No other Gospel part 2
What's a womanly welcome 8 shift joins with us this morning for a while. She attends Fellowship. He will come over and sweet as you join us. We know some will be joining us life and some will be watching this later on in the day and possibly during the week. And so we heard from these whenever you join us that the Lord will bless you as you are joining with us at this occasion.
Do I need to remind people that tomorrow we will head news or updates from the government with regard to procedures for restrictions across the winter months. We are mindful views on this and scared. I'm not really that was how they respond but we need to be mindful of the Lord is in control of all things but we keep an eye on what the rules and regulations also that we are able to adhere to those in the best possible way. We don't anticipate having a lockdown as described as our experiences were back in March, but we understand each be increased restrictions for London over the coming weeks. And so we will have a molten core to this week about what those mean or it may be that impact 3 more within your home situation. That we can continue with such thing as we normally do but if there is any impacts on what we do as a church, then I will be emailing everyone who are all the members to update you on that information. And of course on brocast next week, and I think that is relevant to the services here in person. We do all sku2u. I email I sent so the email address that set as being previously provided which is at end at home Mattoon. Church until we be more than happy to have you come along we do need to make sure that we have enough space for you and we would encourage people to use that system so that we can govern how many people we have in the church as well as make room for you. We would say are they coming weeks that flus and colds are quite common fortunately flew along Sonic covid-19.
As the psalmist says bless. This is the one whose transgression Is Forgiven whose sin is covered blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts now iniquity and in whose Spirit there is no deceit as we thank the Lord for his word and we pray that you bless his way to our house tonight before I let us pray. Florida didn't say thank you for these words of the psalmist Avis Lord. We thank you that we're able to come before the one true God they might be going to the Garden created all things. They going to cannot look upon sin Lord. We thank you that what your son did for us on the cross shedding. His blood has covered our sins and dealt with our sense that we can indeed come before you in prayer or we thank you for us and Laurie actor those words that we have read that indeed. It is a blessed thing to be the one of those whose transgressions have truly being together and we thank you for that. Lord we also recognized in those words the importance of us to be gone this about a halting of spirit indeed. It is a fearful thing to have a deceitful heart before you lower a frenzy that each one of our hearts might be right before you this morning that has become before you that there is no deceit sand are there is no deceit towards our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, but wrong though. We last Hills are you can before I eat one another knowing that we are all equal before you that you have built with all sin equal a story. Thank you for not True Glory Brandy as we come now to look at your word to contemplate your teachings Forest that alcohol some Minds might not be I trying to cross to see how things are the world or the problems that we might have it while we want Dad to concentrate now upon you. Lord referring to eat that you'll be with us are unwell at this time. We think of. This morning he is unwell has a cold and flu type symptom slowly just pray that you'll be with her Lord. We know that this is a time of year that start soon as his account, and we normally think nothing of them the lordly uphold each one before you say you are in control of all things. We know that you provide Heating and we trust and date that you will be joining with us again that soon it'll be doing to eat pray before each one because we want them to join with us in person Lord winner of the importance to meet with one another in person Lord. We know that you have commissioned us to do something and we thank you for those opportunities weekends Lord. It does grieve our hearts that we are. In this coven situation this pandemic Lord. We know that you are in control of these things we know. That one day these things will be dealt with and that we will return to normal life once again, but Lori praying to God that we might be honest in our hearts before you that we might have a yearning for your word. Tell me why the une to meet with one another and that we might be obedience in the same story pray. We hold all these things before you in Jesus name almond.
From now to I'll tell him for the children's talk and remind ourselves that lost week. We looked at the situation with the Spine Center Rehab and so we have and we have all those questions and the answers. I wish they have in that question sheet doing each week. And so I can send them back to us then obviously, do you put those in the post with more than happy to receive them, but you can cut them up and bring them back when you next visit about suicide. It's helpful for us to do I see how you getting home and should be able to encourage you in your understanding answer the questions of what we supposed was Joshua sent two spies to Jericho. Who did they go to answer the what did she do? 2 spice where she hid them What did she ask the spine is too, So when they attacked at Jericho, they take her and her family with them and they said what she did to us highly dangerous in supporting them and they were roommates and in what they were offering to do and what did the spine is. So well, they promised to do that. I'm sorry. We thank the Lord the date that's going to be looking at this this morning as well as over the coming weeks. So this week we are looking for the wrong and we're looking what is really So Cal it in. Joshua Travis has a three and four. Would you encourage you to actually read the passage properly describe this morning is just an overview of What Not passage has Force? Look at his thoughts within this early in the morning. Joshua led the Israelites to the River Jordan where they set up camp. After 3 days of the offices gave Otis when you see the Ark of the Covenant is being carried by the priests. You also follow it at a distance. Joshua told everyone to get their lives with gone before the next day or they would see him do amazing things and Z's it's very important. So when we look to the Lord for amazing things that we aren't do make sure we're right before him. It is a fearful thing not to be and it is important that we address those situations. The next by Joshua told to the priest Toledo carrying the Ark of the Covenant towards the River Jordan. The river was in the plant and dangerous to cross go to told Joshua to tell the priest when they go to the riverbank not to stop but to go and stand in the river.
