A Courageous Soul

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You know throughout this entire series we've been talking about, you know, having faith in stepping out in faith. And you know the thing is whenever we step out in faith and make a major commitment to the Lord, you know, and when we say I am going to make sure that I do this God's way. The thing is when we do that we kind of unconsciously start thinking well since I'm doing this God's way that means God is going to bless everything. You know God is going to be so pleased with my obedience that my work is going to be great. My kids will be great and they'll do well and my health will stay strong and my Ministries going to flourish. Everything's going to go great because I'm doing it God's way. And you know, it's usually that type of thinking that gets us into trouble. You know the truth is that God always does what he promises and he will honor and bless our obedience and our faith, but we get into trouble because we want God to bless us according to our definition of what that blessing means or how that blessing needs to come. So when we meet up with resistance, you know, we wonder what's gone wrong surely something's not right here because I shouldn't be meeting this and we begin to doubt we begin to get discouraged. Cuz I don't know about you but my life experience has been that it seems life usually gets harder before it gets better anytime. I go through major things. It seems like it's more difficult before it's better. And why is this, you know, we often wonder that but it's because we have to realize that in their natural state our lives are more broken and shattered than those walls were in Jerusalem as Nehemiah approached them. We live in a sinful Fallen World and our own lives reflect that world that we live in. And God's work in our lives isn't simply about a new coat of paint or scrubbing things when God comes into our life to do something. It's about a total renovation. A total redo on everything a total reconstruction.

Man who likes to watch those home renovation shows. Right. I know I have a few fans of those in my house. But what do we like the most about those home renovation shows? What is our favorite date always watch? Demo Day write Everyone likes. Demoday, you know if he can take a sledgehammer to it. That's great. Right. So we all like demo day, but what's the thing about demo day? It's messy in it. When you start to tear everything apart when you tear those old things out it's messy and usually in the midst of that mess. What do they find? They find some problem that no one predicted right now. Usually you can look at the house and guess that that's probably going to be wrong. But you know, it's always this great drama that it adds right because there's this hidden mess that they didn't expect. But you know, it's no different than when God starts to do a deep work in our life. when God starts to work in our life into the change things to how they need to be it often gets messy and there's often some residual pockets of resistance in our life of our old sinful nature those things that just don't want to go that show up when God begins to do that deep work cuz you know, we have to realize that when God starts to do that deep work, you know when God starts to deal with those deep issues that we might have in our life like luster rager coveting what other people have or maybe it's just a fear of sharing our faith or making major decisions, you know for something that God wants us to do or maybe it's just having that tough conversation with our kids about something that we know we need to You know, we can't expect to address big deeper issues like that in life without running into some opposition.

But like I said earlier, sometimes we get into trouble because we think simply because we declare were going to do it's God's way. That God is going to bless it all and it's just going to be smooth easy sailing the whole way. We have to realize when we attack tough issues. There's going to be resistance and sometimes it's Fierce resistance that we meet up with. When think of the resistance is some of the heroes of the Bible met up with. You know what? I thought about this one of the first ones I thought about was Moses. You know Moses went reluctantly back to Egypt, but he went willing to obey whatever God wanted him to do and God used him in a mighty way to deliver his people. But think about all that Moses had to get through to do that when he met some Fierce resistance from Pharaoh the plagues occurring and all the different things that happened and then them chasing them and having to cross the Red Sea and then all the time in the desert think of all those things.

Fierce resistance, but Moses was still doing its God ways, but they went through a lot or what about Elijah Elijah had a literal Mountaintop experience. Yeah, he was on top of that mountain standing firm for God and against the prophets of Baal, you know, they tried and they tried to call down fire to life the sacrifice but it didn't happen. So Elijah has it soaked with water and then he calls down fire and fire comes down from heaven consumes the Soggy sacrifice and I can't imagine how exhilarating of an experience I had to be for Elijah call down fire from heaven and it actually happened and God actually did it. But what happens next life certainly didn't get easier for Elijah. If you continue to read on in the story, they're in First Kings 18 and 19. We find Elijah exhausted clinically depressed and asking God to kill him things were so bad.

