A presentation by Mottel Baleston, Messianic Jewish Fellowship (www.messiahNJ.org)
An honest survey of the Bible shows that its context is mostly Jewish, including the New Testament. But what about the 99 percent of the human race who are Gentile?
Jewish: A person who is physically descended from one of Jacob’s 12 sons
Gentile: A person who is not descended from Jacob
Genesis 12:1-3 - The Abrahamic Covenant anticipates God’s blessing on ALL the people of the earth
Psalm 96:1-5 - A Call for Gentiles to embrace the God of Israel
Isaiah 49:5-6 - Messiah’s mission focuses on two people groups: Jews and Gentiles
Ephesians 2:12-13; 17-19 - Gentile believers are now part of the same body as Jewish believers