As soon as I saw the free stuff eats and touch the water the water Upstream starts flooding they stood in a large heat the same distance away. That's a town called Adam the priests stood in the middle of the River on the drawing grounds while the people crossed into the Promised Land. When Joshua has given notice for 12 men one from each tribe, but to choose he told you these men to gather a large Stone each from the dry River beds and carry it to it. It's Sue the place where they would set up the time for the nights. About 40,000 people on the sofa back to hurry to cross the River Jordan then stood on the fall bank and watched. Go to instructions. Joshua. Come on the priest to come answer the water. No sooner than they had done. So then the waters flooded Downstream again. At the place at the place a call to gilgal Joshua and structures of the 12 men to assess out at the launch Torrance. They had carried from the riverbed as a memorial. And when when future Generations ask you about these things what these things mean just for an ounce tell them that the Lord ride up the River Jordan just as he dried up the Red Sea so we could cross over he did this to show his power that you would always be in all of him. They are going to go see some reckless things and he doesn't so that we all love him that we realize where we stand before him. The orgone is something that we often lack and we view him when we have the tendency of an Austin. Can we do need to stand in all of money to go out that we wish it and recognized who he truly is we are thankful. Of course that he makes it makes our sons and daughters and so we are able to come before him, but we should not lose that sense of oil to warts gone. And so whenever God uses his time he makes his people stand in all and we need to remember that so we need to remind each other all times each time we gather together. What's happening with the pictures that they just suddenly stopped for some reason?
So this week we have to remember birthdays. We have Nathaniel Lowe. It will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow and we load for him and pray that the Lord will keep him. We outside today have students remembering and Pratt. Remember? I'm tree of my daughter and we can confirm that she I go home Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and she has now started Masters in forensic psychology that oversees deals with facts relating to chronology in the context of that. She seen whether people are not ready for release is the concepts of what she's looking for a there's a jolly old fat roll that long time that she hopes to be involved with which has to actually support individuals to know when actually those decisions should be made and not to give Do the Colts or when they should be released and there is a potential as in America, but slowly these things are coming over to United Kingdom that the people who do that kind of role. I'll also able to help with actually working out who may have got them. I said potato corn outside interests. That's why she would like currently to head towards is something that all Christians somewhat surprised but it is important. So that's Christians are involved in all areas of work because we couldn't be relinquishing by those are the people is important that we do we have are encouraging people to go into all areas of society in Oak Ridge and that we pray that date Andre will enjoy her master's eye. She's starting at part-time and still be over a two-year. And so we pray for her as she progresses through that course she has and she's Very interesting and I think she is enjoying it and embracing it's in so we thank the Lord for that's all we do have a couple of this week and I've already mentioned who is Sabina well and got cold or flu, symptoms and we pray for her. I did forget set in the present. I will remember this shortly. We also have a couple of this is green. Who unfortunately he's in the hospital at this point in time and she went in earlier in the week. Fortunately. She's been struggling with heart problems and we pray for her and her family at this time. I will be leaving and returning to Nigeria and we praying say that so you can catch safe. A healthy and so we pray and eat that to the Lord will bless you in your tummy or back in Nigeria and we do.
Other what's inside so proud of all that said next week. We will actually have a Thanksgiving it will be convinced that secure Thanksgiving will be at the zoo this little things. We normally do and it starts giving is full of Denise granddaughter at those are his hands and will be thanking the lord for that new birth. And so we pray and say that you got to join us next week of fall. That's the same roses. We all doing this week. I'm a respite so look very similar to what we doing this week. But the important thing is that we are actually praying specifically for that child. Do something off to just have prayer as well. Is brother Julian who would actually be preaching this morning. And so that is next week.
