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Desert Streams Healing Ministries
LiFE—The Luke Four:Eighteen Training School
Ungodly control can bring great harm, wounding, and bondage, to both the people being controlled and those doing the controlling. Both groups of people need God’s healing touch on them!
12. HARMFUL effects of ungodly control
20. living rightly and well in a world full of control
21. key ministry ISSUES
22. conclusion
23. questions for contemplation & application
24. key personal thought(S)
25. key verse(S)
26. bibliography
3.1 An English definition of “control” is:[1]
2 a : to exercise restraining or directing influence over : REGULATE
2 b : to have power over : RULE
4.1 Control can be a right/good thing, or a wrong/bad thing, depending on why and how it is exercised.
A parent may prevent a child from running into the street….good
A Adult child could control their aging parents bank account…..could be good or bad
4.2 Control can be exercised in a godly, loving way so as to bring good to people, or in an ungodly, self-serving, or harsh way which brings unnecessary pain, or harm, or disadvantage to people.
4.3 Generally speaking, some godly control is always needed to keep things/people safe and on track!
Control is not intended to be permanent but rather to aid to development. Eg control of a child should reduce as independence grows. But we should never become less dependent of God
5.1 Everybody is trying to influence others social media influencer
Everyone in the world is trying, in various ways—some godly and some not—to influence others:
a. to think, feel and do what they want them to do
b. to not think/feel/do what they don’t want them to think/feel/do
This happens because everyone has certain desires and needs they are seeking to fulfill.
5.2 Ungodly control is about trying to influence or direct people’s attitudes and/or behavior without respecting them or their hearts.
Its when authority is abused
You can attempt to teach someone, but you have to allow them to make the decision for themselves
Story of Hells angel toilet swirly
5.3 The evil one sets the example for ungodly control in the world
The world is full of ungodly control, and it also exists within the Church. This is because unbelievers naturally follow the pattern of the evil one who always rules by ungodly control, and because believers are not perfected in Christ (i.e. perfectly free from evil) on this side of eternity.
5.4 People exercise control in accordance with the Leader they are moving towards
People who are moving away from God naturally exercise more and more ungodly control. Those who are moving towards God naturally exercise more and more godly control.
5.5 Ungodly control can happen in all kinds of contexts:
It can happen in families, friendships, churches, organizations, communities, cities, nations, etc.
Anywhere authority exists.
5.6 Living under ungodly control can bring great wounding
People have been created by God to live under godly control. Godly control brings people life, growth and blessings. Ungodly control brings people the opposite.
5.7 Ungodly control brings God’s discipline/judgment
Those who exercise ungodly control, and those who submit wrongly to ungodly control, are perverting godly order and authority. They experience God’s discipline/judgment for this.
Current situation in the world. Groups like antifa they don’t want to educate. They want you to think and believe the way they do. If you refuse to they want to silence you. That is ungodly control
6.1 Overriding free will
Taking away, or overriding, a person’s free will, or their ability to make choices, i.e. forcing people to comply, cooperate, submit, etc.
6.2 Not providing control
Not providing sufficient godly restraint or direction, i.e. giving people too much freedom.
6.3 Authority figures may do this because:
a. They don’t care about the people.
b. They don’t have the ability (i.e. strength, understanding, courage, time…) to lead.
6.4 Exercising unauthorized control
Exercising control when one hasn’t been authorized to do so by people and/or God.
People may do this because:
a. They want to exercise control and so have just taken the authority on their own.
b. The rightful person hasn’t been able to provide control, and so there is an authority vacuum that they have felt the need to fill (ex. a child assumes a parental role because one or both of the parents are unavailable for some reason).
c. Fear will cause people to control
7.1 Domineer[2]
to exercise arbitrary or overbearing control
to tyrannize over
a. The key concepts here are force and pressure. People can force or pressure others through: human strength, weapons, legalism and rules, laws, judging others, nagging, scolding, etc.
7.2 Intimidate
to make timid or fearful : FRIGHTEN esp. : to compel or deter by or as if by threats
a. People can intimidate others through: threatening words, a show of power (human strength, military might, financial capability…), etc.
