don't waste your life. Don't waste your life saddened by the season that you're in here Jesus's words and take comfort in them that this age is not that age. You have a certain amount of time here. Don't waste it. Apart from your Bible you're wasted.
Close the magazines. Turn off the TV.
Turn off the phone. Open the Bible.
anything else
go get it.
I hope you have a good Godly marriage. I hope you're both close to one another. I hope you know that one day when you're both in heaven.
You love your spouse even more.
God is playing good things for his children 1st. Corinthians says what no eye has seen nor ear has heard and no human heart has ever conceived. This is what God has prepared for those who love him.
And there's one more thing about this passage. That gives us great. Hope
Don Carson said that I'm not suffering from anything that a good Resurrection can't fix.
No matter what you're going through today beloved sit up straight with with me for just a second. No matter what you are going through today. The resurrection gives you hope through it.
There is no amount of teaching there is no amount of making them look like fools that would change these men's lives. They were going to be this way. There was nothing going to change there was it?
What are something that changed it? Acts chapter 6 verse 7. Listen to the word of God. So the word of God spread. This is Luke riding after the resurrection of the word of God spread the disciples in Jerusalem increase greatly in number and a large group of priests became obedient to the faith. I wonder if it was the same ones that there are you with Jesus that day? What changed?
Jesus not only talk from the scripture he fulfilled it. Something about an empty tomb that just changes things that the shot and let me tell you something. There's nothing that you are suffering from today that a good Resurrection can't fix. Maybe it is you're seeing the resurrections. Are you fixed it? And maybe it's an ailment. Guess what one day you will be raised in his likeness.
In all the world around me I see is loving care and though my heart grows weary. I never never will despair. I know that he is leading through all the stormy blast the day of his appearing will come at last he lives he lives Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me a long life narrow way. He lives. He lives salvation to impart you ask me how I know he lives. He lives within my heart Rejoice Rejoice O Christian lift up your voice and sing Hallelujah to Jesus Christ the King the hope of all who seek Him the help of all who find none other is so loving so good and kind he lives. He lives Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and he talks with me a long-lost narrow way. He lives. He lives salvation to impart you ask me how I know he lives.
Cuz the Bible tells me so.
Because the Bible tells me so.
Oh. Tom's not be hard Jamie.
It's nothing a good Resurrection won't fit.
hold tight to the fact And we serve a risen safe.
asprey Father we thank you for this. We thank you for the text that grabs Us by the face and moves our site. Off of our current situation off of our worries off of our fears and on to an empty tomb.
And we thank you today that he is the first fruit of the Resurrection. And one day we will be made like him.
I thank you for the sound of my babies voices.
I thank you for my people. Do you put around me? I thank you for your word.
May we stand on it? now forever
It's in the strong name of Jesus we pray. and the church said amen