Play Sunday, November 1st Sunday in November. Sorry I will be at we can at least pray for him and his preparation full dance. We are thankful to the Lord for he has worked in Judea and the way he has a number of years and we are thankful that he is truly encouraged his own face with the Lord and that he is looking a trench leak do they study in Spanish? I go to work with his people so we can pray for him in the nuts. I'll bring all these things before the Lord. Let us pray.
Lord be there ain't a Thang. You said. So we are indeed able to come before you lured me friend dates that so we might be truly obedient to know things would we know is that we often file to pay you in the way we should but we'll be friendsy. You're Holy Spirit my Cindy to truly help us and I'll walk the line. Lord help us two tons your word help us to read that would threaten or it's not what I have a desire for that. Would that invades that would want to live in our hearts for this flu? That's the understanding that knowledge that it did you work in our hearts and our lines and bring that obedient enough Lord, we pray that you will work in a mighty way that we might be right before your eyes with the come on that don't work and you flew the people be ruined before going because God is about to do amazing tremendous things and it is Painful thing experience before the Living God and Lord. We pray indeed that we might be at the eve of a great work that you will do in this land. But Lori praying to eat that we might be ruined before you that we might tend to you. We wanted to know legit. I'll just have eaten so we might I can only change who you are in a true sense notary praying. They that we might stand in oil before you knowing that you are the one true God. Florio say thank you that in doing so we're able to stand that as Sons and Daughters of year that we are able to have that familiarity with you, but Lord help us outside to lose that sense of all we pray. Lori between Tdap hold all the prayers in our hearts before you those prayers that have not been answered those prayers that we have held close to us that we have not said without those Lori up holders before you now Lower music by Cher and so we pray specifically for those on Sims that so have been brought before us Lord. We pray for Nathaniel that's indeed. He's able to I celebrate his birthday by tomorrow and we pray and see that he and his family was have an enjoyable time the great day with one another floor be praying to eat that say you want to work in the end his life that he might know you as his Lord and Savior no referring to eat. You will be with him across so they coming year we pray for me pray in a pole saw before you those are unwell at this time. We've already mentioned on Touhy and we pray for her but we simply pray for mrs. Green Lord. We know she is having the specific cause problems with a half of this time. We know that says she is still in hospital. You'll be with her that she might know your presence with other. You want to give up comforter this time. I really pray for the whole family in the same way that she may be healed and that she may be able to regain being amongst the family Gloria praying Z4 must that she will know your presents with her. Lourdes rehab trying to eat at for shaunta has said she travels to Nigeria this week. We praying for you.. Journey may be safe. We pray and deed that you will keep her healthy for around this time the journey and following him in Ontario be treated last that says she made meet with are your brothers or your other brothers and sisters in Christ that indeed they want to be blessed by her presence amongst them and that they may be over encouragement to one another we pray Lord be doing these uphold before you genista daughter and her granddaughter and we pray as we look for next week for Thanksgiving other than school that take place will be to your honor and Glory we pray. What are you outside with apple before you Julia is find Lori. Thank you that you have worked in a mighty way and his longing for the recent is Lord we know is being a Call you for many many years and we know that he had a great deal of teaching are 4 ounces young teenage life and in his early days and we know that he has known you over there. Yes Lord. We thank you that you have worked with him in a special way more most recently that indeed he knows you and across away finds that he is able now to consider. I've been able to I study your word and to share that would a free preaching in the coming weeks Lori praying date that you will be with him. You would encourage him in his studies and that invades you want to pay him a full. Occasional beginning of November. The Lord we pray right now is shortly to Riegelwood and to study up all night long. We pray our hearts and I might as well be open before you that you might speak to each one of us to be more to learn more of yourself learn more of how we can work. Will closely with you and that we might mature and I'll fight full we pray. Told me I owe so I pray for one another or the coming weeks. We don't I Waltz is going to be happening. We don't know what rules my baby don't know what it's going to take like you are in full control Army private indeed as we plan to have all services each week. And we do low seems that we should do then that are in Alpine that Lord you might give us the wisdom that we need and also. So you might say and courage relate to all of us and that you might come with us if we find ourselves back in a situation where we are unable to hold services for any reason though. There are many things that could replace how much not to be fair for life things. But to step forward and encouragement knowing that you are in control and that we stepped forward and not trust in you Lord. We pray we hold all these things before you in Jesus name. Amen.
