Wednesday, February 5th, 2020 - PM - Pastor Phil Larson

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Studies in Second Peter  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:06
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"The Presence of Pretenders"

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Northridge weather going to be like in first

No wheat? At work, here we are. The yacht from Postal Annex in title and they've been trained for no idea where to go. But you know who go round and they walked well with the parts of tools and parts. And of course, you know those who know how to fix the machine.

So I just got you all stay off pretending and here we see that there are some dark skin.

Peter going to open up and he's going to start talking about these false prophets and how they how is off cheapest how they present themselves and how they conduct themselves exercise themselves. And I've just titled these are the receipt of pretend. They're not doing it, right. They are false teachers even odd or even function.

Teachers in Falls Church of Christ going to come out and say that.

The Bible tells of a wicked Waste Services that they're bringing in what can doctors see these false Doctrine the Bible tells us that this is going to be the case because chapter 4 beginning of teachers having itching ears under the table. Not the case that I don't receive that. We need to have something.

Society we need to have something in their work is more relevant in the word of God it is

We go back over to 1st to 2nd Peter here and keep reading some of their way. That's over nine. Evergreen Apartments self-destruction The Bible tells us open 2nd Corinthians that in Corinthians 2:17 the Bible tells us.

But we are not as many with the word of God, but God the Son of God in Christ. We're not handling the word of God deceitfully when I think you know exactly what states did when he was tempting Jesus make a phone contact.

We see that there are many Carter Russell weight and working in it squeeze it in justify it and we try to look for the book.

They brought in these heresies even denying the Lord Jesus Christ about yourself.

How tall is over nasty?

Going to say that. I never knew you depart from me. Ye that work iniquity. Papa John's Blaine clear know I don't know you but I don't know you.

You've always been these false teachers and they have their wicked way. They turn them away from the truth that prevent away from a truth table Bible tells us over in Matthew.

They were talking before they turn them away from these fable.

1st Timothy for the Bible says speaking lies and having their conscience seared with a hot Iron Maiden to married man GIF stain from you and know the truth is going to be people who are going to turn away these false prophets during these false teachers for you know, hey, you know what daily taking up my cross? following him so much easier to holding as the Bible say

Boy, you know, you know what happened sound gospel.

with the Life of Christ Jesus

Do you think the sound easier and look people?

We're going to give him to the seducing spirits to the doctrine of devils.

the Lord. We see that even the 900 that bought them and they bring himself and bringing destruction. About toddlers inside the Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 for themselves with no great thing. That is also be transferred according to their Works will turn over back over into Matthew Bibles houses in Matthew.

Matthew Chapter 7

5000 or Raven world do grapes or apples? Good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but it can bring us forth evil face.

Evertree bring your dad bring you for a few truths diffuse down in constant of the fire wherefore by their fruits. You shall know them.

Did you come to know them by their fruit? You can see what they're producing serve god with a list of his name.

What do I want to cheat? Who is going to know them by their fruits good trees knock on 3/4 of a fruit drink a good shorts and juicing bad that bad teenagers and young adults set of heaven and not the things of this world.

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. We're going to know these false teachers. We're going to know if possible false prophets by their Works. We're going to know people who are preaching the word of God in truth. fireworks used to have a good tree bringeth forth good fruit for the corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

falcon 2nd Peter of the Barbican go on to tell us of these on them. Now. We're looking through Consciousness longer it.

Destruction is coming. These couches with framed Ward's tax real smooth.

Why so he can get money so he can take advantage of people. Stripes he's conscious Harmony the Bible tells us in 1st Timothy Chapter 6 beginning his verse 3.

Where are coming Energy red stripe really amazing supposing?

in the Bible gives us this application withdraw myself from those who would

One quick look around this world. See who's rest. I do not really in this world the most beautiful people in this world. go to looking

heated they fly. They work their way up the corporate ladder. With no thought or regard to God no tartar, we guard to Eternity.

Covington Carmen music consciousness

comic we seen the presence of Pretenders, but we also see here the coming Judgment of Jehovah. receive he's going to be judging them according to their work. Right there in the butt and deliver them into trains of Darkness to be reserved on the judgment and spare not the old world. But save Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing you the world of the ungodly in the ashes condemn them with an overthrowing.

And delivered just lot next to the Hilton College Station of the wicked. Vac his righteous soul today.

The Lord knoweth. I just deliver The Godly Arlington station to be punished. Aerie Peter give several examples of Darkness to be reserved reserved is Everlasting train on Tuesday of that great day Angel Reserve because waiting attachment that is coming at session is Revelation chapter 12. Battle Ground anymore in heaven course talking about driving his tail light.

This would be Satan in drawing the toilet of these Angel anymore. Level 8 play Toronto revelation will see you then later on top of the bistro.

they're going to have to exactly

Is God going to be charging these angels? That was their first date. We see he goes on there in verse 5. It says the old world but Noah on the world of the ungodly.

We saw the judgement of Jehovah in the old world.

