Samaritans: A History of Hostility
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How have the Scripture readings spoken to you?
How have the Scripture readings spoken to you?
Read Galatians 3:28-29.
Read Galatians 3:28-29.
Identify words or phrases in that passage.
How do these verses speak to you?
What questions do they raise for you?
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Origins of the Sect
The OT conception of the origin of the Samaritan sect is that they stemmed from repopulated foreign peoples whose worship of God was only a veneer for underlying idolatry.
Origin - 2 Kings 17:24-41 - verses 24-27
Origin - 2 Kings 17:24-41 - verses 24-27
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Origins of the Sect
Removing the Israelites from the land, the king of Assyria repopulated the area with conquered peoples from Babylon, Cuthah, and various other nations (v 24).
Hostility in the Old Testament - Ezra 4:7-24; Nehemiah 4:1-9 - vv. 1-2
Hostility in the Old Testament - Ezra 4:7-24; Nehemiah 4:1-9 - vv. 1-2
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Relations between the Samaritans and the Jews
The return of exiles to Jerusalem, particularly with their intentions of rebuilding the Jerusalem temple, posed an obvious political threat to his leadership in the north (Ezr 4:7–24; Neh 4:1–9).
Opposition was at first politically motivated, but became religious as well
Samarians were accused of mixing the worship of God and other gods. Where do we see that today? How can we evaluate our worship of God?
Hostility in the New Testament - Luke 9:51-55; John 8:48;
Hostility in the New Testament - Luke 9:51-55; John 8:48;
The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37 (10:37)
Based on this parable, how should we assess our worship of God?
How is Jesus’ audience experiencing this story? How do you interpret the response in 10:37?
The Samaritan Woman - John 4:4-26 (4:9, 4:27)
Why is it significant that this woman came to draw water at noon?
What can we learn from Jesus about initiating conversations during a time of racial hostility?
The Samaritan Leper - Luke 17:11-17
Why do the Gospel authors focus so much on the ‘outsiders’ of society?
Crossing Racial Barriers
Crossing Racial Barriers
Missionary Work Acts 1:8; Acts 8:4-8, 14-17
Given the long history of hatred, how do you think the disciples felt about being sent to the Samaritans?
In today’s racial climate, what might be our Samaria? How might we go there?
Confronting Cultural Imposition - Acts 15:1-35 (15:5-10)
Confronting Cultural Imposition - Acts 15:1-35 (15:5-10)
Why was circumcision so important to the first Christians (Genesis 17:9-10)?
How was the early church challenged on this issue?
How might churches and people of other races challenge our beliefs?