Recognized By Our Love

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Is Christ Recognized in Me  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:42
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All right. Well that start with the word of Prayer by Grace's father how we thank you that we can gather in your house. What a precious what precious moments. These are to make that connection that truly is an eternal connection. We will dwell with you for all eternity when we trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. Thank you Father and thank you for the power of your spirit. That is here might lie in our midst Because You Loved Us and you desire is to know you and your father may your spirit touch each and every one of our hearts as we examine your word and look at what you have for us. Ross near to the precious love that you have for us and father. Humble me before you that it would be your spirit. It would guide each and every word of my mouth. For it. Is you alone. It can make change in our lives bless us. Oh Lord in Jesus name. Amen. Well, we've been kind of looking at things that that make people recognize us as followers of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. We looked at fruit last week. We're going to look at love today. When I come back from vacation will look at compassion and then finally choices those are ways that people recognize who we are and we shouldn't be hiding that Incredible Gift we have in a pit like we see in the Bible the man finds a precious Jewel and then he hides it a way it should be revealed through our lives and that's what God has called us to and as we look at love that's what we need to figure out that this love is not to hide but it's the spread. And it's for people to know God is the initiator of love and we see that through his precious gift to us. It began way back in eternity before creation even started God wanted to create people. Who would have a choice to love him in other words he wanted to have a relationship with mankind? But he also saw the problems it would come about because of his creation of man and allowing them to make their own decisions. And so he came up with a plan to even resolve that and that plan. Was that great gift of his son Jesus Christ willing to give up his life so that you and I could have life. That's the greatest love. That's real love because in value somebody else's life as more important than our own. You know, there's lots of simple love that we see going on in our world today, but true love is one that truly values others above themselves. And that's what we're going to take a look at today in the teachings of Jesus Christ to the disciples in the masses. He wanted them to understand the depth of his love. It's a willingness to take a look at people that hate you the dislike you that you could call your enemies and still love them. And still call them your love. We can only love that way when we accept the truth of who God is, you know that whole idea of Love and Truth come together. God didn't compromise his truth to love mankind you see mankind was lost and they were dying. That was true. He wasn't going to just come down and save everybody because there had to be something that happened in their life that would change them so that they would become holy and true. You know his true stamps. But is love made it possible for every single person on the face of the Earth to make that choice to love him and follow him. We all have a decision to me every last one of us and that decision relates with Jesus Christ and his love for us. We're going to take a look at that at the passages from Luke chapter 6 if you'll join me there. I will read just the first couple of verses 27 and 28 of this section. It says what I tell you hear me. Love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you you know, anyways, we look at the life of Jesus Christ. There were many more people wanting to oppose him then to encourage him along the way many enemies who stood up and pointed fingers at him and called him things that they should never have called him if they truly knew who he wants. But even died for those people. He died for those people because he loved his enemies. Fake love and God wants us to seek after that. Love no matter what. And he goes through that process over and over again and scripture and we see that process off so involved in the disciples that followed him Paul writes that in the chapter in Romans chapter 12 verse 20, you know, this is the chapter when he's talking about us giving ourselves over to God and using what he is giving us to bless others and he goes down through a whole list of different things we ought to do and he gets the first 20 and he says on the contrary if your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him something to drink in doing this you will Heap burning coals on his head. You know, we have a great picture of that in the Old Testament their fee if we jump back to January of this year you remember I did a series on Elijah. And Elijah was staying in a town and the Aramaic and King wanted to get ahold of Elijah because Elijah kept telling the king of Israel what he was up to and what he was doing and so he wanted to capture Elijah and he was willing to kill people in order to do that. And so he surrounded the town with all his armies and Elijah was sitting there with his servant and we know the story of the Elijah allowing his servant telling God to allow his servant to see the armies surrounding the armies that was surrounding them and his eyes were open and he saw the angels on the hillsides all-around wonderful Story But continuing on in that story Elijah calls out and has them all blind it in the comes out and he tells us he's blind men. Hey, this isn't the city you were looking for. I'll take you to the city you were looking for and he takes them to the Capitol in the king of Israel. Looks on this and he says okay now what do I do? Do I kill them all? What is Elijah's say he says no. Feed them feed them and send them on home. These were his enemies these were people that have been willing to kill them. I mean actually kill them and he says no feed them and send them on home. You know in this action actually brought peace in the arameans in the Israelites for a short time anyway. Because there was love given. The people that didn't deserve love. And yet it was there and we see that picture over and over again and scriptures as we go through them these pictures of his love for mankind even mankind. It doesn't love him that hates him. Why why does God do that? And that very reason is the reason Jesus Christ came to this earth. Remember? He is in the any room in the Nicodemus comes to visit him and John chapter 3 and he's talking with Nicodemus in the course. He gives that great statement in John 3:16 about salvation, but then he goes on in for a 17 and he says these words for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world. What does save the world through him? God didn't come to condemn even those people that hate him. He came to save them. And that's the reason why we are called to love even those people that don't love us why? because apart from knowing Jesus Christ, they're lost and you may be the only picture they will ever have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ Your life is that important? And your love for others, is that important? It's such great value. We are called to be a blessing in our world you and I are called to bless the world not to curse it, but the blessed in the things that we do. Paul talks about that with the Corinthian Church that was kind of a disruptive church and struggled with a lot of issues and so in 1st Corinthians 4 12 and 13 He says we work hard with our own hands and when we are cursed we bless when we are persecuted. We enjoy it when we are slandered. We answer kindly up to this moment. We have become the scum of the earth the refuse of the world in other words Paul this very clear thinking astute X, Pharisee. You know was willing to become the scum of the earth in order for people to know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. In other words, he was willing to blast even when people cursed him and hurt him and if you read the story of Paul, you know, that that is absolutely true. I almost every place he went there was a battle struggle for life and I was often he was thrown into prison. He endured shipwrecks. He was beaten many times. But you continue to demonstrate the love of Christ through his life and all that he did. And part of it is making that connection with people what we do, you know, we were in the church at in the prayer this morning and Leona was praying and she was praying for the people of powers. And she was asking for God doubt in touch these people these people that you know might be your enemies or might dislike you or anything like that. We need to be connecting with them and praying for them. Because apart from your ability to be a testimony to them. They're lost. We see a great picture of that in Acts chapter 7. Timothy are Stephen the first martyr for Jesus Christ. He's been teaching the word and he's been helping people to know Christ and he's called before the Sanhedrin and he's giving a defense and through his defense they get angry and upset with him.

