If you can, like this video and subscribe to our page to get updates when we upload video's or go live in the future! We'd love to see you at PBC - consider joining us in-person at Plattsmouth Bible Church, Sunday's at 10:45 AM, or, as of October 4, 2020 we will be having 2 gatherings once again, at 9 AM & 10:45 AM; we will only livestream the 10:45 gathering.
We continue in Genesis as we dive into Chapter 15 and study God's covenant with Abram. To find out more about PBC or our current health restrictions, visit us online at www.plattsmouth.church.
PBC Kids & Parents - You can continue watching the Livestream and we'll start our Children's Church lesson for today, right after the gathering is over. **Today is the final Sunday we will be livestreaming our Children's Church Lesson.**