The Heat of the Moment
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· 112 viewsGod uses moments of high heat, high stress, and great burden to create opportunity for his people.
Daniel 3:23-25
Daniel 3:23-25
From the moment God gave me this scripture, I asked, what is HEAT?
There are different ways to answer this question;
Webster’s dictionary defines HEAT, in the following ways;
It is the quality of being hot or having a high temperature
Or the state of a body of matter generating a relatively high degree of warmth
Basic Science Principles exist which tell us the nature of HEAT
Particles exposed to a source of energy, buildup potential energy
Potential energy is an object’s capacity to act/ or move
Potential energy increases until a critical threshold is reached
At this threshold, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy
Kinetic energy is released as atomic vibrations, thereby generating HEAT
These definitions, while informative, cannot provide you the experience of HEAT
I can define the word for you
I can even tell you its true nature
But, I cannot create for you an experience you have not had
In my own life, I have had my own experiences with HEAT
I can recall as a Child my mother telling me to leave the stove, oven, and iron alone
Because these objects were hot, they ran the risk of burning me
But it is the nature of humans to be curious
And restrictions often generate greater interest
It is this curiosity that led me to touch the Iron, which burned my hand
Pain has the capacity to teach you more than any lecture ever will
Sometimes you have to go through trauma and pain to learn a new lesson
Now I am asking myself the question, WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN?
I am asking God how the definition of HEAT helps the people of God
How does knowing the scientific principles of HEAT help the people of God
God said, it is in the HEAT OF THE MOMENT, that I make you your best self
Give Subject
Give Subject
That’s what we are going to talk about.
Until now we have defined what HEAT is and even discussed its scientific properties
But what kind of HEAT are the people of God facing today
It is not the heat from an iron, an oven, or stove
But it is the HEAT OF THE MOMENT
The conundrums of life that go unanswered and often leave regrets
When you face a crisis in your marriage, and you can’t decide to stay or leave
Making a difficult decision on the job, whether to fire someone or not
Deciding if you should take chemo or radiation to fight the cancer in your body
In each of these cases, you must make impossible decisions for which you cannot prepare
Life has a way of throwing you for a loop, and it does so without discrimination
Sont oreach what tou cant understand
And these situations may seem terrible but God is using the Heat to make you the best you
I am reminded of the process of deep-frying chicken
You pour the oil, turn up the heat, and fry your chicken
First, the oil has the capacity to fry the fish when you pour it
However, if you never turn up the HEAT you can never maximize its potential
If the oil remains cold it cannot do what it was intended to do
So many of us in God’s house have the capacity to do great ministry
But because we do not want the HEAT turned up in our lives we never do
Heat breaks bonds in the oil. You need to break up with some stuff in your life
You have to say goodbye to addictions, friendships, and mentalities
Some of us need God to turn up the HEAT (TURN IT UP, LORD) I got to move
Second, Hot oil and cold oil look the same at first glance
People will look at your outside and when they do not see a change, they judge you
The reality is, the HEAT of the moment, represents your greatest change
It may not look like it, but God is about to use you to get the job done
People get so stuck on who you used to be, they never check to see who you are
But, do not get stuck in their narrative, but be who God created you to be
Third, when oil gets too hot it can start burning
Once oil starts to burn, it becomes unusable because it gives all the food a burnt taste
And some of us have let our potential build for too long
We spend 30-years in the Church building potential
And you become bitter and angry and start poisoning ministries
You ralk aboht pastor not going to hospital
Or talk junk about jow bad the choir is but wont join yourself
This takes me to my text
Daniel 3:23-25
Daniel 3:23-25
Here we see the Three Hebrew Boys are in the HEAT of the Moment
Because they refused to bow to a false idol, they have been sentenced to death
It is lit seven times hotter by the attendants than normal
So much so that when people got too close, they burst into flames
They were thrown in the furnace in bondages
God is going to use the very things set up to kill you to bless you
I may not know who the next President will be
You may not know why your spouse walked out on you
You may not know why your friends turned their backs on you
God is using the trap set by your enemies to set you free
Free from what people think of you.
Free from what they said
Free from depression
Free from Sickness
Free from old mindsets
God is using the heat of the moment, to change your life
You cannot allow yourself to become fearful in the heat of the moment
I know it looks dark and I know it looks dim but keep your eyes fixed on the prize
In the Heat of the Moment, only the strong survive
In the Heat of the Moment, God will make your enemy your footstool
In the Heat of the Moment, God will turn your mourning into dancing
Your sorrows, into joy
Your midnight into day
I saw my savior, hanging on a cross with nails in his hands, nails in his feet
In the heat of the moment, he declared; “it is finished”
He dropped his head in the locks of his shoulder
Then he died, and he stayed dead for three days
But early Sunday morning he got up with ALL power in his hands