Historical Disciplines Study 1 (2)
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Engaging in the Historical Disciplines
Engaging in the Historical Disciplines
LOOKING BACK (Care and Accountability)
LOOKING BACK (Care and Accountability)
How was your week (highlights, difficulties, challenges, etc.)?
In what way did you influence someone this week in their relationship with the King?
Facet Overview
Facet Overview
Discipline should work in concert with dependence, since grace in not opposed to effort but earning. The multiple benefits of the time-tested disciplines of the faith contribute to spiritual formation in the same way that training prepares us for skillful endeavor.
A balanced view of both dependence and discipline.
An appreciation for the multiple benefits of the spiritual disciplines.
Personal Reading Time
Personal Reading Time
Find a quiet place each day to slowly read the passage(s) out loud to yourself. We will read and discuss week 1 together.
This Week’s Reading: Romans 12:1-2
This Week’s Reading: Romans 12:1-2
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Sit in the silence and listen to what is God saying to you through the passage(s)?
In light of this weeks sub-themes, what is the author saying? Paul is making an appeal because he knows it’s whats best for us and what honors God. This choice we make is because God has been so loving, so merciful, so full of grace to us by living and dying for us the least we can do is offer our lives, ourselves to Him in response. This is true worship and it comes by changing our minds.
What word or phrase gets your attention in this reading? the first is appeal, as in a plea, or beg/urge. The second is mercies of God, how merciful He is and has been. The third is living sacrifices, not a dead sacrifice but one that can easily get up from the altar. The 4th is conformed vs transformed, we need to be transformed from the world in our minds. Then renewal, make new again.
What in your life needs to hear this word or phrase right now? My will needs to hear this, it feels as if my will wants to do what it wants to do, but I need to renew it, I need to reflect on all that God has done for me, to whom I owe my life, and offer myself and every aspect of myself, not just my work, but my social, my family, my money etc. but mostly my desires.
What is God inviting you to do in response to this word or phrase? To know His will and Him better, to be acceptable to Him, pleasing to Him, to die to myself and truly live for Him.
Be prepared to share how the passage(s) impacted you with the group (make a note).
• Weekly Group Time
• Weekly Group Time
LOOKING UP (Scripture and Discussion)
LOOKING UP (Scripture and Discussion)
What did you hear God saying to you through the reading this week?
What word, phrase or passage got your attention this week? And why?
How has it changed the way you live or the way that you see the world?
LOOKING FORWARD (Prayer and Commissioning)
LOOKING FORWARD (Prayer and Commissioning)
Personal: Based on our time today, how can we pray for you and for one another?
Mission: How can you influence someone this week in their relationship with the King?
Unlimited Potential, Inc. | 2020