7 Trumpets

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Hail, fire mixed with blood, 1/3 of the earth, grass, and trees burned up.
1/3 of the sea blood, living creatures died and ships destroyed.
Poison water and death.
1/3 of sun, moon, and stars struck down
Woe because of the next 3 trumps
Clear division after 4 as in last scene
The one who had fallen opens the abyss and lets out locusts (demons?).
Locusts (famine for those who aren’t marked by God on their forehead—Faithful Israel?)
Is this why demons flooded the earth before the Gospel accounts?
Locusts had crowns because God gave them authority to torment (but not kill)
Also warriors
Their king was Abaddon/Apollyon—the angel of the abyss
NOTE: This woe passes
The Ark of the Covenant
The place where the Lord was in the physical presence of Israel.
Lost the presence when the temple was destroyed.
Jesus was the presence, but he ascended us leaving us with the Spirit (spiritual presence)
We long to be again in the physical presence of God—he has put eternity in our hearts (Solomon, Ecc).
Everyone wants to know about timing—when will this happen? When will the end come? (the disciples asked this of Jesus, even).
Three questions in order to interpret these chapters of Revelation and see a few clues on the timing and Chronology.
PRO TIP: Look for the same event happening in different narratives to see if there is a way to line them up. Be careful, however, as not all passages are chronological.
Where is the cross in the timing of the events?
What do we do with overlapping ideas? (Many of the same ideas show up in the seals as in the trumpets.)
And, finally, how should we think about the seals in relation to the trumpets? (This is where we get real application for how to think about the trumpets.)
Where is the Cross? (NOTE: Inclusion of the Seals.)
Supernatural * (If you aren’t studying the supernatural context of the scriptures, you miss this!)
NOTE: The Hebrews are storytellers and you usually begin a story at the beginning and end at the end—that’s what John does here and that means beginning with Israel in the OT.
What do we do with the overlap of ideas?
3 Primary Options (incorporate the recapitulation ideas below)
The throne at the end of the age is the biggest issue with this view.
Supernatural *
Note the overlap of the Horses 2-4 with the first 3 trumpets
Note the overlap of the silence (authority, ideological, abstract) with the ark (tangible, physical presence).
cf. Throne means authority, ideologically whereas the OT teaches that the ark was a physical vessel God literally descended to sit upon in the Holy of Holies.
Note the witnesses are prophets who are martyred as in the 5th seal.
Chronology * [CLUES]
The first trumpet blows within the context of the 7th seal, indicating that the trumpets follow the seals (not the reformed view)
Re 8.1-2
Revelation 10:6–7 — The mystery of God is completed in the 7th trumpet.
Ch. 11, the two witnesses. Who are they?
Re 11.3-4
Mourners (sackcloth and ashes) (3)
Testify in mourners clothes
Olive Trees (4a)
Olive Tree (Israel)
Wild olive (Gentiles) (note: grafted into the vine—not two people of God)
Lampstands (4b) (The physical lampstand from the temple—Israel & the lampstand from the throne room that represents the Churches—both with 7 flames)
The witnesses seem to be representative of the entire people of God made up of (1) Israel and (2) everyone else.
This happens during this time that we are called to witness about the one Kingdom of God to the world around us.
Although, we are persecuted and some even die for their faith—the Beast.
How should we think about the era of the seals (OT Israel) in relation to the era of the (Trumpets)? — SMALL GROUP, Oh this is just for Israel?
The physical (temple/ark) coming together with the spiritual (throne room) in the consummation.
Romans 15:4
OT is a physical type of the Eternal Kingdom (Temple [Ark] in J [cf. Jer, the ark will never be remade]) whereas NT is a spiritual type of the Eternal Kingdom (Throne/Authority).
The Eternal Kingdom brings together the Spiritual and Physical for eternity.
The Garden/Paradise
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