The Rapture (EBS)

Revelation  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A. The Source of Divine Government (4-5)

1. Christ’s Call! (v 1-2)

This open door is the last of the 3 doors we see in the book of Revelation. 1st, Chapter 3 verse 8, we saw the door to evangelism in Jesus message to the great evangelistic church in Philadelphia. 2nd, Chapter 3 verse 20, we saw the door to the heart, or the door to salvation. We saw Jesus standing at the door and knocking. 3rd, Chapter 4 verse 1, is the door to heaven. It opens to let John see into the throne room of God is Heaven. It is the heavenly temple.
This door, I believe represents the rapture of the church. The rapture of the church ends the church age and begins the 7 years of tribulation on the earth. You can’t enter the rapture, without the gospel being shared with you through the door of evangelism. Then you must open the door of your heart to receive it, if you want to enter the door of Heaven! Amen!!!
This door is seen one more time later in this book. It is seen in Chapter 19 verse 11, at Jesus second coming, which will end the 7 years of tribulation, and begin the 1000 year reign of Christ upon this earth. (graph)
There are 3 rapture views. Most Baptists believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. That means the rapture will happen after the church age and before the tribulation. In other words, the church will be raptured out before the tribulation. This is what I believe.
There are some who believe in a Mid-Tribulation rapture. They believe the rapture will take place in the middle of the tribulation. There many others who believe the church will go through the whole tribulation. They believe after the tribulation, there will be a rapture, and then a quick turn around and come right back to rule and reign with Christ for the 1000 years. I ,personally don’t see those last two scenarios in scripture.
Let me give you three reasons why I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture:

a. Starting in chapter 4, the scene changes from earth to heaven.

From this point on till chapter 19, the scene is set in Heaven. John is looking down from Heaven to see what God is doing on the earth during the 7 years of tribulation. I believe this symbolizes us taken up into Heaven in the rapture and looking down watching what will be happening on the earth during the Tribulation.

b. The word “church” is no longer used to describe Christians on the Earth.

Why??? Because the church, as we know it, is now in Heaven. However, it is no longer the church, but the “bride of Christ.” We will be seen, in the sermon next week, as part of the 24 elders, which we’ll talk about then. On earth, the organized church during the tribulation will be called the “Great Whore!”

c. It fits here into the order of events.

(Show Outline)(Show Graph)
The tribulation is about to start and if the church is not to go through it, as I believe, then it must be taken out right here.
1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV 19009 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
Revelation 3:10 KJV 190010 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
There are several examples of this in scripture. There are a couple in Luke chapter 17:
In Luke 17, Jesus said it would be like in the “days of Noah.” His family, were the only eight Christians still left upon the earth. God secured them in the ark, before sending His judgment upon the earth.
In Luke 17, Jesus also compared it to the “days of Lot.” Lot, his wife, and his two daughters were the only four Christians left in Sodom and Gomorrah. He lead them out before destroying those two cities.
I think this is depicted also in Daniel chapter 4. Why is Daniel not there with the 3 Hebrew boys, defying Nebuchadnezzar and being thrown into the fiery furnace with them? You know if he was there, he wouldn’t be bowing to Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold,would he? I think Daniel represents the church being taken out before the tribulation. The 3 Hebrew boys represent saved Jews during the tribulation, who will have to do so.
Now, I would like to take some time to differentiate between the rapture of the church, at the beginning of the tribulation, and the second coming of Christ to rule and reign on this Earth for a 1000 years. This can be very confusing, can’t it?
At the rapture of the church Christ comes in the air for His church. He doesn’t set foot on the Earth, like He will at His second coming. Only the saved will see Him, when He takes the saved, living and that have died since Adam, up, and out of this world. It is our resurrection, isn’t it? We see this symbolized here in chapter 4 verse 1.
Now let’s look at them in scripture and see if we can’t distinguish between the two:

1st, The Rapture of the Church! (4:1) (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