I didn't I forgot to tell you. I think I mentioned earlier in the service by mention it again is that said we plan next week at the usual time of 8:11? We had to be in July or that protoss for a number of technical reasons, but we feel that it is not right and proper that we try to return back to our 11:00 stomp guys are coming into the service here. Please make sure you all here in time for 11, but obviously if you are watching iPhone broke off each week, please remember next week onwards we will be soft in the pool cost at 11. Are we doing these hope for the technical issues that we had previously during the year was meant for us to have to have it delayed might not be prevalent. We discovered of the last couple weeks are there were a few hiccups. It turned out one of the computers here in the church. I was actually trying to send information that you shouldn't have been sending. Anyway, it wasn't. It was just purely a far was trying to upload to a secure site that shouldn't have actually being trying to upload at or it's one of those things that can sometimes happen that we are I did Christ's no problem on Transmissions. I'm hoping this week. We have less hate cops and that you are able to follow older is actually being said more easily.
Turn out this morning as we come we come now to read from goats would actually read the same passage. We read last week and will be continuing and I'll look at this particular message. So I will read from bus 6 Route 42 bus 10. I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and I'll change it to a different gospel. Not that there is another one but there are some who trouble you and wants to of the stores of the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel country to the one we preach the to you let him be accursed. As we have said before so now I say again if anyone is preaching to you a gospel country to the one-year seat, let him be accursed for I am now seeking the approval of man. Sorry for now seeking the approval of man or God or am I trying to please man if I was trying to please man, I would be a 7 I would not be a servant of Christ Grande the Lord will bless his words to a halt since we come now to look at this in further detail. Two weeks ago we looked at said this passage and we found the time went on until we have drones to deliver to this week. And I pray that we will be able to understand more of this process as we look at it. And sometimes it is a surprise to us within a culture. Sometimes we have a view that we shouldn't be using strong words are but I'm actually in scripture many strong words are often used because of the need to that. It is important. What pool is actually saying him pull as we noticed was horrified. He was horrified. The people with sponsors and desert the gospel message as it had been proclaimed to them and that they indeed freelance weekend to remove. Self from that gospel and we've never said that so they impale recognize that they were being really preaching a doctrine that have been Twisted. I've been altered from what had been proclaimed to them and pull in those lost a few versus and versus 829 to be rejected those who teach science teachings of be rejected lines are those who accept and stay with the 19th to find themselves in the same position.
What we will the movie on say it was to look more at said the overview all this I know so look at verse 10 and that's why we have reached. Where we find ourselves is that we actually need to also understand not only want the simple gospel message is and we will look at that this morning, but we are needing to understand what it is to actually grow as a Christian as we pointed out law Suite No 2 weeks ago. I often Deception comes in because individuals present to us a twisting of the Gospel message that appeals to our sinful nature often very good things. They seem to claim what we want to watch the help. We want to be a closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to developing our relationship with him. And also those individuals present to us. There is something that we can do to make ourselves more acceptable to God that we might be a stronger Christian by following these actions and we like to hear that. Things because you want to have a stronger faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but so often it is being Twisted as I say we often have I actually accidentally Incorporated terminologies Even in our churches, which sometimes lead to Ward's people feeling that I actually that came in the same thing. We using often same phraseology as individuals, but they mean something completely different. I found it incredibly difficult when I was a younger person. Also I being too charismatic churches going so often and I had been singing the hymns of the charismatic we sing. We fly out. What we feel towards our Lord Jesus Christ those words that mean so much to us. Unknown element in the same way. So then they have a different understanding of what those words mean and sometimes we can listen to them using as well as we can think the same things as real. But we find let me stop delving into answer they assign they have deposit from the truth. As a Christian we should be having a hung for the word of God. That we do should be pointing toward wanting to pick up a Bibles to read that Bible and to really spend time to think about what the Lord is saying to us not to pick and choose those bits that we like. Comfortable what time she read messages throughout the whole of scripture. That will actually help us to know more about Lord Jesus Christ. I'm in doing so I will become more confidence in that was don't and we sure that confidence without even trying there isn't an attempt to be seen by others to have that complex. We just more confidence in the understanding of scripture scripture. And we also I find the audience also increases so The Obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ and when we look at the pictures of scripture what it is to be a Christian. We often referred to as being a new bank in the Lord we are born again. We are brought into a new life. What Jesus has done on the cross for us has provided us with that new life? He has please. There is nothing from that moment. We can do that makes us more science. We are fully signed. What Jesus is Don is complete. We are a real, baby. But like babies we need to grow. The baby starts with a liquid Donuts off the time moves to most solids during this time the baby grows. We nurture that baby that baby becomes a child grows into a teenager becomes in adults and we see the mature. They are nothing more in life when they're an adult and I wear one of the baby. But that maturity has taken place. I'm done is why we as Christians do we mature? Stop maturity is fruit understanding the word of God. I'm through I find him.