7.3 Manipulate
2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully
2 b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means esp. to one’s own advantage
3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one’s purpose
a. People can manipulate others through: bribery, black-mail, deception, seduction (cf. Prov. 7:21), flattery, withholding good, false guilt, criticism, developing ungodly dependence, directing conversations, attention-seeking activities, etc.
Why God doesn’t get ride of all the evil in the world? He’d have to remove free will
Garden of Eden Tree of knowledge of Good and evil
Would you enjoy your spouse loving you because that had to rather than chose to?
8.1 God chooses what He wants to do
God constantly chooses what He wants to do. (In Dt. 12:5-26, God said He would choose a place where the Israelites would worship Him. In Ps. 65, God chooses people to draw near to Him. In Jn. 6:7, Jesus said that He chose the 12 disciples.)
8.2 God has also given people the ability and freedom to choose
God has created people in His own image (Gen. 1:26-27), and subsequently has given people the ability to choose how they want to live their life, and who they want to live it with, or for. God has not created people to be “robots” who do His bidding without them thinking, feeling or deciding.
8.3 Having choice is a blessing and an honor
In giving people choice, God has bestowed on people freedom and dignity, and He has shown trust/belief in them (1 Cor. 13:7). Choice produces diversity and creativity.
8.4 God is looking for people who choose Him and His ways
God is constantly looking for people who freely choose to follow Him; who choose to trust, believe and serve Him; who choose to love Him and obey Him. God calls on people to choose righteousness, life, Him. (Dt. 30:11-20, Josh. 24:15, Is. 56:4-5)
8.5 God is not pleased with right living or thinking that merely flows out of compulsion or duty
God is not pleased with those who do what is right but are doing so out of compulsion, or merely a sense of obligation, or out of fear. (In Jn. 14:2 Jesus linked obedience to Him with loving Him; 2 Cor. 8:3 and 9:5-7 show that God wants people to give cheerfully, not out of compulsion; In Rev. 2:1-6 we see that the believers in Ephesus were doing all the right things but not out of a heart of love, and Jesus was very displeased with them over this.)
8.6 God wants people to live out of their heart
God desires for people to live out of their hearts, and to have people’s hearts made new and clean.
8.7 God does not force His way on people
God never forces people to obey Him, or listen to Him, or do what He says. He always gives people choice. Except Jonah?
8.8 However, God does give people consequences for their choices
a. God always puts consequences on people’s choices, and makes people aware beforehand of the consequences (i.e. through His word, etc.).
b. If people make good choices, they prosper and experience His life. If they make poor, unwise, ungodly choices, they suffer pain, difficulty, disaster, harm, even death.
c. Adam and Eve had the choice to obey God or not obey Him with regards to eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When they chose to eat from the forbidden tree, they experienced the negative consequences of this ungodly choice.
8.9 The evil one limits, and takes away, people’s free will
The evil one is not interested in giving people choice. He wants people to do his bidding, regardless of whether they want to or not. He despises people. He wants to use and abuse people. He wants to destroy their dignity and freedom, and enslave them. He has no hesitation at all about forcing people to do his will. He wants to have power over people. Satan tempted Jesus, seeking to gain control over Him. (Lk. 4:1-13)
9.1 Some general reasons why people try to control others in an ungodly way:
a. To gain power and influence over others so as to obtain personal benefits through that.
b. To protect themselves from pain, wounding, harm, embarrassment…
9.2 Ungodly control generally flows out of the following roots:
a. Anger/hatred/revenge (“I’m going to make you do what I want because of the wrong things you did to me, and I’m going to get you back.”)
b. Pride (“I’m more important/smart/valuable/etc. than you. I deserve to have things my way.”)
c. Fear (“If you don’t do what I want you to do, then bad things will happen to me.”)
d. Wrong priorities (“I have to do/accomplish/get/… ___ no matter what. This goal is more important than you or your interests/ wishes.”)
e. Selfish ambition (“I want ____, and I will do whatever it takes to get it. You will help me. You will cooperate with me. You won’t stop me.”)
f. Generational iniquity (i.e. repeating the ungodly control exhibited by one’s ancestors)
g. Helplessness/Powerlessness (i.e. not sensing God’s help or power, and consequently relying on one’s natural, soul-based resources to get the job done)
9.3 Witchcraft and ungodly control are closely related
a. A desire to control others sometimes leads people into witchcraft.
b. Those who are in witchcraft always seek to exercise ungodly control over others. (2 Kings 9:22Jezebel…)
Note: See Appendix 1—The Jezebel Spirit for more regarding Jezebelic control.