And they throw him out of the the building and they pick up stones and their stunning into death his last words or 60 of chapter 7 of Acts. He says then he fell on his knees and cried out Lord do not hold this in against them. When he said this you fell asleep. He fell asleep, you know, one of the people that was lording over that.

Saul later became Paul

He was praying for Souls. Deliverance We need to remember that when we Face people, you know, why prayer connects us with God, of course, that's why we pray but it also connects us with the people we pray for. You know, if we never pray for those people that are in need, we're not connecting with them. There's no heart there for them. But we need to be praying for those people that are in need and there are many in our community that are in desperate need to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you and I are the only thing that they can look at this shows Jesus Christ as we walk through our community as we talked with people. You are Jesus Christ of them. We'll talk about that a little bit later, but we need to remember that for the people of this world this community. We are Jesus Christ.

Let's read on vs. 29 through 31. If someone strikes you on One Cheek turn to him the other one. I'll turn the other one. Also, if someone takes your cloak do not stop him from taking your tunic give to everyone who asks you and if anyone takes what belongs to you the Bandit back do to others as you would have them do to you. You know any calls for us to be Not only living love, you know, praying for people in that sort of thing. But acting it out there needs to be actions to the things that we do so that people say oh what's different about this person? What is a different about their lives that makes them accepting to me? People like acceptance. They want to know it but part of it happens to be our the greatest part of it happens to be our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Living God. How's your relationship is really important John talks about it a lot in his book 1st, John. And we get to along to the last to the second chapter, excuse me 1st John 2 5 and 6 and it says but if any one obeys his word God's word God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him whoever claims to live in him must be as Jesus.