So often though those that talk to us and tell us what we ought to do as a Christian present to us. All I need is that make it sound like we're locked Kenosha. You have to do this. Hold on to become a real baby to become a real child. And they undermine what Jesus has done.
We have no power in ourselves to be safe. We have no power and I'll selves to be more safe. We are all equal before going the first thing you want converted through to the very end of your life. And you staying with the Lord fill out about time. You want to know closer to Salvation, then you were the first thing. You are saved that is the truth of the Gospel message and that save in power has been presented to us. One of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has done the work for us. And so when anyone speaks and encourages you to do something lose your wine from the understanding of they are teaching you supposed gospel. Controls that uses that picture for us as well of marriage that we are married to the Lord Jesus Christ. We all are the bride and he is the bridegroom. pronounce that marriage within a marriage Where we expect that marriage to be lifelong?
You all know more marriage on the last day that you were on that first day. You are married at school times. Bots the depth of that relationship increases
we do not get any closer. There is no hierarchy of closeness to God. What we do as Christians doesn't Ernest fcne closer to the Lord Jesus Christ than anybody else.
Bounce we have the opportunity in this life. To an accidents experience that God does an outline that purification that he works in our lines as he prepares for, Tennessee. But indeed if we found ourselves having donated the day off that we are converted. We all know less science. Dawn's deals with us in the appropriate way we all say if we all vote for God Hates Us.
So we need to make sure we do not create a new message. In many respects this message that Jesus has done everything for us. It's so simple that we all must create a problem for ourselves. We want it to be more complicated. We won't submit to do something away towards a better position.
but whether you are an individual sitting in the congregation weather at the front preaching God's word whether you are standing by the doorway welcoming people in. We are all equal before God.
Yes. God has given I guess appropriately. But we are all equal. We are the body of Christ. As many times in scripture and their we think of one particular. Where is the strongest the one right behind another foot another it is one and I or any less equal. They will have that purpose in the sign of dorms. Bumps we are equal before and we need one another. We are needing each other to encourage one another and we need to encourage one another in obedient to God's what producer in protecting the gospel message and I just won't pull shares with us. But actually look at this loss of us just before we do we read from tree Pizza search free. 2 Peter chapter 3 verses 14 to 18 pizza by the slice of pizza at this point what it is. They have Christian growth, since you are waiting for these be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish and at PACE and counts the patience of Our Lord as salvation just as our beloved brother who also wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him as he doesn't know his letters when he speaks to them all these matters. There was some things in them that's a hard to understand which the ignorance and unstable twist so that our own destruction as they do to the other scriptures. You that for beloved knowing this beforehand. Take care that you are not carried away with the error of the littlest people and lose your own stability, but grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ to him be glory but now and to the day of eternity Pizza points to that same discussion doesn't gross that we should have but that we need to be protected when we look at the New Testament. We see how many times we are told to be wary of false teaching. We should be listening. We do ourselves a disservice to think the other passages are the concepts of spoken over more often. But in reality this s*** number of times warnings against false prophets post teaches. We should be taking heed off of these Woods and as we come now to look his wallet those that lost verse we look at how poor old addresses birthday accusations against them. But also the thinking of individuals that is often so pervasive. indeed if I was teacher wants to teach they need to undermine the messenger that came before answer those attacks against the messenger or vicious. I meant often attack the substance of what they saying wave looks about previously, but they also attack. This aspect of preaching to the audience. That you are any preaching because that's what they want to hear.
Which is always very strange when this tends to be at the times when I actually the messenger is preaching what I don't want to hear. The truth is very different often to the accusation. But no one in the Pulpit should be preaching. Toothless Ne-Yo to them to teach them.
But rather they should be at Harry so going through us to preach Faithfully want gone as presented to them.
We do not preach for reward from mankind. And as Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve Christ and Satan. We cannot serve Christ on mankind. We must only serve Christ. And there will be times that makes us unpopular. There will be times that makes us bring us much attack. Box, we must be faithful to the word of God these words. Why does he use strong language isn't it to us? Well, the reason is is because the glory of Christ is at stake. God's glory Jesus is glory and what he has done for us is at stake. We undermine Jesus we dismiss his work. We say that what Jesus has done is not enough. prosci He uses strong language because souls are extinct your soul is at stake. My soul is at stake.
