The Reason to Love God
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Romans 5:8-9 – The Reason to Love God
Romans 5:8-9 – The Reason to Love God
To begin our message today, I want us to think about the word “why”. Have you ever been asked that by a child; only to have your answer question with another why? Well, why questions can be annoying at times, but they can also be very reasonable to ask as well. Think about these “why” questions.
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?
Well, the last four Sunday’s we been spending time learning how to Love God. That’s been the theme for our church, and it’s critical that we love God, but one of the things we often neglect in our understanding, is “why” we should love God in the first place. As we looked in Mark 12:30 we were told to love God with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength. And I believe we all understood that yes, loving God requires a commitment. But understanding “why” we should love God is critical, if we are going to be the people God desires.
So, let’s look at Romans 5:8-9 today, and learn why we should love God. [Read Scripture]
Understanding why we should love God, is first understanding the love God has for us, let’s first consider the Sacrifice He Gave.
Point 1. The Sacrifice He Gave
Now to understand why we should love the Lord; we need to understand the sacrifice He gave. I mean, if we don’t really understand what the Lord gave up for us, we will never understand why we should love Jesus. Now what did the Lord sacrifice for you?
1. Heavenly Bliss
a. How many of you ever been to a place that seemed just like Heaven to you? Where every thing was taken care of for you. No washing clothes, no preparing of meals, no hassle of repairs, everything was handled and all you have to do is enjoy it. That seems like a wonderful and amazing place to be; right?
b. Jesus dwelt in the Heavens before coming to earth, he was surrounded by perfection, by holiness, He was there with the Father. But the Lord loved us so much, that He was willing to put all of this splendor aside, for you.
c. John 6:38 “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.”
d. Now, for us, it would be hard for us to give up heaven to come to a world where there problems, violence, pollution, and mayhem, but that is exactly what Jesus did. He looked at you and said, I’m coming for you.
e. Listen, the love of God is like the Amazon River flowing down to water one daisy. You were so important, that Jesus left heaven for you.
2. Human Body
a. Now consider, not only the heavenly bliss that Jesus gave up, but also the human body he sacrificed for you.
b. When Jesus walked this earth, he was not immune to pain. He was not immune to suffering; Jesus felt heartache, he felt joy, he felt anger, he felt compassion but he also felt the painful sensation of nails through his skin and the whip across his back. All of these were things that he experienced within his body was because of His love for us.
c. Could you imagine giving up your life for a world that has rejected you? It would make us feel like it was all for nothing; right?
d. But Jesus when he was nailed to the cross, his body beaten and battered, being sacrificed. He looked down at that crowd, and he saw our faces, and this is what He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” – Luke 23:34
e. Listen, Jesus was giving up his body so that you can live. In the Old Testament, when an animal was sacrificed, the body was consumed either one of two ways, it was either burned in a fire or it was eaten. The sacrifice by the Lord’s body was giving as a sacrifice that you may live folks, Luke 22:19 “And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me”
3. Holy Blood
a. Not only did Jesus sacrifice his bliss and his body, but the Lord also gave up His blood for you.
b. Now get a good understanding of this, the blood is the life. How many of you ever gave blood or received blood? I have given several times, and each time I have given I have felt the same thing. It would feel like my body was grower colder, that my life was leaving me. There is life in the blood.
c. Now when Jesus was being led to the crucifixion, he had been whipped almost to death, the blood in his body was pouring out, the deep wounds had allowed the blood to flow freely without it coagulating. And now Jesus was placed on a cross where several more punctures came. Now we have to understand something, Jesus didn’t have to do that for us, but it was his choice because he loved us so much.
d. Jesus was willing to sacrifice his blood to save your life. We seem to love people who have sacrificed far less, then we should love the Lord for the sacrifice He gave.
Point 2. The Salvation He Gives
Now what Jesus did by his sacrifice ought to be enough for us to love him, but consider this, Jesus didn’t stop at that point. No, in fact, Jesus did something that no other human could do, he gave us salvation, now when we stop and think about Salvation, this is a tremendous reason why we should love the Lord. Think about this when it comes to Salvation:
1. It is a Gift
a. We love gifts, when someone gives us a gift it shows that they care for us.
b. When I was dating Lisa, I was trying to show her how much I loved her, and so I would go and buy her gifts to express that love.
c. Well, listen, salvation was the most expensive gift that was ever given. Yet, we don’t realize its value.
