Biblical Authority - 5
Introduction: Review of material presented in prior lessons: Importance of Biblical Authority.
Col. 3:17 - “Whatsoever ye do, in word or dead, do all in the name of the Lord...”
(1) No word, no faith.
(2) No faith, no pleasing God.
I. Kinds of Authority
A. Specific - action authorized, details explained.
B. Generic - action authorized, details not given.
C. Our lesson today will be concerned, to a great extent, with generic authority.
II. Definition of “Expediency”
A. An expedient is “that which expedites or assists in the carrying out of an obligation, without changing the obligation.”
B. Since an “expedient” assists in carrying out an obligation, we can conclude:
1. Where there is no obligation, there can be no expedient!
2. Where there is no advantage, there is no expedient!
3. We must use good common sense in determining use of expedients.
C. When something is determined, in light of Scripture teaching, to assist in the carrying out of an obligation, without changing that obligation, then it may be used (or practiced) by faith, i.e., with divine approval!
III. Expediency Illustrated (Matt. 16:10 - binding & loosing)
A. Obligation (Must Not Be Loosed!) B. Expediency (Must Not Be Bound to the
Exclusion of any Other Way)
1. Go (Mk. 16:15) 1. Walk, ride (car, bus, plane, boat, etc.)
2. Teach, preach (Mt. 28:19; 2. TV, radio, pulpit, printed par,
Mk. 16:15) visual aids, etc.
3. Baptizing them (Mt. 28:19 3. Lake, river, creek, baptistry, swtnrning
Mk. 16:16) pool.
4. Assemble (Heb. 10:25) 4. Tent, rented facility, build a meeting
5. Give (1 Cor. 16:2) 5. Plate, basket, table
6. Lord’s Supper (Mt.26:26-28; 6. Number of containers; etc.
1 Cor. 1:11)
7. Visit widows & Orphans (James 7. Private Hones, “in lieu of” homes
8. Sing (Eph. 5:19) 8. Book, leader, harmony, stand, or sit
IV. We Have Options in Matters of Expediency
A. All options are not expedients!
1. May not be expedient to buy or build a meeting-house.
2. May not be expedient to walk.
B. Expedients are optional!
1. We must exercise liberty!
2. Problems come when we try to exclude any other way but the way we have decided to do something.
a. Bible classes
b. Number of containers holding fruit of the vine.
V. Differentiate Between Aid (Expedient) and Addition
A. Noah - Gen. 6
1. Ark.
2. Wood - material
3. Gopher wood - specific material.
4. If Noah used a hammer & saw, using gopher wood, etc., he still ended up with exactly what God authorized.
B. Singing.
1. Command - sing (specific).
2. When a song - book is used, when we finish, we have done just what was authorized, sing!
3. If a piano, organ, guitar, etc., is used, then the kind of music is changed from singing to “make music!”
VI. Elders Exercise Authority in Matters of Expediency
A. Acts 20:28 (oversee – bishops, 1 Tim. 3:1).
B. Authority of elders is in these matters of expediency!
1. Not authorized to say that this congregation will observe the Lord’s Supper only on the first Sunday of the month, etc.
2. They have delegated authority; derived from the Word of God!
Conclusion: Let us give great consideration to the importance of expediency in Biblical authority. Further, let us study the Bible carefully and seriously, so that we do not allow ourselves to loose those things which God has bound; and let us not bind those things which God has loosed!