Lindsay's sadly we find from many false teachers then knock on impact on the lives of individuals is often devastating. We say impact on every area of the alliance. We see it often. Unfortunately. Thanks are the physical health? We certainly say, unfortunately, I faxing them Mental Health. Many many people from charismatic backgrounds Catholic backgrounds and others suffer, very severe mental health issues because of what they have been told. It destroys them as an individual. But was still it destroys the vessel Which is far more important. But we can see the impacts on the mental health of individuals visually. so often it is your song. That needs to be protected.
Holding on to the true gospel message is vital. Replacing it with another teacher and replacing with something. That sounds similar. Does not save your soul.
And it can lead you on to destruction. Indeed it is a sad and terrible thing. That individuals can find so they appear to lose their salvation. Now, we know it in Scripture that you cannot Lose Yourself Asian. but we also know that Jesus said that there will be those who call upon him and he will say I never knew you. And the reality is that we can genuinely feel that the Lord's what's in our hearts? but if we reject him if we disobey him if we turn away from his teacher and we go down a different path. Then the reality is we never really knew him.
Are we need to hold on to that teaching? Imma need to spray that the Lord doesn't eat provide that blessing to all her lies. We will know truly inside whether we are truly say. But that all those Stark warning screw out scripture. In 1 Timothy chapter 1 verses 18 and 19. We reads discharge. I entrust to you Timothy Maher Charles in the coordinates with the prophecies previously made about to step by then. You may wage the good Warfare holding face and a good conscience body rejecting this some have s*** write their own face. Some have Shipwrecked that own face. And then we read the guy in in 1 Timothy chapter 6 verse 9. But those who desire to be rich. Tatian into a snare in too many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.
There are many warnings for out scripture from the policy from the truth of God's word. There are many things that can draw us into temptation. There are many things that draw us away from that truth.
Sometimes it can be that desire to be wealthy to be a popular to be famous. I know all those who will taste that you can get ahold of those things as a Christian. I'm people pull into that design. I guess the Lord my flashlight. But I actually form anymore. They are cool pulled into temptation a snap into harmful his arms that pulling away from the Lord Jesus Christ. I'll face and I'll walk with the Lord Jesus Christ should be the most important thing in our lives. Nothing should distract us from that's our Endeavor should always be towards the Lord. For these other things of solid issues. Yes, we know that having money paying the bills. It makes a long's a lot easier the Lord provides for us when we obey him when we put him in off the rightful place in our lives.
Let me talk to be surprised at how much the Lord gives to but I should not be our Endeavor. We are not looking for the Lord to make us famous. We're not looking for the Lord to make us rich. We are not looking for any of those things. The trappings of the world. What we are looking for is a deep mature faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. In which we obey him in All Things. We have a well do 60 prevalent in this country that it is intolerance and now reminded to have a clear and strong opinion. You're not allowed a strong opinion de you have a strong opinion. You cannot think something is an absolute that is not allowed. Let alone be able to turn around to somebody and disagree with them sharply how they turn around and say to somebody else that they are wrong. And so when we come across passages such as this this letter to the churches in kalija, I'm referring that pole is using some strong words it goes against
But we need to be mindful. That pool did not use those words lightly. Those words are powerful because we need to recognize our position before the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be times that Brothers strong words to Waters to wake us up to the Lord Jesus Christ wants them to do. How else can we note to somebody who is walking away from the Lord? Then to be blunt and I'll words with them. We need some love them never to transform months, but sometimes love requires us to use stronger words. We love our children. Don't lie. I'll children do things that they shouldn't do. We will children at one time. So even if you haven't all the kids you were a child at one time and we will not even his children that our parents love us. But we would do things that we weren't supposed to tell parents and we today trying to discourage him from doing what they do the words. We give him the encouragement to come over to where we are and we will wife on what they're doing. I don't mean to do the right thing. When use North Pleasant Woods to help them to make the right decision, but sometimes as children, we got ourselves into a situation where we just had long. I want me into doing the wrong thing and I'll parents will use harsh words to and we're kind of upset when they do and we
But actually the Love Shine and sometimes at Harkness that I have actually had to choose and we can get things wrong. So some of my parents including myself we can get things wrong we can do the wrong thing. We can do it for the right reason and we need to learn from nothing and it's nothing wrong to tend to our children of time since I actually know I'm a human being and I made an error in this situation, but that don't seem distracted from that time that we use that harsh language to put whatever it was as I was doing normally speaking. They were heading for danger. Danger that was going to cause them injury and we use that house work for them. And this is why house words are used in Scripture.
