God Saves: Ephesians 2:1-10
H: “God helps those who help themselves.”
FCF: Who saves us?
BI: God saves us
1. God saves us from sin-filled hopelessness: 2:1-3
1. God saves us from sin-filled hopelessness: 2:1-3
By nature, we are:
Spiritually dead:1
Followers of Satan: 2
Children of wrath: 3
Q: Jonathan Edwards: “You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that makes it necessary.”
I: Valley of Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37
A: Believe and understand that you are
Not basically neutral or good and are
Basically broken and evil
2. God saves us by power-filled grace: 2:4-9
2. God saves us by power-filled grace: 2:4-9
By God’s grace we are made: 4-7
Spiritually alive: 5
Followers of Christ: 6
Children of blessing: 7
The Source of Salvation is God and His grace alone through faith alone: 8-9
I: We have no more power in our salvation than we did when we were born or when we will die. Lazarus did not bring himself to life by his own choice or power, but Jesus told Him to rise and he did.
A: Rely on Jesus for your salvation: effectual call, justification, adoption, sanctification, glorification
3. God saves us to faith-filled obedience: 2:10
3. God saves us to faith-filled obedience: 2:10
In Christ we are a new creation created and empowered to do what God desires and has prepared for us to do
The good works that God desires are summarized in the ten commandments
Have no other gods: Worship the one true God as He has revealed himself in Scripture
Make no idols: You are meant to image God
Don’t take God’s name in vain: Do only that which honors the name, attributes, and character
Keep the Sabbath: Attend corporate worship each Lord’s day and dedicate the remainder of the day to resting from work and recreation permitted every other day of the week. Read Christian books, reflect on the mornings sermon and/or Sunday school lesson, and discuss godly matters with your family or fellow church members.
Honor your father and mother: Don’t disobey them in things that honor God’s law.
Don’t murder: Advocate and work towards life and flourishing of all human beings made in the image of God.
Don’t commit adultery: Sexual intimacy is reserved to be enjoyed within a one flesh union between one husband and wife. If married, remain faithful to your spouse. If unmarried, dedicate yourself to the Lord and wait patiently until marriage.
Don’t steal: Provide for self and gain wealth and possessions honestly and morally
Don’t lie: Tell the truth
Don’t covet: Be content
I: The Exodus and the Law
A: Study God’s Word, pray for sensitivity to opportunities to do good, and set aside time to do others.
H: God helps the helpless
FCF: Who saves us?
BI: God saves us