Sermon Tone Analysis

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| *The Battle for the Mind*!
Romans 8:5-8
November 26, 2006(English Standard Version) 5Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
6To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
7For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot.
8Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.(New Century Version) 5Those who live following their sinful selves think only about things that their sinful selves want.
But those who live following the Spirit are thinking about the things the Spirit wants them to do.
6If people’s thinking is controlled by the sinful self, there is death.
But if their thinking is controlled by the Spirit, there is life and peace.
7When people’s thinking is controlled by the sinful self, they are against God, because they refuse to obey God’s law and really are not even able to obey God’s law.
8Those people who are ruled by their sinful selves cannot please God.
PRAY Scripture Memory:Romans 8:1 (NIV) – Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Intro:“The set of our minds will determine not only eternity but the quality of our life now.”
(R. Kent Hughes)Two ships can travel in opposite directions by the very same winds.
It is a matter of how the sails are set.When a person is determined to do something or to hold a certain belief or idea, we say that person has a certain mind-set.
Our mind-set:·      Determines how we act·      Motivates us·      Influences whom or what we choose as our sources of knowledge and authority·      Affects our view of every experience·      Shapes our value system·      Dominates our private and our public livesOur mindset, on one level, put most of us into one of four types of people: Avoiders – If I don’t do anything, maybe it will go awayCoasters – I want to “arrive,” to reach a level of competency where I can be in control and switch on auto-pilot—where I can /coast/Controllers – They love the challenge.
They want something which they have to conquer.
(Control)Conquerors – They have learned the secret of drawing upon God’s powerful love and grace.
They find themselves victorious in life’s battles, not because they are so capable, but… Two groups of peoples:1.
Those who live according to the flesh2.
Those who live according to the SpiritEzekiel 33:30-32 – 30 “As for you, son of man, your countrymen are talking together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, saying to each other, ‘Come and hear the message that has come from the Lord.’
31 My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice….
32 Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs…, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice.
At the end of our time together… 1.
Those who live according to the fleshSet [their] minds on the flesh (ESV)Think only about things that their sinful selves want (NCV)Think about sinful things (NLT)Think they can do it on their own (Message)Obsession with self (Message)The /flesh/ – that which is temporary, physical, the here and now – also speaks to 1 John 2:15-17 – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life – sexual promiscuity, drunkenness, preoccupation with money, materialism, desire for praise from others, pride, etc. Living according to the flesh, having a sinful mind-set, is 2B consciously or unconsciously oriented toward:☞    *Death** (v.
6)*A dead end (Message)Both a fear of death, and in many cases, a preoccupation with death.
Being remembered, clinging to life, the here & now is what matters, etc.☞    *Hostility** towards God (against God)* (v.
7)Resentment – a sense that God OWES them something – happy when they get what they desire and unhappy when they don’tQuick to blame God when tragedy strikes and slow to praise Him for the joys of life ☞    *Rebellion** & refusal to submit to God’s law* (v.7)* *(cannot submit to God’s law, cannot obey God’s law) – Resistance to any form of submission (except, perhaps, from others towards me…)Self-will, freedom of choice is paramount.
Mankind is the penultimate issue – obedience to God’s law is fine if it clearly benefits us.
☞    *Self**-rule* (v.
8)I am the final decider of what is right and wrong, what is true or untrue.I am who I am.
Take it or leave.
☞    *Actions** & attitudes that will not please God* (v.
8)Because self is at the center, even repentance is sinfulBecause self is at the center, thankfulness is often replaced with either entitlement or pride (or both)Because self is at issue, good deeds tend to be humanistic at best and self-serving at worst.Because God is not central, sin tends to be defined merely in terms of the gross sins, such as murder and armed robbery, etc. 2.
Those who live according to the SpiritSet [their] minds on the things of the Spirit (v. 5) (ESV)Think about the things the Spirit wants them to do (NCV)Trust God’s action in them (Message)Pay Attention to God (Message)Experience life and peace (v.
6)Think they can do it on their own (Message)Put to death the misdeeds of the body (v.
13)Are /led by the Spirit of God /(v.
14)(NIV) 12 Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.
13 For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, 14 because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
In the first seven chapters, God’s Holy Spirit is mentioned only once.
Now, in chapter 8, Paul mentions the Spirit almost twenty times.
“It is the Spirit who frees us from sin and death, enables us to fulfill God’s law, changes our nature, gives us the ability to overcome the desires of our unredeemed flesh, confirms our adoption as God’s children, and guarantees our eternal glory.In short, there can be no success or progress in the Christian life apart from an utter dependence on the third Person of the Trinity” (MacArthur).
*Living according to the Spirit, having a Spiritual mind-set, is consciously or unconsciously oriented toward:* |   | ☞    *Life** and peace*Life which is focused on Christ, eternal lifePeace which goes beyond circumstances and is bound up in God sovereign graceWhen evangelist D. L. Moody described his conversion experience, he said: “I was in a new world.
The next morning the sun shone brighter and the birds sang sweeter … the old elms waved their branches for joy, and all nature was at peace.”When
Ernest Hemingway died, everything was lost!
This is not so for the believer.
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NIV)  “Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”  ☞    *Truth*Truth is defined in terms of God’s revealed truth.
All truth is measured by the yardstick of God’s Word.
If it is not clear in God’s Word, then it is opinion, rather than truth.
☞    *Friendship** with God*Colossians 1:22-23 (NLT) You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions, 22 yet now he has brought you back as his friends.
He has done this through his death on the cross in his own human body.
As a result, he has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.
Before we were alienated from God, but now…Think about it: What does friendship entail?
Friendship entails trust, concern, acceptance, forbearance, enjoyment, desire for deeper relationship, etc….
☞    *Guidance** by, & Obedience to the Spirit’s influence – desire to please Him and to follow Him* (Gal 5:16-22; 6:8) *– awareness of the Spirit’s Presence* (Jn 14:17)No longer do we obey because we OUGHT to, we obey because we WANT to.
We DESIRE to please him, to see Him honored and glorified.
We are growing in our sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading in our lives and we WANT Him to lead us.
☞    *Knowing** and following the words of Jesus – *Active in memorizing and meditating on God’s Word (Jn.
14:26; Psalm 119:9, 97) ☞    *Sensitive** to sin* (John 16:7-11)When we have the HS living within us, we become increasingly sensitive to sin.
Unfortunately this becomes problematic for many Christians.
Because often we are not quick to confess it as sin·      Because too often we are slow to turn from it·      Because we WANT to please God and it increasingly GRIEVES us to do otherwise·      Because we long to be with God where sin will be no more.
*So, where do we go from here?*Q:
What are some Counter-productive responses to “the misdeeds of the body:”☞    *Denial* – “I haven’t done or couldn’t do that.”☞
Claiming *Ignorance* – “I wasn’t sure if it was wrong.”☞
*Capitulation* – “I’m weak, but at least I’m being honest about it.”☞
*Excuses* – “I was deprived as a child.”
“It’s not really a habit.”☞
*Minimizing* Sin – “At least I’m not as bad as…”☞    *Legalism* – “I’m doing so many things right, those wrong things don’t really matter.”
Q: How do we cooperate with the Spirit’s Control?☞    *Respond* to the gospel invitation…☞    *Pray* – as for greater openness and responsiveness to His guidance☞    *Humble* *yourself* – Consciously humble ourselves before God – Desire to change and grow more than to be right☞    *Be in the Word*☞    *Obey* – Where God’s will is clear☞    *Train** yourself* – “Our response to the gospel does not involve /trying/ to live a certain way, but /training/ to live in the way of the Spirit.”
Through:Ø   *Responding* properly to sufferingØ   *Persevering*Ø   *Developing* Self-ControlØ   *Developing* your Spiritual Disciplines (prayer, study, meditation, service, worship, fasting, confession, etc.)Ø   Consciously *relying* upon the HS☞    Consciously and intentionally *put to death* what remains of your sinful natureColossians 3:5 (NLT) – Put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you.
Have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lust, and shameful desires.
Don’t be greedy for the good things of this life, for that is idolatry.
5:19-21; Ehp.
4:22-5:14; ) In the end there are only two groups of people: those who have their minds set on the Spirit and those who have their minds set on the flesh or sinful self.
– It is a dangerous place to be, to be comfortable in our sin when we need to have it removed…Matthew 6:24 – You cannot serve 2 masters“No one can serve two masters.
For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.
You cannot serve both God and money.
Two groups of peoples:1.
Those who live according to the flesh2.
Those who live according to the SpiritAvoiders – If I don’t do anything, maybe it will go away – This is living according the flesh.
God calls us to *respond*  Coasters – I want to “arrive,” to reach a level of competency where I can be in control and switch on auto-pilot – This is living according the flesh.
God calls us to *depend* on HimControllers – They love the challenge.
They want something which they have to conquer.
– This is living according the flesh.
God calls us to *surrender*.Conquerors – They have learned the secret of drawing upon God’s powerful love and grace – This is living according the Spirit.Romans 8:35-37:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
36 As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”
37 No, *in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us*.
Pick one (or at most two) area(s) from this morning that you would like to see God work in….
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