Render Unto Caesar

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We are 16 days away from a pivotal point in human history. You may think it is a bit facetious to say that an American election cycle could have such far reaching effects, but the world has taken its lead from the United States for decades in almost all matters. America is the leading force in the entire world politically speaking.
There are two main candidates that have been nominated by their respective political parties as their representatives. This sermon is not about them....
I have seen and heard enough bickering over the finer points of politics this last few months to make anyone want to beg Father God to send the Lord Jesus Christ back without further delay!!!!!
The Church of Jesus is deeply divided over who they should vote for because of their disdain for either candidate. Brothers and Sisters of God, these things ought not to be so among God’s chosen people!! I beg you by the unction of the Holy Spirit upon me right now to put these shameful divisions away from you and pray for the ministry of reconciliation to begin the healing that the Church so desperately needs today!
Matthew 10:16 ESV
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
2 Corinthians 2:10–11 ESV
Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.
In Jesus’ day, things were not much different than they are today. There always seemed to be someone ready to catch Him in His words. Beware of people that are waiting for you to misspeak! This is why we need the discernment of the Holy Spirit back in the life of EVERY believer in these last days!!

Not Everyone That Smiles Is Your Friend

The Gospel according to Mark tells us of an exchange between some of Israel’s religious leaders of the time and Jesus.
Mark 12:13–17 ESV
And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap him in his talk. And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?” But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar’s.” Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.
So many people have been baited by those that have an agenda to destroy, discredit or downplay the power or effectiveness of others because it lessens their ability to be able to be powerful themselves.
You remember when you were a kid in school and wanted the approval of other classmates. Sometimes kids do things they wouldn’t normally do because they didn’t want to be considered “uncool”.
In recent years, people will befriend almost anyone on social media until they realize their political or religious leanings. It has become increasingly popular to make fun of and mock anyone that disagrees with you. Social media has become a weapon to destroy enemies from afar by distorting the truth to fit with a narrative that keeps certain people in positions of financial and political gain.
In a more personal level, it assists people with an axe to grind to build an army of supporters that may not even be directly related to the situation but will weigh in on matters nonetheless.
Christian or Secular, it seems that everyone has been programmed to have mandatory opinion about just about EVERYTHING!
This is treacherous ground brothers and sisters, full of landmines and pits to fall into if we are not paying attention. We need the assistance of God to get through this time.

How To Use Every Moment For God’s Glory

So what do you do when you know someone is trying to bit you into an argument or catch you in your words?
2 Timothy 2:23–24 ESV
Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil,
Proverbs 26:4 ESV
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.
Instead of getting angry with those that were trying to find a reason to accuse Him, Jesus decides to take the high road and show His meekness and humility even in the face of those that would later falsely accuse Him so that He would be crucified.
Mark 12:15 ESV
But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.”
You can see here where many of us would be taking this conversation a different direction, right after that question mark there...
But Jesus being fully God AND fully man shows us the proper way to respond to those that oppose you to your face…or Facebook
You see, there is a way for us to keep our sanctification through this mess of a world that we live in. We must realize who we belong to, who has paid the ransom for our sins, who has redeemed us that were unredeemable because He passionately loves us.

Render Unto Caesar

The Christian community for years has encouraged at some level that Christians should live at least semi-isolated lives from the secular community. This will not do.
When do we see Jesus removing Himself from society?
When do we see Jesus behaving as if He was too good for evildoers? Although He really was...
James 3:17 ESV
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
You and I are operating from a different type of wisdom brothers and sisters...
We are called in this chaos to rise above the storms, you may not think that you are able in some moments of life.
In those moments remember what Paul said to young Timothy as he was starting his ministry...
2 Timothy 1:12 ESV
which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.
You have something that NOBODY can take away, and that knowledge gives you an edge that most people may never know.
What does that have to do with the election?
Luke 19:13 ESV
Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’
There are certain things that we need to engage in while we await the return of King Jesus.
Too many preachers are arguing over which candidate is the best. I will tell you to not put your faith in men but in God alone. Why is it that Americans get so caught up in the imperfections of their leaders when it is quite obvious that we ALL have flaws. We expect perfection from imperfect beings....crazy!
Mark 12:16–17 ESV
And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar’s.” Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.
Christians are not exempt from engaging with society! In fact, we have an obligation as Christians to make sure the Gospel is preached and defended!
So I won’t tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you what God expects of every blood bought believer in America come election day.
We must ABSOLUTELY stand for Kingdom Values
That means standing against anything that exalts itself against what God has named as a sin. We are not voting merely for men, but for the soul of a nation.
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