Elijah knew about resistance Elijah knew about the opposition that you face when you step out for God and do something bold. Or what about our ultimate example in Jesus Christ? We all know about the cross but think about when his ministry started back in Matthew 3:17, when it says and a voice from Heaven said this is my son whom I love with him. I am well pleased. Man, who could ask for a better start to Ministry then to have a voice from Heaven announce that you're doing it, right? And we know that God was with him. We know that God blessed him and what he did Ministry wise. But if you move on to Matthew 4:1, what does it say? Then Jesus was led by the spirit Into the Wilderness and tempted by the devil. So immediately after that great announcement of who Jesus was he's tempted. Meeting resistance and we know that through the rest of his time of ministry. He continued to meet with resistance from the enemy. Let me know ultimately that it ended on the cross or what about the Apostle Paul who you know had persecuted the church, but then he goes through this amazing conversion experience and when he goes out and starts proclaiming the word of God those people who had been his friends tried to kill him. And he actually ends up being saved by those who were once his enemies. And we know throughout his ministry that they were continually after him. So Paul knew what it means to meet up with opposition and resistance when you're seeking to do something for God. Cuz when we take a step to do something for God we should know that opposition is going to come. In our greatest personal victories are almost always followed by periods of intense opposition. We have to know that. You know if we take seriously God's challenge to live lives of holy ambition. We must anticipate that that's going to come.

Nehemiah 4 talks about how we should handle that sort of external opposition when it comes our way. Pennsylvania move forward with God's agenda when we move forward with presenting it it's going to come so we might as well figure out how we're going to handle it because so often right after we take that first big step. It seems like we step right into the jab of ridicule and criticism. That's what we see here in Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 1 and 2.

When symbolic heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews and in the presence of his associates in the army of Samaria. He said what are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble burned as they are?

Maybe we can see what he's doing here. He's doing one of those things where he may not be saying it a directly to the workers on the wall, but I'm sure he's saying this to the army of Samaria in a place where he's at least within earshot of them, you know. So those working on the wall can hear what do you say as he ridicules them and mocks them to the army of Samaria and he's you know, basically saying you'll never make it you're not going to be able to do it. You're not going to be able to follow through on this commitment that you made how foolish are you guys to think that you can do this thing? When he's trying to place that seed of doubt in their heads and I have no doubt that as they were working. It had to do that. Cuz you know every place where God is at work. The mockers in the doubters will come they're going to show up. They're going to say you can't do this. It can't be accomplished and makes you know those little comments. Are do you think God is really going to use someone like you to make a difference? You're do you really think that God is in the midst of this thing that you're doing. Are you really going to step out in faith? Do you think it's really going to change anything? Do you think it's going to make a difference in anyone's life that you're doing this?

You know, they'll try to convince us that the problem is too big and that we can't be a part of the solution. You know the real problem is that that little voice that we hear so often is inside our own heads. It's dripping wet with sarcasm and it's telling us you're not going to be able to do this. You can't accomplish it.

But listen here how Nehemiah teaches us to respond to the criticism. That will come. Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 4 and 5 does hear us o God for we are despised turn their insults back on their own heads give them over as plunder in a Land of captivity. Do not cover up their guilt or block their out their sins from your site for they have thrown insults in the face of the builders.

Nehemiah's response to the ridicule in the criticism was to pray. And that's what he was teaching the people when the ridicule and the criticism comes pray about it nearby handled opposition by handing it to God that was his way of dealing with it. You let God take care of the defense of his people and he let God take care of the counter-attack that needed to come against his enemies. He didn't worry about it. He stayed true to the task that he knew God had given him. He stayed focused on that.

And you know, we have to realize that if we aren't facing some kind of resistance in the world, we might be on the wrong path. We might be moving in the wrong direction. Casino often we're going to meet opposition opposition is actually normal. We should expect it whenever we do something for God we should know that it's some point it's going to come because we live in a rebellious and Fallen world a world that doesn't want to see God's world accomplished. So when they see us moving forward in that they're going to move in the opposite direction. We have to realize that Satan never gives up his territory easily. So when we try to move forward, he's going to oppose us. He reminds us hear that when we see evil, you know, whether it's perpetrated against us or not. Whenever we see resistance from the enemy out in the world. We need to start by praying. That needs to be our first move every time is to bathe it and prayer is Nehemiah prayed and he kept the people working. And he kept the clear focus on what the task was that God had put in before then and I'm trusting that God would help them do it.