Begin reading a verse 5 says and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in New York and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

God's in the world Side Story man to my house created from the face of the year old man and Beast road trip with me that I have made them. Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord

Here we see the judge of all the Earth. He's not he's going to he's going to deliver the righteous.

Drive to Florida course that upon the world is destroyed the whole world that will fly fly all the men all men with the Troy except for Noah is why?

God brought us, Wisconsin apartment. the Bible tells us over in Luke chapter 17 Convert 26.

And other ones in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of Sodom and they did they drink.

Is there a new carrying on their business no mind them? A spiritual nature about worshipping God about doing right and God said it was only evil continually. but when I went into the ark God's not judgment 2nd Peter Going on with Serena vs. 6 Apple ungodly. And deliver dropped a lot sex with a filthy conversation of the wicked.

Genesis God brought destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah The cities down that were around there was a plane why because of their wickedness.

continue Indian 17 the Bible tells us what is destroy them all.

swifttrans bear pond

Have their wickedness delivered. China Wok God have mercy upon us.

Call The Wicked sinner.

You all saw it or you don't?

We think about it was only like that open these doors to these strangers and only lock that that problem in. Nobody else is offering them any place which was common courtesy there. went out against the city is

Alternative battery but he withstood the wickedness that was there.

Daryl charger

comparatively speaking to the men of the city.

God delivers you. Play righteous man swelling amongus from day-to-day.

God told us to be Salt and Light in the middle of the water slides in the midst of the crooked and perverse generation.

And yeah, if we failed to do that. If we fail the salt and the light in this world. Then we're going to be like this man locked. Going to be back soon. The righteous Soul seen the working this around.

It could disturb on the wickedness that goes around. Young godliness that is rampant. It should have bothered lot more than it did. You Lost Temple, he wasn't feeding the song that he needs to be wasn't being the light in the Darkness

Salt has lost its savor.

We lose also the free stop making a difference then we'll just like that. Cease to make a difference here in this city. They were good for nothing. Need to be making a difference. We need not sit given to the process of the world. We need to not be okay with us in going on around us.

What time do it now? That's not okay. That's not enough.

Bible tells us over there in Genesis.

But these two men that came in or there was working at the balancing.

Begin work MTG verse 23 says apology or is a lot in truth or more Brimstone and fire from Google some the Lord Out of Heaven.

And that we screw on the ground.

Watch Wife Swap. Why does?

Mexican person he word Abraham and Abraham got him up early in the morning.

Abraham has been making intersection. Sodom and Gomorrah and you can read that in over there and he's making intercession prayer early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord. He looked toward Sodom in the middle. Good morning with all the plans of a, Florida.

And it came to pass when God destroyed the city of the plain.

abstract wall out of The Mists of the overthrow when you overthrew the city Force 2 walkthrough out these cities have garbage service Abraham he delivered lot.

Thankful for the mercies of the Lord. He's able to deliver. Those who will put their trust in him as receipt here and 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 9 said unto the day assessment to be punished.

Abraham God nearest Genesis 18. They said Play The Righteous with the wicked and the righteous should be out the wicked. Before Sunday.

God is the Lord of all the Earth shall do right and he deliver the righteous and second Peter.

So, how does this why do work what work can we take out of this? Why would you take that deliver? Your Godly out of Temptation. God is faithful friends about Deliverance improv in Psalms chapter 34 Psalm 34 verse 15 read by The Lord is against illegal to cut off remembrance of them from off to hear the righteous cry and the Lord and delivered them out of all the trouble. The Lord is nigh unto them that are with broken heart and save as be of a contrite spirit. Pictures of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

wood delivery the righteous reward

Veronica Webb The Lord is nigh devices to them that are broken heart. You say something or I'll try to hear the Cry of the righteous.

As I was reading a knock-knock, you know.

My righteous would would God count me as righteous.

four-door Chevy or cry or is there something between your soul is something that would hinder that communication that would That would weaken a damp and not cry.

Lord hears the Cry of the righteous in Proverbs chapter 12 about the Wind by the transgression of God's going to be

We're going to run right to settle on Godly.

cueter Chrysler

I've got no application. I've got no you you know stalking her.

You live in the Armstrong County.

Sure, they were. Betty on the Daniel

But it was too late.

days of Sodom and Gomorrah where they were when they

Is it a good when you call the van? Call for God.

too late

be that way in the end in time. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.

Why does Isis still do it before it's too late. I'm coming I'm sticking.

Are we going to be Salt and Light? We won't be able to say what can I say?

Lord remember no one remembers Abraham deliver Loft

would be said that about wickedness is going on back.

You will remember with our lives be making the different that when God looked around and see what they're all ungodly except for. therefore those people write their own in Broomfield

eyes closed

Trust Me lyrics

Always being right.

You're here tonight. There is something between us.

Want to take care of it brought something to you. Something to your mind something to your heart.

Take care of it.

in retrospect in Vidor who God is it? It's a wonderful thing to hear from God of having a nurse. Most of us will never even hear from our president deliver calls directly. He's only there for a short Charming boy wouldn't honor that would be but how much more sewing honor at the god of having the nerve to speak to you today?

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