Desert Streams Healing Ministries
LiFE—The Luke Four:Eighteen Training School
Overview of the Jezebel spirit[3]
1.1 Jezebel’s goal is to gain control over what God is doing, and then to subvert God’s work and purposes.
1.2 She works in two ways:
a. She offers “good” things to people so they will put their trust in her, and then side with her, and then let her have her way (i.e. gain control).
b. She works to discredit and destroy those who stand in her way. She begins by opposing true prophets because true prophets can expose her.
1.3 Jezebel often work in/through small groups so as to win people to herself or turn people against other people. She works through slander and twisting truth.
1.4 The “good” things Jezebel has to offer may include: expertise, knowledge, affirmation, sex, etc.
The Jezebel spirit resides mostly in women, but can be in men
1.5 Although not restricted to either sex, it is often acknowledged to be more prevalent in women. However, there is no question that it functions just as proficiently through men. [2:11]
The Jezebel spirit represents subtle witchcraft
1.6 The Jezebel Spirit is not overt witchcraft, but covert witchcraft. It is subtle, underhanded, unnoticed, independent, unsubmissive and seeks to manipulate and to control those in her home, church, and nation. This spirit when present can be in different degrees of strength in women. For me the Jezebel Spirit arose from a spirit of fear and insecurity: hence the drive to keep things under my control. It manifested itself in the form of selfishness. [1:103-104]
Summary characteristics of the Jezebel spirit
1.7 Demanding, possessive, controlling, dominating, manipulative, scheming, taking charge of things, authoritarian, argumentative, jealous, wants to do things her way, gossipy, proud, arrogant, haughty, with excess of makeup, excess of jewelry, practicing witchcraft or charismatic witchcraft, demands to be the center of attention, selfish, sensual, manipulates or control through sex, unsubmissive, tyrannical, harsh with her children, egoist or selfish, self-centered. Likes to put down people, mainly her husband and children. [4:65]
“Jezebel” was active in the church in Thyatira; Jesus judged her
1.8 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 22 So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23 I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds. 24 Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan's so-called deep secrets (I will not impose any other burden on you): 25 Only hold on to what you have until I come. (Rev 2:20-25 NIV)
1.9 The Jezebel spirit is often “paired” with the Ahab spirit
1.10 Summary characteristics of the Ahab spirit (immasculated man, plus…)
Weak, childish, a brat, pouts, careless, subject to temper tantrums, is spoiled, relinquishes authority, has a wrong concept of his authority, lazy, fearful of rebuke, blames others (mainly the wife), justifies himself, leans on wife, is a “Mama’s Boy,” relinquishes the spiritual authority over his house, and is irresponsible. [4:66]
10.1 Domineering, intimidation and manipulation
a. Manipulation: Rebekah plotted to deceive her husband, Isaac, into giving his blessing to Jacob instead of Esau, the older son (Gen. 27:5-13)
b. Manipulation: Laban exercised control over his son-in-law, Jacob (Gen. 29:15-27, 30:27-36)
c. Domineering: Pharaoh ruled over the Israelites during Moses’ day (Ex. 1:8-14)
d. Manipulation: King David disposing of Uriah, the husband of Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11)
e. Domineering, intimidation: King Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, ruled over the Israelites (1 Kings 12:1-11)
f. Domineering, intimidation, manipulation: Jezebel sat as queen in Israel (1 Kings 18:4, 19:2, 21:1-16, 2 Kings 9:22, Rev. 2:20-24)
10.2 Failure to exercise sufficient control
a. Aaron and the golden calf incident (Ex. 32:1-6)
b. Eli parenting his sons (1 Sam. 3:10-14)
10.3 Unauthorized control
a. David’s son, Absalom trying to take the throne away from his father (2 Sam. 15-18)
Pastors job as Shepherd is to protect His sheep…that’s as far a control should go
It’s a pastors join to raise people up to walk in their destiny
11.1 Church leaders may domineer, manipulate, and/or intimidate their people
11.2 Ungodly control is evident when church leaders
