The Way of Life or Death
Lets talk about moral relativism. What is moral relativism?
Defined: No universal or absolute set of moral principles.
Defined: No universal or absolute set of moral principles.
“To each their own.” “Who am I to judge?” “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
The problem with Moral relativism: Who decides what is right or wrong?
Changing all the time.
As Christians we believe that God has provided the moral principles for which we are to adhere. The Bible is our standard.
Pic of Bible
Pic of Bible
However moral relativism has infiltrated the church.
It cannot be said that the Bible is the standard because churches have decided for themselves what the standard will be.
Who decides what is sin? Does it matter? Yes - how sin is defined matters because...
Big Idea: God is not indifferent to the sins of His people.
Big Idea: God is not indifferent to the sins of His people.
We might be indifferent but God is not.
Read Jeremiah 21:1-10
We have jumped forward in the book. Jeremiah has delivered God’s judgment against Judah and Jerusalem for breaking covenant faithfulness with God.
If I was broadly summarizing the Old Testament teaching on Covenant.
God is faithful to do all that He promised.
God is faithful to do all that He promised.
He always holds up his end.
Blessing and Curses.
Babylon has attacked just like Jeremiah said.
He told the king. He told the priests. They didn’t listen.
God has judged Israel for their sin. He is using Babylon as an instrument of judgment.
The date is 588 BC // Neb is attacking // King Zedekiah sends messengers to Jeremiah
Will God deliver us?
Will God deliver us?
Zion theology // God has chosen Jerusalem // God’s presence // Special protection and blessing
With this in mind, Zedekiah is asking…vs2
King Sennacherib of Assyria attacked Jerusalem and defied God. King Hezekiah (Judah) prayed for deliverance and God sent an angel that struck down 185,000 men of the Assyrian army.
Will God do this again?
See God’s response through Jeremiah.
Let me remind you of the big idea:
God is not indifferent to the sins of His people.
God is not indifferent to the sins of His people.
Read Jeremiah 2:3-7
God will not deliver Judah but war against them.
Judah is the enemy of God.
God takes sin seriously.
God takes sin seriously.
This is not some random act of violence.
We are 21 chapters into the book. All spelling out the generational sins of the Judah.
Remember from last week.
God’s justice has a purpose.
God’s justice has a purpose.
To turn the rebellious heart back to God.
The goal is always restoration and redemption.
There is purpose.
God offers grace in the midst of judgment.
God offers grace in the midst of judgment.
A principle found throughout scripture.
Don’t minimize this… In all the pronouncements of judgment there is always grace // always hope.
vs 8
Language goes back to Deut 30 - Moses: choose life and prosperity or death and destruction.
Again, a choice of ways is set before the people.
IN Deut, life meant following God in loving obedience.
Now in Jeremiah, life is surrender to Babylon. Obedience to God means surrender.
Every generation is forced to make hard choices in obedience to God.
Every generation is forced to make hard choices in obedience to God.
Moses’ Generation, Joshua’s Generation, David’s Generation, Jeremiah’s Generation, all the generations leading to today.
In our day of Moral Relativism the question is this...
Will you choose the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God?
Will you choose the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God?
Judah had to consider this question. // We have to consider this question.
Will you follow the way of life or death?
Matt 7:13-14 Jesus said...
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Following God is not the wide gate.
Wide gate is culturally correct // politically correct // “morally” correct // religiously correct.
A way leading to destruction.
God’s way (words) has never been man’s way (words).
It is usually unpopular (Jeremiah) // message rarely recieved with open arms // often involves persecution (thrown in jail) // will always be in the minority.
May I remind you… —>
Jesus is the way
Jesus is the way
Way that leads to life. “I have come to give you life.”
Gate // Narrow way // A gift of Grace
Jesus is God’s way of deliverance
Will you follow the way that leads to life or death?
Will you follow the way that leads to life or death?