d. The story has been told of a missionary who became a good friend of an Indian pearl diver. The two had spent many hours together discussing salvation, but the Indian could not understand anything so precious being free. Instead, in making preparation for the life to come, the diver was going to walk the nine hundred miles to Delhi on his knees. He thought this would buy entrance into heaven for him. The missionary struggled to communicate to his friend that it is impossible to buy entrance into heaven because the price would be too costly. Instead, he said, Jesus had died to buy it for us. Before he left for his pilgrimage, the Indian gave the missionary the largest and most perfect pearl he had ever seen. The missionary offered to buy it, but the diver became upset and said that the pearl was beyond price, that his only son had lost his life in the attempt to get it. The pearl was worth the life blood of his son. As he said this, suddenly the diver understood that God was offering him salvation as a priceless gift. It is so precious that no man could buy it. It had cost God the life’s blood of his Son. The veil was lifted; he understood at last.
e. Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”
2. It is Gracious
a. Now listen, the Lord has not privatized salvation. It is not for a select group. I’m glad that the Lord doesn’t look at a person and say, no you can have salvation because of your age, race, or gender, Jesus looks at us and says my salvation is for everyone!
b. Revelation 22:17 “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
c. Hear me out, Jesus loves us all the same, and he loves us that he is gracious in what he gives to us through His salvation.
d. Listen, the gift of salvation that Christ gives is a gift filled with love, a gift from his heart, it is a gracious gift.
3. It is Genuine
a. Not only is salvation a gift that is gracious, but it is genuine! Its not fake, its for real!
b. Years ago, when I was just a teenager, I was given a ring from my grandfather, it was a gold ring and in the center of it was four diamonds. He had this ring and he wanted to give it to me. So, I was thrilled that I had this ring. But as I got older, I was curious, was this ring real. So, I took it over to the jeweler, and he examined the ring under a magnifying lens and he told me that the ring was real! I never needed to doubt what my grandfather had said, it was a genuine ring.
c. Listen, what Christ gives to us, is just as real as that ring that my grandfather gave me. It isn’t anything we have to doubt, that when he gives it to us, that it is just as real as the next person.
d. Now, I know that there are times when we doubt our salvation, maybe we backslide, get away from our walk with the Lord, but listen I want you to know, that the salvation that Christ gives to us still remains, it is genuine and he gives us real salvation!
Point 3. The Satisfaction He’s Giving
Now, I will tell you why you should love Jesus, because of the confidence in knowing that I am cared for. Listen, Jesus brings to us a satisfaction in knowing that he is going to be there for us, think about these things that he gives to his beloved.
1. The Peace He Produces
a. When you are in love with Jesus, his peace comes on a person. Knowing that Jesus loves us, gives us a comfort in knowing, that no matter what we face, Jesus is right there.
b. You ever had a nightmare, or something that seemed to scare you. Isn’t is comforting when you have someone there with you instead of being by yourself? Absolutely. When we have someone alongside us, we don’t worry as much.
c. Listen, when you love Jesus, we can take peace in knowing that Jesus is right there with us.
d. Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
e. I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today
I know that He is living, whatever men may say
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer
And just the time I need Him He's always near
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Christ Jesus lives today
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life's narrow way
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.
2. The Protection He Provides
a. Not only is it a reason to love him because of the peace he produces, but also the protection he provides!
b. Listen, Jesus is crazy in love with you! He has fought for you! And he continues to fight for us! Listen Satan is not your friend, he hates you, this world doesn’t care about you, it will eat you up, but Jesus is right there ready and willing to provide protection for us.
c. Exodus 14:14 “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”
d. Listen, time after time, enemies came to destroy Israel, when Israel was in love with the Lord, the Lord protected them. Listen Jesus protects those that love him, he will fight for you no matter what.
e. I love the fact that my Lord loves me so much that he is willing to fight for me.
3. The Place He Promises
a. Isn’t it wonderful to know that when you love the Lord, he loves us back, and he says to us that I love you so much that I’m going to call you here to live with me! Listen, those who love the Lord have a room awaiting them!
b. John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
c. Listen, Heaven is a benefit of the love we have for Jesus, and Jesus has prepared a place for everyone of us that love him.
d. You love the people who live in your house, right? Well Jesus isn’t going to let anyone who doesn’t love him live in his house. Listen you can experienced the abundant life when you love the Lord!
One Sunday a little boy looked up at his dad and asked, “Daddy, how does God love us?” His father answered, “Son, God loves us with an unconditional love.”
The lad thought for a moment and then asked, “Daddy, what kind of love is unconditional love?” After a few minutes of silence his father answered, “Do you remember the two boys who used to live next door to us and the cute little puppy they got last Christmas?” “Yes.” “Do you remember how they used to tease it, throw sticks and even rocks at it?” “Yes.” “Do you also remember how the puppy would always greet them with a wagging tail and would try to lick their faces?” “Yes.” “Well, that puppy had an unconditional love for those two boys. They certainly didn’t deserve his love for them because they were mean to him. But, he loved them anyway.”
The father then made his point: “God’s love for us is also unconditional. Men threw rocks at his Son, Jesus, and hit him with sticks. They even killed him. But, Jesus loved them anyway.”
Are you in love with God?
Are you in love with God?