No Obligation - Romans 8:5-17 (2)

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Flesh and Spirit (vs. 5–8)

Romans 8:5–8 ESV
5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. 6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
In the flesh—in the Spirit (v. 5).
Paul is making a clear distinction between the Believers and Unbelievers.
Live - to be (quality) v. — to have the quality of being. (Sense)
According - ⑤ marker of norm of similarity or homogeneity, according to, in accordance with, in conformity with, according to ⓑ as a periphrasis to express equality, similarity, or example in accordance with, just as, similar(ly) to (BDAG)
Flesh - sinful humanity ⇔ flesh n. — the physical aspect of a person in distinction to the immaterial soul; often understood as the seat of sin and rebellion to God. (Sense)
Spirit - ⓐ the Spirit of God, of the Lord (=God) (BDAG)
Mind -
to think thus v. — to dispose the mind in a certain way. (Sense)
phronēma refers to the “mind” in the general sense of the volitional and rational center of the human being as well as the “mind” of the Spirit of God. phronēma occurs in only three contexts. Rom. 8:6 declares that an orientation of the mind that is set on the flesh leads to death, but a focus of the mind on the Spirit leads to life. Rom. 8:7 expands this by adding that the mind set on the flesh is hostile to God. (Expository Dictionary of Bible Words)
Paul is comparing and contrasting those who live by the flesh and those that live by the Spirit. This is addressing the between believers and unbelievers. Lives and mind are focused on or according to the Flesh or the Spirit. The results of living according to the flesh or Spirit is explained.
Death—life (v. 6).
Romans 8:6 ESV
6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
Genesis 2:15–17 ESV
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Life - zōē is another of the crucial New Testament terms for “life.” zōē refers to life that is of the highest quality, having reached the fullest potential in the people of God through the finished redemptive work of Christ. In a large number of cases, it refers to “eternal life”—not only to heavenly reality, but also to that quality of life initiated by the Spirit of God at conversion. zōē occurs around 130 times. (Expository Dictionary of Bible Words)
John 10:10 ESV
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
War with God—peace with God (vv. 6–7).
Romans 8:6–7 ESV
6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot.
Peace - blessing of peace n. — a state of peace that is a blessing or favor from God. (Sense)
Romans 5:1 ESV
1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hostile - Emnity - hostility (state) n. — a state of deep-seated ill-will. (Sense)
For it” - Mind set on the flesh
Submit - to be submissive v. — to be or become inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination. (Sense)
A person living according to the flesh with their minds set on the flesh will not seek to please God nor can they. They are continuing to live according to the sin nature.
Pleasing self—pleasing God (v. 8).
Romans 8:8 ESV
8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Please - to delight (give) v. — to give pleasure to or be pleasing to. (Sense)
Those living according to the flesh cannot please God because they are continuing to live in Sin contrary to God.
Romans 1:18 ESV
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
Those who live according to the Spirit will please God.
Sanctification is through living in accordance to the Spirit not continuing according to the Flesh.

“You have the Spirit” (vs. 9–11)

Romans 8:9–11 ESV
9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. 10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
Spirit dwells in you (9)
Romans 8:9 ESV
9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
Implication “You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit,
Paul is implying that they are of the Flesh because of their relationship with Christ. This will cause them to look back and see what he just wrote about living according to the spirit.
Condition "if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.”
Dwells - to dwell (abstract) v. — to exist or be situated within. (Sense)
The Holy Spirit is actively present with the Believer the moment they receive the free gift of eternal life through Christ by faith.
John 14:16–17 ESV
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.
Ephesians 1:13–14 ESV
13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.
If we do not have the Spirit, we are not in Christ
Spirit brings Life (10)
Romans 8:10 ESV
10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Condition “But if Christ is in you,
Implication “although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Our physical bodies are dying because of the affects of Sin, but now in Christ the Holy spirit is bringing life to us.
The Epistle to the Romans 1. The Spirit of Life (8:1–13)

Paul is teaching that the believer, although still bound to an earthly, mortal body, has residing within him or her the Spirit, the power of new spiritual life, which conveys both that “life,” in the sense of deliverance from condemnation enjoyed now and the future resurrection life that will bring transformation to the body itself. All this takes place “because of righteousness,” this “righteousness” being that “imputed righteousness” which leads to life (see 5:21).