In verse 16, Paul describes a voice calling for the resurrection of the church. John in Revelation 4:1 tells us the very command that will be said at the rapture of the church. He will say, “Come up hither.” In our Southern English, we would simply say come up here!
The word “caught up” in 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 17 in the Greek means take out. It means to catch up, or to snatch out. Hal Lindsey in his highly acclaimed book from the 1970’s “The Late Great Planet Earth,” calls the rapture of the church “The Great Snatch!” A lot of water has went under the bridge since he wrote that book, and he didn’t get everything right, but if you can find it, it is a pretty good read!
The word rapture isn’t in the Bible. “Rapture” is a Latin word for taken up or taken out. The word may not be in the Bible, but it is a Biblical concept, as we see in this passage. In 1 Corinthians 15:51, it says, we will be “caught up in the twinkling of an eye.” Not in the wink of an eye, which is pretty fast in itself, but the twinkle of light flashing off the eye! It will happen just that quickly!
Just like Paul here in 1 Thessalonians 4, John in Revelation chapter 4, hears a trumpet. Then Paul says, “the dead rise first.” Do you know why the dead rise 1st? They don’t get to Jesus before we do. Paul says we are “caught up together.” The dead rise 1st because they have 6 foot further to go!!! Amen! 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 tell us at the rapture, or the resurrection of the church, we will receive a new resurrection body, which we will have for the rest of eternity!
(1 Corinthians 15:51-57) We will no longer be mortal, but immortal! It will be like Jesus body after his resurrection, and before his ascension in Acts 1. He walked through a locked door, to show Thomas the nail scares in His hands and feet. Dr. W.O. Vaught used to say, our new resurrection body, would be capable of space travel. (Jesus in Acts 1 and us in 1 Thessalonians 4) Also, we will no longer have a sinful nature, and we will never die again! Amen!!!

2nd, The Second Coming of Christ! (Revelation 19:11-21)

At the rapture, Jesus only appears in the clouds, and only the resurrected saints will see Him. At the second coming to end the tribulation, Jesus will set foot on the Earth, fight the battle of Armageddon, and set up an earthly kingdom were He will rule and reign for 1000 years. To me, these are two different pictures painted here, two different events, happening at two different times. Verse 1 is describing “things which must be hereafter.” This is the third part of our outline from chapter 1 and verse 19:
Revelation 1:19 KJV 190019 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
Things that shall be hereafter what? Starting here, through the rest of Revelation, we will be studying what comes hereafter the church age, which we studied in chapters 2 and 3, and the rapture of the church.

2. Christ’s Character! (v 2-3)

This is God the Father,isn’t it? Both have the same character, don’t they? In chapter 5, we will see Jesus standing on God’s right, and holding the 7 sealed book that He only is worthy to open. Christ, and He only has the qualifications and character to open the book. In chapter 6 we’ll see that book opened and the judgments there in released!
Verse 3 is John’s description of God the Father sitting on His throne in Heaven. This verse describes the splendor of His appearance. He looked like a jasper and a sardine stone. Jasper is a diamond. It depicts the radiance of God’s holiness, as well as His perfection.
The sardine stone is a red stone. It was named after the city of Sardis, because it could only be found in that area. It’s red color symbolized the immense value of the shed blood of Christ! He is the Passover Lamb, isn’t He? Without His shed blood no one could be saved, resurrected, or spend eternity with Christ in Heaven.

3. Christ’s Cross! (v 4)

Verse 4 describes two circles around the throne of God in Heaven. One is the 24 elders sitting around the throne. I’ll talk extensively about them next week. Also around the throne was an emerald rainbow. The rainbow is a symbol of God keeping His promises. Here, His promise to avenge the saint who are killed during the tribulation by the anti-christ, and to bring judgment upon the world for it’s sinfulness.
Emerald green is a symbol of everlasting life. The emerald rainbow, speaks of God’s everlasting commitment to keep His promises to the saved, and especially to save lost sinners who come to Him for everlasting salvation. In closing, I want you to see the cross in this picture! Rainbow up an down. Elders circling across. They form the cross!
When God looks around His throne room in Heaven, in at least two places, He sees the cross were those 2 circles intersect. It is a constant reminder to Him for eternity, of His promise to save, and the price His son paid to make it possible!
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