a. seek to have their wills be done instead of seeking that God’s will be done and that everyone submits to God’s will
b. seek their own interests instead of the interests of the people through loving and serving them (1 Pet. 5:1-3)
c. are not willing to follow Paul’s teaching which calls for believers to “submit to one another” (Eph. 5:21)
Note: Church leaders also need accountability, and need to work together with other leaders, and need to lead by consensus (i.e. by coming to an agreement with their people)
11.3 Church leaders may fail to provide godly restraint or direction
a. this happens when they fail to adequately teach their people, or warn them, or reprove them, or discipline them
b. it also happens when they neglect to adequately encourage and help their people in what is good
11.4 People in the church, and church leaders, may exercise unauthorized control
Unauthorized control happens when:
a. church leaders, or people in the church, exercise authority they have not been assigned or appointed (ex: influential people in the church may usurp the authority and leadership of those who have been appointed or elected to specific roles/offices in the church)
b. church leaders, or people in the church, feel they are above accountability, and do not submit themselves to scrutiny, or evaluation, or input from others
c. authorized or unauthorized church leaders don’t let people connect directly to God for themselves, but require the people to connect to God only through them, as though only they know God, His ways, and how to connect with Him
11.5 Some means by which ungodly control can be exercised within the Church
Ungodly control in Christian communities can be exercised through ungodly:
a. Preaching
b. Praying
c. Lobbying
11.6 Being able to exercise godly control requires having first having come under God’s control
a. It is difficult for Church leaders (or any leaders) to provide godly control to others until they themselves have first come significantly under God’s control.
b. It is only when they personally have come to live significantly under God’s control that they learn how to control others in a godly way.
12.1 Those who live under ungodly control could be affected in some of the following ways:
a. be hindered from being whom God has created them to be, through having their gifts, abilities dreams and heart repressed or subverted
b. be hindered from being real, open, transparent
c. be crushed in spirit (i.e. come into despair, discouragement, hopelessness…)
d. develop negative self perceptions (i.e. develop lies about their self-worth, their dignity…)
e. become fearful, insecure
f. become passive
g. become secretive and/or deceptive so as to pursue their own will/goals undercover
h. begin to control others in ungodly ways
i. become confused (i.e. about right and wrong, about who they should submit to and when…)
j. become angry, resentful, bitter…
k. become rebellious
12.2 Those who exercise ungodly control could be affected by this in some of the following ways:
a. They might feel guilty, ashamed, condemned, fearful of losing control, angry over rebellion…
12.3 Controllers are wounded people
…controllers are isolated. People stay with them out of fear, guilt, or dependency. If they’re honest, controllers rarely feel loved. Why? Because in their heart of hearts, they know that the only reason people spend time with them is because they are pulling the strings.[4]
12.4 Ungodly control always has a negative effect on relationships
Ungodly control brings stress into relationships, and can seriously damage them. (See Appendix 2)
13.1 Submit, if need be
Submit to it if need be—but in a godly way—unless it leads to disobeying God (Rom. 13:1-7, 1 Pet. 2:13-3:6, Acts 4:18-20)
13.2 Pray for those exercising the ungodly control
Pray for your leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-2), and also anyone exercising unauthorized control
13.3 Speak truth to the perpetrators, where possible
In Acts 4:8-20, Peter and John addressed the Sanhedrin, who was trying to shut them down from speaking to people about Jesus.
13.4 Seek to become free from ungodly submission
Seek to become free from any ungodly control that you have wrongfully submitted to.
14.1 He restrains people, directs them, and rules over them
He restrains them from doing things that are evil or harmful.
He directs them onto paths that are good for them (Ps. 23:1-3).