Romans 5:21 ESV
21 so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Spirit resurrects (11)
Condition “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you,
Implication “he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
Resurrection of our bodies (Glorification)
Romans 8:23 ESV
23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Not only will the Holy Spirit bring new life while we are in this world, but will resurrect our bodies for eternity with God.

“The Spirit has you!” (vs. 12–17)

Romans 8:12–17 ESV
12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Put to death the deeds of the Flesh (12-13)
Romans 8:12–13 ESV
12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
Debtor - obligated person n. — a person who is under a moral obligation to do something. (Sense)
Death - to stop utterly ⇔ kill v. — to stop a state or activity with lethal determination; conceived of as putting something to death. (Sense)
Deeds - activity n. — any specific behavior; often with the idea of purposeful activity. (Sense)
Ephesians 4:20–24 ESV
20 But that is not the way you learned Christ!— 21 assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, 22 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
cf. Col 3:1-17
Sons of God (14-16)
Romans 8:14–16 ESV
14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
Sons of God
“Abba” means “papa”—a term of endearment. (Wiersbe, Warren)
Galatians 3:25–26 ESV
25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.
Galatians 4:4–6 ESV
4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
adoption n. — a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; with the adopted child being entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child (including the right to inherit). (Sense)
The term ‘adoption’ (used here in older English versions) may have a somewhat artificial sound in our ears; but in the Roman world of the first century AD an adopted son was a son deliberately chosen by his adoptive father to perpetuate his name and inherit his estate; he was no whit inferior in status to a son born in the ordinary course of nature, and might well enjoy the father’s affection more fully and reproduce the father’s character more worthily.” (Tyndale)
Adoption is not only now, but looking to the future.
Romans 8:23 ESV
23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Heirs of God (17)
Romans 8:17 ESV
17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Heir - heir n. — a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another. (Sense)
Living with God in eternity. New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem written in Rev 21-22.
Heir is the fulfillment of God’s Promise.
The Epistle to the Romans 2. The Spirit of Adoption (8:14–17)

In the OT, the “inheritance” is particularly the land, promised to Abraham and his “seed,” a promise that is renewed after the disaster of the Exile. In later Judaism, however, the “inheritance” did not always maintain a distinctive spatial focus and came to be used to describe eschatological life.45 Paul follows in this line by awarding the “inheritance” promised to Abraham to all those who have faith (see Rom. 4:13–15). As he puts it in Galatians, it is Christ who is “the seed of Abraham” and heir to all that has been promised to Abraham; thus, it is those who are “in Christ” who also become the seed of Abraham and heirs of the promise (3:16–18, 29). All this informs Paul’s description of believers in this verse as both “children” and “heirs.” Christians are God’s people of the new age, “children of God,” and, as such, also the recipients of what God has promised to his people.

Christians are, then, “heirs of God”—meaning probably not that Christians inherit God himself, but that they inherit “what God has promised.”48 In immediately adding “fellow heirs with Christ,” Paul is not correcting the first description but filling it out by reminding us that Christians inherit the blessings of God’s kingdom only through, and in, Christ. We, “the sons of God,” are such by virtue of our belonging to the Son of God; and we are heirs of God only by virtue of our union with the one who is the heir of all God’s promises (see Mark 12:1–12; Gal. 3:18–19; Heb.1:2).

suffer with Him
Suffering in this World as we await eternity.
Philippians 1:29–30 ESV
29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, 30 engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have.
Philippians 3:9–11 ESV
9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— 10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
2 Corinthians 1:5 ESV
5 For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.


Romans 8:12–17 NLT
12 Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 13 For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” 16 For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. 17 And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.
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