Is the thing we often see is that you know, when we move forward with God's agenda when we start to make Headway with it the trouble there is that the enemy often goes from being angry to very angry. So the resistance gets more Fierce the farther we go. In Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 7 & 8 we see that happen since it when somebody ought to buy it the Arabs and the ammonites and the people of a shot heard that the repairs to Jerusalem's walls had gone ahead and that the gaps for being close. They were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Russo and stir up trouble against it. You know, it had to be discouraging to the people and they not only are they trying to accomplish this Monumental task of rebuilding this wall and rebuilding these Gates, but now they have people standing in their mocking them while they do it then on top of that and now they're starting to hear that they're going to attack them and kill them. I mean they have to kind of be at the point of come on really what else are we going to have to meet with? So it had to be discouraging to them. But look how Nehemiah goes on and responds to it. He shows us that we need to respond to a text not only spiritually but also practically in some ways Nehemiah chapter 4 verse 9 it says but we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat. Like I said Nehemiah did what we should always do first when we encounter problems is he prayed but then he responded to it in a very practical way. He put safeguards in place to allow God's work to continue. Whatever the problem was he found something to address it. And you know, it's the same in our life if there's a particular area where we're struggling. We need to be smart enough to put safeguards in place practical steps in place to protect us from the attacks are going to come that way.

It continues and Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 10 and 12 through 12 for it says meanwhile the people and Judah said the strength of the laborers is giving out and there is so much Rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall. Also our enemies said before they know it or see us we will be right there among them and kill them and put an end to their work. Then the Jews who live near them came and told us 10 times over wherever you turn. They will attack us. When people just keep telling them they're coming. They're coming. They're going to attack you. They're going to come after you said it had to be so discouraged.

You're all the attacks enemy were starting to take their toll. So what do we do when it starts to discourage us when it starts to take a toll on us. What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to react?

How many Amaya worked to get them to the place where they could try to see God like he saw God? In Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 13 through 20. He describes nehemiah's actions in as I read through this it's kind of a long passage longer than I normally like to read but I want you to hear how Nehemiah responded. There's a lot of practical wisdom in it. Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 13 through 20 are for iStation. Some of the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed place is posting them by families with their swords and Spears and Bows after I look things over I stood up and said to the Nobles the officials and the rest of the people don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight for your families your son's your daughters your wife senior homes. When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it. We all return to the wall each to our own work from that they own half of the men did work while the other half were equipped with Spears and shields bows and armors. The officers posted themselves behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall those who carry materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other in each of the builders wore his sword his side as he work but the man who sound of the trumpet stayed with me then I said to the Nobles the officials and the rest of the people the work is extensive and spread out and we are widely separated from each other whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet join us. There are God will fight for us. Know what was Nehemiah doing here Not only was he giving them practical steps and laying out the plan of how they were going to address this threat. I think he was trying to give them a bigger perspective on all of it. You know where they're working on their little section of the wall. All they can see is the immediate problem. That's right there. But he was trying to help them see it's not just you alone who have to face this threat. When you face this threat blow the trumpet and we will all be right there behind you. But he also reminded them that God will fight for us. So he not only showed him what the plan was. He not only showed them that the rest of us are going to be joining with you to fight this battle. He showed them that God. Is there fighting for them also. Cuz you know so often when we're fighting our own personal battles and trying to do it all in our own it can seem overwhelming. You know, if we looked at the task of what we're trying to accomplish with the church and thought well we got to do it and you know, just one person if it was just me I would be overwhelmed.

Because I think about it. I know that I have everyone behind me helping me and it's not an overwhelming task. Then we can accomplish it. We will accomplish it. Cuz you're all too often what happens when we become discouraged. We try to distract ourselves. Don't we with other things? You know, we watch TV we eat we get on our phone and we do things are we talk with others who are just as discouraged as we are that way we feel better about being discouraged right? She talked to other people who are discouraged. You know, we need a Nehemiah in our life who gets us moving towards God when we face those things and that's what we have to do for each other as a church family. You know, when we see someone struggling when we see someone having difficulties. We encourage each other to keep moving forward towards what God's trying to accomplish. That's what we have to do. You know, cuz when you do that the opposition almost immediately looks different when you realize you're not facing it alone. When you realize that you have your church family behind you and the gods behind you. The opposition looks much different. So, how do we start moving towards God, you know, the first thing is remember who's on your team? Like I said, remember your church family that is here to fight with you. Remember that we serve a risen savior. That Jesus is there to fight with you that God will be there with you that we have an awesome God who fights for us. We are not alone. And turn to God for the solution not the world of social media to see what they think or take the latest poll on the internet. But turn to God in prayer and expect him to answer. the number to never fight alone You know Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 21 23, it says so we continued the work with half the men holding Spears from the first light of dawn till the stars came out at that time. I also said to the people have every man and his helper stay inside Jerusalem at night so they can serve us as guards by night and its workers by day. Neither. I nor my brother's nor my men nor the guards with me took off her clothes and each had his weapon even when he went for water.

