A Study of Romans (13)
“What I have said proves that inheriting the promise God gave Abraham is by faith, in order that this might all be accomplished by God’s grace.”
Paul means that the very idea of God’s doing something for man by promise will of necessity mean that the promise is by grace (not obligation) and thus an object of faith (not works).
No man can keep the Law, and so God’s promise to make Abraham father of a great spiritual people from all nations would be absolutely empty if men were to participate in that promised seed by works.
But both they—the Gentiles—and those who think their possession of the Law counts—the Jews—are included in Abraham’s spiritual seed by faith and grace and promise.
The foundation for the grace of God (and the promise and faith that go with it) rests on the great power of God.
This aspect of God’s omnipotence (all-power) reminds us that the very existence of the future depends on God. His promises about the future are absolutely dependable!