He rules over them with power and authority so as to uphold justice and righteousness.
a. Biblical examples of God restraining people
1. God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:15-17)
2. God spoke to Abraham to keep him from killing his son, Isaac. (Gen. 22:9-12)
3. The angel of the LORD opposed Balaam as he tried to go with the princes of Moab. (Num. 22:21-35)
4. God told Joseph not to divorce his betrothed, Mary, as he wanted to do when he found out she was pregnant. (Matt. 1:18-21)
5. The Spirit of Jesus would not allow Paul and his companions to enter Bithynia. (Acts 16:6-7)
b. Biblical examples of God directing and influencing people
1. God told Noah to build an ark. (Gen. 6:13-22)
2. God told Abram to leave his country and to go to the land He would show him. (Gen. 12:1)
3. God directed Cyrus, someone who didn’t even acknowledge God, to do His bidding. (Is. 45:1-7, Ezra 1:1-4)
4. God directed Joseph and Mary to flee from the land of Israel and go with their baby, Jesus, to the land of Egypt. (Matt. 2:13)
5. God spoke to Peter and directed him, through a vision, to go to the house of Cornelius, a Gentile. (Acts 10:9-20)
c. Biblical examples of God ruling over people
1. God destroyed the population of the earth with a universal flood. (Gen. 7:10-24)
2. God chose the kings of Israel (Saul—1 Kings 9:15-17, David—1 Sam. 16:1-12)
3. God chose Jesus to rule over the earth. (Ps. 2, Php. 2:5-11)
15.1 Naomi released her daughter-in-laws (Ruth 1:3-13)
15.2 John the Baptist released his disciples to follow Jesus (Jn. 3:22-30)
15.3 The father, in the parable of the prodigal son, let his younger son go (Lk. 15:11-12)
15.4 Jesus let the rich man go (Lk. 18:18-24)
15.5 Jesus gave his disciples the choice of remaining with him or leaving him (Jn. 6:66-67)
15.6 Jesus allowed Judas to betray him. (Jn. 13:21-27)
16.1 Godly control can be exercised through:
a. teaching (Col. 3:16)
b. commanding/prescribing (1 Tim. 4:11)
c. warning/admonishing (Acts 20:31, 1 Thess. 5:12, 2 Thess. 3:15)
d. encouraging (1 Thess. 4:18)
e. pleading/entreating (Lk. 7:4, Php. 4:2)
f. exhorting (Acts 11:23, Heb. 12:5)
g. reproving/rebuking (Lk. 17:3, Titus 1:13)
h. correcting (2 Tim. 2:25)
i. disciplining (Eph. 6:4, Heb. 12:6)
16.2 Maintaining control through agreements/contracts/covenants
This is godly when all the parties involved sign on to them willingly, the terms involved are spelled out clearly, and the consequences of not meeting the terms are spelled out clearly and are enforced.
16.3 God has made covenants with His people
God established a covenant with Israel through Abraham, Moses and David, and then with all nations through Jesus Christ. (Lk. 22:20, Heb. 8:8-13, 9:15)
17.1 Godly control always flows out of love and a desire to serve
a. Example: Jesus
But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matt 20:25-28 ESV)
b. Example: Paul
I call God as my witness that it was in order to spare you that I did not return to Corinth. 24 Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm. (2 Cor 1:23-2:1 NIV)
c. Example: Peter
So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. (1 Peter 5:1-3 ESV)
17.2 Other characteristics of godly control
a. it is clearly communicated
b. it is consistent
c. it is attainable by those being controlled
d. it is appropriately flexible, recognizing that boundaries may change with time/circumstances
e. it flows out of being personally under submission to God
18.1 Ungodly control is often about too little freedom
Ungodly control often brings unnecessary and harmful restrictions and limitations. It brings bondage. It brings slavery.
18.2 Ungodly control is sometimes about too much freedom
Sometimes ungodly control is all about having a lack of good, helpful restrictions and limitations—i.e. an excess of freedom. An excess of freedom leaves people without protective boundaries and leaves them feeling exposed, vulnerable, uncertain of what is good and right, and uncared for.
18.3 God gives people just the right amount of freedom
God and godly control bring freedom to people to know, be and do all that is good, all that is life-giving, and all that is right and wonderful. God and godly control bring just the right amount of freedom.