Your very soul is in danger. You could lose everything you could lose your eternal life.
And that is why. There is grave consequence for those who lead others astray in and we provided that detail in Scripture. In Mark chapter 9 verse 42 Jesus set. Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin it would be better for him. If a great Millstone was hung around his neck and he was throwing into the same. They offer Us online. Jesus use incredibly harsh words study indeed. Someone just causing another individual to be led astray. tullibee lighting system it would be far better for a millstone guy milstein is a very heavy Stone. If ever you look at a mill. We don't have many active knows that I'm sure they're all the museums across this country where they converted the middle and so you can see see how it used to work and you will find a millstone and then there's always say that the grinding mechanism that has to be strong because that grain is going to be smashed against it. What is heavy is incredibly heavy is the heaviest item in the whole milk.
And Jesus talks about not being pushed around someone's neck and Furniture the sea he knows exactly what will happen. That will bring the death of the individual concerned. There is no question. That person will die is best at full then to Donnie that significant death then to lead somebody else astray. that warning Capricious that warnings pastas that warning to the ocean that warning to deacons that warning. to the congregation any of us that leads another a wife not gospel message that has been given to us. It will be better for us. Milstein put was put around on that came with a friend into the sea.
We must not make men's Works necessary for salvation. We must not supplement God's word in any way. We don't need to do anything to improve the gospel message. We don't need to do anything to add to what the individual needs to do to be right before golf.
The gospel often does not massage intellectually Gardasil. Orange lights on ego is that aspect what we want to be seen by ourselves to ourselves often, but especially to other people that we are intellectually very capable. I'm we want sometimes for things to be a little bit more complicated so that we can show everybody how clever we are. Was it gospel is very simple? It isn't complicated. Lindsey's the apostles record run light to Proclaim that gospel message. There was always like whole who is the Pharisee of Pharisees Highly Educated the doctor? I hung I was low so they fishing. Who's the tax collector Matthew?
Lord code from old parts of life The gospel message is not going to massage your intellectually got. Don't ever think that following scripture working in the church is going to make you look more clever than other people. There is nothing about the gospel message that is going to help you in that way.
In these any for stitching any teaching that pulls us away from the truth of the Bible passage that we say the Holy Scripture. Employees that what Jesus said was unsatisfactory. Play every time someone turns around and says for you need to do this so you can work more closely with the Lord Jesus Christ.
They normally don't tell you what you need to do is you need to have a union for the Bible.
They don't tell you that you have to be obedient to scripture. What I tell you is what you want to hear. If I do this then I'll be seen by everyone to have a great to fight.
Jesus gave instructions didn't say to be baptized. The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. That's how we baptize of the church, but there are those who cool. It's not like we need another baptism service where you're baptized in the Holy Spirit.
There are those who turn on your face in front of all the people if you are healed then you will be able to demonstrate how big your faith is. What scripture tells us to the face of a mustard seed would move mountains?
There is no tomorrow Rocky in scripture to others.
It was always you turn around and say you need to demonstrate that you have a gift.
It's okay that you may be safe. But you're not truly a strong believe you don't truly saved unless you show that you have this will like gift and it's always interesting the number of gifts. We find a made-up from passages that just don't know what held in Scripture. Anything that you think the scripture says they should be at least three places that tell you the same thing. Will you two know it to be true? But it is something you were being encouraged to do in scripture. If you find one place with a really obscure explanation as to what this actually means that I can guarantee for you it isn't in Scripture it is
We must not twist the word of God. We must hold up before those who are freaking goes with and we need to run tests test what I say to you. Are those tests all to check it against the gospel message? The first thing is what is the substance of the message without substance needs to be that it is Gold's free and unmerited favor tools us he paid in the price, but it is given to us freely. I know we didn't deserve it. An old song that mankind is unable to contribute in any way so that salvation.