You know this we've looked at all of these elements of holy ambition over the past several weeks. I hope something that you noticed was how often throughout that process throughout that as we seek only ambition that we're not supposed to do it alone. How often is it called on us to do that within our church family within the church body? It's important for us to remember that as we seek God's will ragana face opposition, but we are going to never do it alone or to do it with our church family. Like I said, the good news is that we don't have to. Not only do we have our church family, but it's me get ready to approach the communion table this morning, you know. That is just the ultimate example of God fighting for us, isn't it? if we think about it, God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins so that Sin, and death could be defeated once and for all. So really we don't have to worry about the penalties of sin and death like we would happen to think it's something that we have to try to accomplish on her own. Now, all we have to do is give our life to Jesus Christ and that battles already been won. That's just the simple truth of it. And like I said, the ultimate example of the fact that we never have to fight alone cuz we serve a risen savior who's there's fighting and you know as we come to the communion table and as I pray I always like us to take time to examine our hearts. And I pray that we all do that today that as we pray will take time to examine our own Hearts, you know, and maybe there's a place in your life where you've been trying to fight the battle on your own. You need to know that you don't have to do that that you have a church family that you have a savior who doesn't expect you to fight it on your own. And you can turn to him and ask him to help you in that way. Please bear with me in prayer as we get ready. Heavenly Father we thank you for the blessings you give us. Lord most of all, we thank you that your son did died on the cross for our sins. and Lord we pray that is we take a few moments of Silence Lord that you will help all of us to search our hearts and search our minds. Lord four areas in our life that maybe we've been trying to fight that battle on our own.

Maybe we just haven't surrendered that area of life to you and Lord today is the day that we are going to surrender it. The we are going to turn it entirely over to you Lord knowing that we no longer have to fight this battle alone that you are going to help us fight it and Lord that we will overcome it. I know that you will be able to lead us down the path that you want for our life Lord lead us to the place where we can be used by you to accomplish great things for the kingdom of God. Lord I pray in these next moments as we search our hearts that you'll just make that clear to all of us.

Most gracious Heavenly Father we pray that has become to you today. Lord that you will bless these communion elements learn it as we partake of the blood in the body of Christ Lord that we will truly feel that we are washed clean of our sins and Lord that we can go forward knowing that you are with us every step of the way. You pray this all in your most. Holy name. Amen.

So if you'll pull out your handy-dandy little prepackaged communion thing. Just a tip that I learned last month. Don't put this in your pocket and leave it there cuz then your juice is warm. Don't do that. I made that mistake last month. So. As we take it out and it's kind of funny little side note here as we prepare for communion when we had a pastor's meeting this week. We were discussing these cuz pretty much every churches using these now and we're discussing the struggle than it is to get these open. So remember open the top part first to get your wafer out. Yes. It is a wafer. It's not a piece of Styrofoam or cardboard and then open the other part of it to get to the juice. But here these scriptures this morning as they we prepare as you guys take the bread and your hands First Corinthians 11 verses 23 and 24 says the Lord Jesus on the night. He was betrayed took the bread and when he had given thinks he broke it and said, this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me take the bread and remember that the body of Christ was broken for you.

In 1st Corinthians, 11:26 5 25 and 26 at 7 the same way after supper. He took the cup. Saying this cup is the New Covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it and remember to me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Drink and know that you have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb.

Please pray with me. Most gracious Heavenly Father. We thank you for what your son accomplished on the cross? Lord it is such a blessing and so reassuring to know that we don't have to fight. The struggle that life seems to be some days alone.

Or that we can call on your name and we can lift our needs up in prayer and Lord, you know what they are and you will indeed keep your promises and you will help us with those struggles. And Lord, we know that also our mission to Proclaim. Your gospel is not something that we have to do Under Our Own Strength. That you are there with this and you will help us to accomplish that task. Lord I pray that you will just give us the strength that we need and Lord in those moments of discouragement or I pray that we will turn to you and turn to our church family. For the assurance that we need and we pray that's all in your most. Holy name. Amen.

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