18.4 Jesus brings godly freedom to people!
a. Jesus came to proclaim freedom to the captives. (Lk. 4:18)
b. Where the Lord Jesus and the Spirit are, there is freedom. (2 Cor. 3:17)
c. It is for freedom that Christ has set believers free, and they are not to let themselves come into slavery again. (Gal. 5:1)
d. Through Christ Jesus, believers are free to approach God. (Eph. 3:12)
e. The perfect law of God (cf. Jam. 2:8, see also Jn. 13:34) brings freedom. (Jam. 1:25, 2:12)
19.1 The nature of self-control
Self-control involves bringing and keeping ourselves, with God’s help, in line with God’s character, purposes and instructions. Self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).
19.2 The goal of exerting godly control and discipline is to develop godly self-control in others!
The end-goal of godly control is to have those receiving it develop godly self-control in their lives.
20.1 Given that our world is full of all kinds of control, the challenge for all of us is:
a. To recognize and resist ungodly influence and control
b. To seek to personally have a pure and right heart and mind
c. To make up our own hearts and minds about issues after having obtained knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God
d. To communicate our decisions clearly to others
e. To abide by our decisions
f. To be willing to accept the consequences for our decisions
g. To try to influence others for good, and to do so in godly ways
Seek to identify where the ministeree has been controlled, in an ungodly way, by others
21.1 Seek to identify how and why the ungodly control was established, or was able to be established
21.2 Process the ungodly control:
a. have ministeree forgive the ungodly controller
b. have ministeree forgive self
c. have ministeree repent from submitting to ungodly control
d. break ungodly person ties between ministeree and ungodly controller
e. seek for ministeree to be free from any lies about self or authority figures
f. deliverance for ministeree from spirits of ungodly control and Jezebel spirit
g. healing for ministeree from pain caused by the ungodly controlling
h. seek for ministeree to submit fully to the godly control of Jesus
i. have ministeree ask God for help to submit in a godly way to his/her human authorities
Seek to identify where the ministeree has controlled others in an ungodly way
21.3 Seek to identify how and why the ministeree controlled others in an ungodly way
21.4 Process the ungodly control:
a. have ministeree confess personal sin
b. have ministeree ask forgiveness from God for ungodly controlling
c. have ministeree forgive self
d. have ministeree repent from ungodly controlling
e. break ungodly person ties between ministeree and people whom the ministeree has controlled
f. seek for ministeree to be free from any lies about authority and control and self
g. deliverance from the spirit of ungodly controlling and Jezebel spirit
h. seek for ministeree to submit fully to the godly control of Jesus
i. have ministeree ask God for help to submit in a godly way to his/her human authorities
Control can be a good or bad thing, depending on how it is exercised. Some godly control is always needed to keep people safe and on track. Ungodly control can happen within all kinds of relational settings, including within churches. Ungodly control can bring great pain, harm and damage, both to the people being controlled and those doing the controlling. Ungodly control happens when people override the free will of others, or don’t provide sufficient restraint or direction, or when they exercise unauthorized control. The free will of others is overridden when people domineer others, manipulate them, or intimidate them. God gives people free will, and looks for people to choose Him and His ways willingly. Ungodly control flows out of ungodly roots within those who exercise it. People need to know how to respond in godly ways to ungodly control. God exercises godly control over people!
23.1 What is a significant new thing(s) you have learned through this topic?
23.2 Where and by whom have you been controlled in ungodly ways during your lifetime?
23.3 By what means were you controlled in ungodly ways?
23.4 Where and whom have you controlled in ungodly ways?
23.5 By what means did you control others in ungodly ways?
23.6 How have you been controlled in godly ways by God and people?
25.1 An appeal to shepherd people and exercise godly control over them
To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers — not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. (1 Peter 5:1-3 NIV)
1. Boundaries, Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend, Zondervan, 1992
[1] Taken from Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Company, 1975
[2] All definitions in this section are taken from Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, G.&C. Merriam Company, 1975
[3] Taken from John Paul Jackson video on Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit (April, 2016)
[4] Boundaries, Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend, Zondervan, 1992, p59
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