There is no level of morality that you can present to others. There is no procedure of religious Endeavor that you can show to others. There is no philosophy that you can demonstrate to others of respectability. That will ever earn your place in heaven. oil salvation anyone who massages those characteristics Are leading your wife in Scripture? And when we look at wants individuals are saying we have to say where is the source of the Gospel? They Proclaim and full set of the beginning of that section that it is the apostles what the apostles tour in addition to want Jesus to I mean read that passage and pizza where he acknowledges and says that the teachings of pool on scripture scripture. So don't disconnect pole on a lot of people do a lot of parents don't like the teachings of fool cuz it goes against what they want to teach. But Pizza confirms that what pizza home writes is scripture the apostles and Jesus have explained the gospel message for very clearly very simply. And we must not be dazzled by an individual's person. There are individuals we meet that we just got wow. Just that is such an amazing person. Fantastic young person. I was on Camp and someone came from the local church. He just have the Charisma actually had an immense level of Charisma. I got a what he did a mechanically what he did, but he just oozed. Charisma. We called bedazzled appointments.
Truly gifted we can still go to the really GIF to do in an amazing way. We can look at it as long as we hold on to.
Come on to the office we have office in the church that way without all those who I think has never thought we were missionaries. We we have all these different offices that provide don't lie, but none of those offices offer you a confirmation the what they are teaching his rights that can be a pasta who is preaching a completely different gospel his office. Does New York confirm his gospel message. The individual might have a significant level of dignity about them. They can be very dignified and we can often be or countway by the Dignity of the individual. Sometimes people lose Authority had the privilege of meeting someone in the SAS what it is about them and dangerous individuals and Authority don't like just standing that you just know there's something going on and what I do. From what it is about that characteristics, but they just choose that level of authority. Phds coming out of there is a couple of years and you don't and I got another PhD scholarship don't they know so much about so many things could be so clever. We might be even got a PhD in understanding the Bible the history of the Bible. What the Bible teaches?
Park scholarship does not actually provide any further confirmation that they are teaching you the wrong ain't true gospel. There were many Pharisees. There were many Pharisees and they didn't follow before he was converted was a Pharisee.
And yet he talks differently scholarship does not make somebody more attuned to God's word. As I said the outward person of the messenger does not validate his message the nature of the message validates the messenger. Indeed it is what people say by which we know them.
We need to look at what is written the fact that some ice in a book and it's being published by Christian Author and it being published by A Great Soul publishing house, but normally kick at lots of really good books on a very truthful with the scripture that book validated. We have to check what it actually says there have been many times times the unfortunately be having published probably should never been published. So we need to validate sit against what the scriptures teach us. We need to question what people say you ugly. How many great preachers out there and we can listen to the we need to query everything that is being said still be those who broadcast online we broadcast online anymore because we're online WWE have millions of people watching them doesn't make the message any more valid. We need to query in question.
There is only one true gospel one gospel. Posters of those who teach other things as if there was another golfer there is no other gospel. He says there is no other gospel than the one that the Lord Jesus Christ has given to us. That message was the same on the long-stroke of Jonah in the Revelation at that moment in time as it is today thousands of years later.
That truth that message Remains the Same. We need to protect that message. We need to uphold that message. We need to obey God. We need to obey Jesus. Nothing to deter us away from what Jesus has done for us. Do not accept any Twist on that message and when someone starts to say something that just seems slightly wrong bring them up on it. I'm not infallible. None of us are infallible with human beings. It is God who is infallible? It is his word that is intolerable and we must study it. We must have a full. Words to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us let us pray. Lord we thank you for the opportunity. We have to meet together and so you study of wood and see or all of your gospel Lord. Help us to hold back gospel precious. Noreen AR 300 seats does that gospel message is simple and it is pure. Help us to not be lured away from its why things we want to hear? Lord we can often have the right design our hearts Lord help us to be Discerning about what others say help us to be about our understanding of how we read scripture. Help us to know what your message is. Help us to be embracing it so we know it so thoroughly that we know what anyone is trying to lure us away from it. Lord we thank you for the Simplicity of the Gospel that we don't need a degree. We don't need a PhD to be able to understand it. Lori signs that your word is being person to all language Lori. Thank you for the work of many that have ensured that it is in many languages and we pray for that continued work. Because indeed. Message is simple and theft the whole of mankind. Help us to hold on to it. Help us to pray tanks it because the souls. of men women and children Masa hours of mattress and if we had a little boy from its way for the risks of knowing that you turn Source inside that you never knew. How fast is Steve on your way Lord? We pray that one day we can stand before you and have you welcome us into your arms in heaven Lord. We thank you for the promises that you give to us. And we pray that you will give us. Union or heart so far no more of your word and to be obedient to you in all things slowly. Pray in Jesus name almond. Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me or his wondrous compassion and Purity Spirit divine all my night. She'll be fine till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.