What how did Jesus walk? Well, he came to this earth to give truth to the world to love them to have compassion on their live to be willing to die for them.

To be willing to die for them. How's your love for others, you know, it's a big question for every one of us to ask do I really love the people of my community the people of my world, you know with all the struggles that are going on now, it's your kind of raise the temp tempers a little bit, doesn't it? Doesn't call us did not love though. We are still to be people of Love even in this difficult time. your calls for truth 2 you can love people and Truth don't change that truth. Sometimes we think that you know, I can love somebody but I can ignore the truth of what God is told us to ignore. I think part of the problem that we're facing in our world today is that the church has ignored the truth of God's word and we've accepted a love that says do whatever you wish and God still loves you. That's not the truth. God loves people but he wants him to follow his truth and it ends up this way people to accept his truth and take him as Lord and Savior, you know, they have an eternity of Heaven of Wonder and majesty and might but we all have to make that choice in for those who have not made that choice. There's no wonder there's no Majesty. There's no might in their future. There's an eternity of suffering and pain and Eternity where it never ends.

When we look at others around us and they're not Believers that's there in. You know if we could really look that picture it might change our whole idea of how we deal with others. These are people that are lost and dying. And are going to spend an eternity separated from God in hell. Do those things that are commendable? 1st Peter 2:20 says but how is it to your credit? If you receive a a beating for doing wrong and endure it but if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. In other words, you need to stand on the things that God has called you to you need to stand up for the word for the truth. It is in there and live that life. With others around you because when you do and you struggle through that if you try to tell somebody about Jesus Christ near eject you and and get upset with you. It's okay because you're trying to give them away. to find eternity in heaven trying to give away.

You know, when one of the things that we're going to do here, you know, we announced on the board the Ford Foundation thing and we're going to be able to reach out to our community a little bit here in December or November and November and to touch their lives just a little bit and that's been something that we've been able to do the last four or five years now and it's an encouraging thing. We were reaching out to those in need in our community and that's what God truly is called. All of us to do when God looks at Justice in our world the Old Testament. We spend some time and Sunday School in their last Edition talking about justice justice in the world when God looks at that Justice he looked at how we treat those in need. Well the pork and be those who don't have any money, but it is also those and price. It doesn't matter how much wealth a person has on this Earth. If they don't have Christ they have nothing nothing there poor anyway. Jesus Saigon talks about this with the people of Israel all the time. And before they enter the promised land Moses is talking through God zetox for the people and he's talking in Deuteronomy chapter 15 verses 7 & 8 talk to you about the and he says if there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the Lamb the Lord your God is giving you do not be hard-hearted are tight-fisted towards your poor Brothers rather be open handed in Freely lend him, whatever he needs. You knowing we are given opportunities to reach out. Do not hold back and God didn't want this to be happening in the land of Israel. And west of the biggest things. He chastises. The people of Israel Over is their treatment of the poor and needy.

It didn't stop there. Also goes over to the New Testament talks over those Meeting those needs over and over again and that's part of who we are and so when we look to give back to the community this time we need to do it generously, you know, and I know that many of you were involved in this and I praise God it's been a great opportunity. Let's continue it on. we get to a boundary point though in this what's what's the boundary line that we ought to live by and that boundary line is has to do with What we expect from others what we would love to have from others and a Matthew 7. Verse 12 says this remember this is The Sermon on the Mount Jesus is getting to the end of it and he says so in everything do to others what you would have them do to you for this sums up all up the law and the prophets.

think about what we would want from other people. What we would want them to give us. And it's important for us to think about that and return that to them. It doesn't matter what they think, you know often we make decisions based on how well, you know, they don't like me. So why should I care what God doesn't give that option. He says if you would like to be treated, well, you need to treat others well. And to be honest with you, we should all want to be treated well. That should be a desire that we have.

