Lighthouse John 8:12
Light of the World
Light of the World
A lighthouse to us all keeping us away from destruction and guiding us to live correctly.
Christian Quotations Light
Light even though it passes through pollution, is not polluted.
St Augustine of Hippo
Wherever we go the gospel does not change. It is the light of the world no matter where it is. The Gospel does not change. When we walk into circumstances, when we are eating in restaurants, shopping in stores, visiting friends. The Light of Jesus Christ is still the same and has not changed and that light is in us, and when we walk into that room with the Light of Jesus in us, that room has to change because Jesus is not affected by what is happening in there . we are not polluted. we are the Light for Jesus bringing the Gospel to others wherever we nay go with the Hope of Salvation of everlasting life in jesus Christ . This is the Good News
Jesus is our Lighthouse
Jesus is our Lighthouse
Christian Quotations Gospel
The glory of the gospel is that when the Church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it.
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones