The Spiritual Gift of Giving
Motivotional Spiritual Gifts • Sermon • Submitted
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Romans 12:6–8 (NIV)
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
Henry Crowell, called “ At a young age contracted tuberculosis which is a disease that affects the lungs. After hearing a sermon by Dwight L. Moody, young Crowell prayed, “I can’t be a preacher, but I can be a good businessman. God, if you will let me make money, I will use it in your service.”
Under the doctor’s advice Crowell worked outdoors for seven years and regained his health. He then bought the little run-down Quaker Mill at Ravanna, Ohio. Within ten years Quaker Oats was a household word to millions and became Known as the king of the Breakfast Table,”
For over forty years Henry P. Crowell faithfully gave 60 to 70 percent of his income to God’s causes, having advanced from an initial 10%.
I think it’s safe to say that this man possessed the gift of giving....
That’s an example of someone who uses the spiritual gift of giving in the right way. Now here is an example of someone who abuses the spiritual gift of giving....
It’s most common in smaller churches as people Develope a false sense of ownership. Usually it’s from people who have grown up in the church their whole lives and don’t even realize the harm they do. They forget that above all else, that it’s God’s church!
Now, their was a pastor of a church in florida of about 30 people. They had 1 big giver holding it all up. He would always sit down in the front pew. Every Sunday at noon he would hold up his watch and tap on it! Every Sunday the church would be dismissed then.
no one deserves to have their way because of what they pay. God doesn’t need us! He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
We should all want it to be done God’s way!
Now there is another example of this....
John Maxwell tells of man in his first church who was his largest contributor. Church grew like crazy. A decision was made that man didn’t like…got his feelings hurt. Approached pastor on his way to pulpit to preach, waving a check in his hand. He said, “I just want you to know, I’m gonna hold on to this for a while....
John Maxwell said....”what are you talking about?
The man answered “my tithe! We will see how you all get along without it!”
Maxwell said, why you telling me? It’s not my money, it’s not yours, it’s God’s…you need to tell Him, not me!
Let’s tell him now (pushed him to his knees and prayed: Lord, this is Bro. Neal here w/ me, he doesn’t like what’s happening around here, and has decided to rob you for a while!”
Wallet or Bill-folder illustration
*Give someone cash from my wallet and then tell them to give that money to someone else(tell them you will want it back)
*Ask the first person would it be easier or harder to give away that money if it was yours in the first place?
*It’s easier to be more giving if we believe that it’s not really ours to begin with and that everything we have belongs to God!
There are a few things that we can know that will tell us if we have the spiritual gift of Giving....
Giving Freely
Giving Freely
First, the possessor of this gift freely gives.
To freely give means that you give without expecting anything in return. Givers don’t need their names posted anywhere or don’t need to be granted voting power on the board of a church. They don’t give so they can hold it over a church. They give because they love God. These givers see God’s blessings in their lives as a means to bless others, therefore, it’s never about them.
2 Corinthians 9:6–8 (NIV)
6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Paul gives us a farmer analogy. If a farmer only plants a few seeds then they will get a small crop but, if a farmer plants a lot of seeds then they can expect a large crop.
Now this makes a lot of sense right? We reap what we sow and were all farmers but, we have to remember who owns the farm.
This is God's farm and he owns everything in it. God not only see's the crops that are grown but, he also see's their roots and how they were grown and in our case, where our heart is in our giving.
You see God operates in the law of opposite. He will say and do opposite of what the world expects people to do.
The world says "hate your enemy" and God says "love your enemy".
The world say's "only look out for you" God says "Show humility and put everyone above yourself"!
Giving Gladly
Giving Gladly
Second, the possessor of this gift gladly gives.
To gladly give means that they are happy to give of what we have (even if it isn’t much) and then move on, knowing that what we gave was unto the Lord.
We are to give out of the purity of our hearts. Paul tells us that we must decide in our hearts how much to give and to do it not reluctantly and cheerfully.
It's not about how much we give but, it's about the attitude that in which we give. I think about the story in Mark 12:41-44
and how the poor widow didn't have much but, she gave all she had and even though it wasn't much to other people it was much to God because she was giving out of gratitude from her heart.
There is actually Scientific proven research that proves, that giving is a powerful way to personal growth and lasting happiness. Through MRI technology, we now know that giving activates the same parts of the brain that are stimulated by food and sex.
Experiments show evidence that this is hardwired in the brain—and it’s pleasurable. In other words it truly is more bless-ed to give than it is to receive!
Just think about all that God gave to us. He gave us His one and only begotten son. He gave us Jesus.
Who died on the cross for our sins and made the ultimate sacrifice for all with the pouring out of His blood as he was beaten beyond recognition, had his head pierced with a crown of thorns, brutally scourged, died, rose again on the third day to defeat death and is now sitting at the right hand of the father in heaven.
God's generosity didn't begin at the cross. It began even before the birth of Christ. He was so generous to us that he left the treasures and glory of heaven to come down in the form of a man. He humbled himself and became even lower than the angels.
You see God doesn't want our money so he can be rich but, God wants our heart so he can show us the treasures he has prepared for us when we are obedient!
Giving Appropriately
Giving Appropriately
Third, the possessor of this gift appropriately gives.
To appropriately give means that they can bless without causing a mess. They give, but they don’t spoil. Their gift will aid in the furthering of the Gospel by their faithful tithe to their church or the support they give to missionaries. They further the gospel by the giving of their time and resources in service to the kingdom of God.
In Romans 12:8 the second phrase says in the KJV, “he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity or liberality.” The NIV says “if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously.” The Greek word here is “metadidomi” = to give over, share, or impart. And it’s to be done, according to Paul with simplicity, sincerity, singleness, and liberality.
This is the same word used for “share” in Luke 3:10–11 (NIV) ....
10 “What should we do then?” the crowd asked. John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”
As with all the gifts, the best example is found in Christ!
If any one was generous, it was Jesus! He, quite literally, had it all and He freely, gladly and appropriately gave everything He had for the benefit of us all! The greatest act of generosity given to man is when Jesus left the glories of heaven to come in human form.
I think about the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-30 who asked Jesus “What good thing shall I do, that may I have eternal life”?
Jesus response was for him to keep the commandments in which the rich young ruler replied “which ones”…
Jesus proceeded to tell him which ones and the young rich ruler said he has kept those since his youth and then asked another question: “What do I still lack”?
Jesus response made the young rich ruler go away sorrowful as he told him if he wanted to be perfect to go and sell all he has and give the money to the poor. Disobedience always depresses.
You know the people in the early church would sell land and possessions then bring that money to the church. There was a purpose for this. One that would benefit the giver spiritually. This practice in the early church and for the church of today is to help us battle the temptation of coveting possessions. Specifically our neighbors and a desire to keep up with others.
That is a question we need to ask ourselves. “What do I still lack”? What do you still lack in your relationship with Christ? Is there something in our lives that we put before God? Do we make Him our number one priority?
As King David said in the 23rd Psalm...” The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. If we are truly listening to His voice then we will follow where He leads even if it costs our comfort, our securities, or our fears.