Why did you come to Christ? You wanted to be treated well by God doing to it, didn't you?

Let's just finish it off vs. 32 through 36 if you love those who love you what credit is that to you? Even Sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you. What credit is that to you? Even Sinners do that? And if you landed those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even Sinners Linda Sinners expecting to be repaid in full but love your enemies do good to them and landed them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great and you will be sons of the most high because he is kind to The Ungrateful and wicked.

Be merciful just as your father is merciful.

You know one of the great things that I talked about earlier, but I want to express very importantly right now is that you and I were called to know the Living God and we took that on ourselves and we said okay Lord. I love you. Please be my Lord and Savior. I give my life to you as my savior and my Lord and when we did that we essentially gave our lives over to him and said I am yours. You are my Lord and so I will be obedient to what you call me to do. remember the Great Commission go you into all the world and preach the gospel. Now this is our world. We are called to be people who lead others to Christ in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 we have this great picture of our coming to know God. intercall and our call is to reconcile people to the Living. God verse 18 says God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.

Think about that. That isn't just the pastors that are called to be reconcilers. Paul said to the Corinthians he gave us that ability to be able to reconcile others to him.

That's our call in as long as he leaves us here on this Earth. That's what we're called to do. We're called to be reconcilers of the Living God. We are called to bless with we're cursed. We are called to allow lives to be blessings to others Romans 4:7 and 8 says blessed. Are they whose transgressions are forgiven whose sins are covered blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him. UC the greatest thing that we could possibly do for those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and savior is to tell them about Jesus Christ. Why because it changes their eternity, you know, this time that God has given on this Earth is just an itsy-bitsy little part of our Eternal existence.

But in that little part we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

You know, how how do we handle that? How do we make that difference? How do we become a real blessing because you can't bless anybody more than to tell them about Jesus Christ and have them come through they say I need that. Help me to know him help me to know him. And you can help them know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you can't change their hearts, but you can help show them the pathway to it and God will change their life. But that's what God has called you and I to do to be World Changers, really. World Changers for him and if we suffer a little bit for it if we tell somebody about Jesus Christ in the kicks and in her face or something like that, that's okay. It's okay suffering is fine. Now if we are children are Romans 8:17 now if we are children, then we are heirs Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. Imagine that Price has all that Gore in heaven and huerco are with him. That's our future if we know Jesus Christ is Lord. Where's with Christ if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. We've lived in for him we go through all those difficulties that we Face day by day for his glory.

Not that itsy bitsy time that we spend here on that Earth, but that Eternal time that we haven't Glory that we get to share with him. He gets down to the end. And he talks about Mercy there be merciful just as your father is merciful.

1st Peter 1:17 says since you call on a father who judges each man's working partially live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear.

God has called you and I'm mercy and Grace in the greatest mercy and Grace that we can give those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior exactly that that's the greatest gift. Did we could possibly ever give? And he's calling us to be merciful people. Do we have mercy for those in need? Or do we just stain them because they don't believe the way we believe.

You know God called us to be people of grace and mercy and I hope that we accept that adopt that is part of who we are and how we live our lives. It's a great call and it's something to consider. Are we people of love? Are we people of separation? And that's a great thing to think about. And something to think about establishing in our lives as people who touch others for the sake of Christ. Let's pray. Gracious Father in heaven. We thank you for your word. How powerful it is to really direct us to the path of Truth and rightness and Justice in our world. And Justice can only be found in you.

Or you're the righteous judge of all. mankind help us to be ones who? are encouragers for the knowledge of Jesus Christ Then we will be reconcilers of the Lost helping people to find the pathway of Truth to know you as Lord and savior. Lord, it's a great calling. But it's also a bold calling because we're likely not to be liked for our world and yet if we can change One Life to know you we have done a miraculous thing bless us. Oh Lord Our God in Jesus name. Amen.

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