Rom 10-Zeal Without Knowledge
| The Danger of Zeal Without Knowledge! Romans 10:1-4
September 16, 2007 (NLT) 1Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is that the Jewish people might be saved. 2I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. 3For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Instead, they are clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. They won’t go along with God’s way. 4For Christ has accomplished the whole purpose of the law. All who believe in him are made right with God. (ESV) 1Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. 2I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3For, being ignorant of the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. 4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. PRAY Scripture Memory:If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9 (NIV) Intro: Last week I received some feedback about the sermon that it did not seem to explain the text which was being preached. Before I begin this morning I want to explain a couple of things:1. Different translations of the Bible often read very differently. I often use a more modern translation to preach from, but if you use a more literal translation (NASB / ESV, etc.) you may have a hard time following my train of thought. My experience has been that even though the different translations may seem to be saying, at times, very different things, the messages of each of consistent with clear Biblical teaching. Remember: The best commentary on Scripture is Scripture itself. This is why I often bring other passages to support or to expand what I am trying to say.2. Last week the more literal translations speak of Israel’s attempt to pursue righteousness. The NLT spoke of Israel’s attempt to be made right with God. All of them then go on to talk about the stumbling stone, which is to some an offense and to others the basis for their hope. What Paul was saying in this passage, which I apparently did not make very clear to some, was that we have to beware our natural tendency to EARN our righteousnes or our right standing with God. The way we understand and apply that determines whether Jesus is our rock of security and peace or a stumbling block to us. It is crucial, in that regard, then, to understand the right place of obedience in our lives. It is SO easy to either overemphasize obedience, leading to legalism and self-righteousness, or to downplay it, leading to more and more sin.3. A reminder: Ch. 9-11 are largely focused on the question in Paul’s heart & mind: What about his people, the Jews? Where do they fit in with the truth of the gospel?This morning: We will be looking at the misplaced zeal of Paul’s people, the Jews which is due to a lack of understanding of the truth.1. Paul’s zeal: 2. The Jews’ zeal: 3. God’s zeal: 4. Identifying Our zeal: 1. Paul’s zeal: that his people might be “saved” (v. 1 - the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is that the Jewish people might be saved. (NLT))☞ What it means to be “saved”Jesus is the answer… to the world today…If Jesus is the answer, what is the question?Saved from what?Ø From the penalty for sin – from the coming judgment of GodØ From the power of sin – from slavery to sin and the lawØ From ignorance of the gospel and the benefits that come through itQ: Are you confident, in your heart, that you know what Paul means when he speaks of being saved? And do you have assurance that when you stand before God and He asks why you should be allowed to enter His Heaven, that you will be invited? ☞ What it means to have a zeal for the unsavedØ To truly believe that Jesus is, as He claimed to be, the only way to GodTo really understand and accept the fact that we are right with God ONLY by His grace through faith. It is not our sincerity that saves us. It is not our religion or our goodness. It is only through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross that we have any hope of eternal life in heaven. If we truly understand and believe this, then we also believe that all those around us who do not understand and embrace this are headed for a Christ-less eternity.Ø To have a burden which motivates us to prayer and to actionØ To pray regularly for others who, to the best of our knowledge, do not yet know the gospelØ To constantly be looking for creative ways to introduce others to the good news of Jesus ChristØ To live Christ before others, conscious and desirous of the fact that we are His ambassadors to those who have not yet come to know Him as Lord and SaviorQ: Are you burdened for those around you that they might come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?Suggestion: 2+ (Tom Neighbor, Suzie Co-worker, Fred Store Clerk, etc.) ☞ The part prayer playsØ Instinctively we understand that God has to do a miracle in other people’s hearts before they will embrace Jesus Christ.Ø We are in the midst if an intense spiritual battle which rages invisibly all around us. Prayer is the key to our victory in this. | | Ø Our prayer, or lack thereof is a good barometer of the actual concern we have for those around us, both in terms of content and frequencyQ: Are you praying often for the opportunity to introduce those around you to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Are you praying for God to do a work in their hearts and to draw them to Himself? 2. The Jews’ zeal: to be righteous in God’s sightThey have a zeal for God (v. 2 - ESV)They are ignorant of the righteousness that comes from God (v. 3 - ESV) They don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. (NLT)(v. 2 - NLT) It is misdirected zeal.The ESV says it is zeal which is not according to knowledge.The result of this lack of understanding is an attempt to establish their own… righteousness (ESV)(NLT) They are clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law.Zeal can be good or bad.I recently asked Kenn, Sr. if he was an Eagle fan also…He pointed out that a fan is short for being a fanatic, and therefore he was not.What is a fanatic? What is a zealot?It is interesting how most of us would like to be viewed a just SHORT of fanatic, even when it comes to our faith. We view the fanatic as one who is a bit TOO extreme….However, perhaps it is merely a matter of semantics.The bottom line is that a fanatic, or a zealot is one who is REALLY excited about something, one who is sold out to it.The problem comes when that zeal is misdirected (NLT). ☞ The Jews were zealous for a good cause: GodThey have a zeal for God (v. 2 - ESV)In other words they were very religious.Clearly God wants us to be zealous for Him. ☞ The problem was that their zeal was not according to knowledge. (v. 2 - ESV) In other words, they were acting in ignorance of the truth.Unfortunately we all too often do this. We tend to be threatened when others disagree with us.We also tend to major on the minors…And we tend to LOOK for the things that divide… ☞ The result of this was an attempt to establish their own… righteousness (ESV)(NLT) They are clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law.When we do not understand the gospel, or when we forget the gospel, our natural inclination is to try harder (be more zealous) to be more WORTHY of God’s love and acceptance.When we forget about grace, or when we do not understand grace it is easy to become proud, to be disdainful of those who do not adhere to truths which are precious to us…The problem is that that this is counter-productive. Because it is so SELF-consuming, it takes us further FROM God rather than closer to Him. It is a expression of autonomy or independence, which leads to pride and that shuts off God’s grace. 3. God’s zeal: that we might know Him and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. v. 4 – (ESV) For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.(NLT) Christ has accomplished the whole purpose of the law.John 17:3 – (NIV) This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. That which GOD is zealous about is that we might know Him more and more intimately.Ø He designed us to walk with HimØ He has revealed Himself to us in creationØ He has revealed Himself to us in His WordØ He has revealed Himself to us in His Son.Ø The key to eternal life is found in knowing God in Jesus Christ intimately. (John 17:3) 4. Identifying Our Zeal:Applying this today:Ü Do we know what it means to be saved?Ü Do we have a zeal for those who do not understand this?Ü Is our zeal based upon knowledge which is growing, which is living and life-impacting?Ü Do we cling to our own ways, to our own perceptions, or are we hungry to learn, hungry enough to pursue teaching and training?Ü Do we really WANT to know Jesus better?2 Peter 1:3 – (NLT) As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. (ESV) His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. This is the primary theme of Scripture.This is the purpose of theology.This is the purpose of life!To know God… to be ever growing in our knowledge of Him and in our relationship with Him.…to glorify and to enjoy Him A Truth to Remember: God wants us to know Him. A Challenge to Consider:What are YOU doing to grow in your knowledge of God? Are you taking advantage of the many opportunities for spiritual growth? One thing I heard this morning was… |