Show Me Your Glory Lord!

Our Exodus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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As I get older I realize the value of being able to trust someone. The older I get, the harder it is to fully trust those who are running for the highest offices in our country, or even our state. At least we know those who are running for local public office. We can see them in town, ask them questions, we know their family and maybe even their personality. So when I watch those ads on TV for the Senate or House race, they almost don’t do anything for me. Are they telling me the truth on how they feel, what they value and what they will do while in office? Many times, it just remains to be seen.
Maybe you are better at understanding politics than I. Hopefully you have done your research on the candidates. Maybe you have shared view along a party line. Maybe you have attended a campaign stop or meet-and-greet. These are wonderful things. It truly does help to get to know those who will be lead our city, state, and country. It is important for all of us, especially as Christians, to make our voice be heard.
I know for me, I want to be heard. Even more important is to know that the person with whom I am speaking is truly listening while I speak. Empty promises hurt more than rejection. Maybe it is old fashion but I value a handshake and for someone to look me in the eye.
This is what Moses wanted from God in our text today.
Pray and Read Exodus 33:12-23
Forever it seems, Moses had a personal relationship with God. They talked multiple times in various situations. In the earlier part of the chapter it says that Moses and God talked as friend to friend, or face to face in the human sense. It was a personal friendship. One we all should aspire to have with our God. From the time of the burning bush to the pillar of cloud that was God’s presence, Moses has always seen God and know that God was near to him and his people. God has always come through on his promises before, and Moses knew that in some way God always would come through for His people. But this time, Moses wanted to make sure. Moses wanted that handshake. Moses wanted the confirmation not just from God’s Spirit presence as in the cloud, or as the human presence like a friend. Moses wanted confirmation from God’s almighty, divine, all powerful presence. “Show me your way, your glory!”
You see, Moses knew that God was real and was for them. Moses also knew that these people has not always done what was right, and that they were not always going to do right in the future. Moses worried that maybe, after all this sinful nature of the people and the multiple times of failure would cause God to abandon them, to give up on them. I think that Moses also wanted to make sure that what he was doing had purpose. Moses was growing tired of the people’s backsliding. Moses was hurting with the multiple times they questioned God and questioned Moses’ es leadership. Was this truly worth it?
I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the politicians that we have in office. I know they may be hard to trust sometimes. I am asking you essentially to put yourself in the the shoes of a CEO of a corporation, a small business owner, or the leader of a church. These people share something in common. Maybe you are the CEO or President of a business or organization. These individuals have to make choices that they know not everyone will agree with. Even as a mom, I have told my kids that I tell them to do these things to mind what I say because it is for the betterment of the whole family. It is meant to keep all of us safe, healthy and growing in wisdom and strength. It typically something as menial as getting everyone ready in the mornings. I have a pattern and a schedule to make sure we are out the door on time.
Moses was in such a hard spot leading these tens of thousands of people. Moses was most likely questioning his own leadership over questioning God. Moses needed God in a mighty way to give him strength and wisdom. God come through for Moses. Although God’s divine face is impossible for a human to see, God showed Moses his divine presence alone on the cleft of the mountain. Wow, I wonder what that whole experience was like?
I know in my life, I have asked God to show me His glory. I needed a powerful experience of God’s peace and power to get me through. I have prayed for many of you to be shown God’s presence in a might way. I have interceded on your behalf as it is called. I have prayed for this church, those of you in need, to gain wisdom and understanding. You see, we can’t do anything about some of the situations we face in life, but God can. We may not be able to make people do what we know they should, but God can move in their life in a way that no human can.
We as God’s people have a powerful gift. We all have the gift that Moses was given on that mountain. We have Jesus and what Jesus, the human form of God, did for us and is doing on our behalf. We also have God’s Holy Spirit within us. So what ever your biggest task or project is, ask God to show you His glory in your circumstance.
Ask God to show up in your life in a mighty way. Ask God to show up in the life of your family, your friends, in this city. Pray the bold prayer of asking God to do mighty things in your work, in your responsibilities. But let me warn you, when you do, stand back, wait, and watch God work. Or, stand up and listen for God to lead you in the direction you should go, to make the choices that you have to make. Others may not understand, but that is not for them to understand. In courage given to you by God, do, lead and grow into all the things God created you to produce and to be in this world. Holy Boldness is what Moses needed, and God gave him His divine presence to lead in such a strong way that Moses’es face even glowed when he came down from that mountain.
Where do you need God to show you His glory? Have you prayed that bold prayer? Are you ready to see God’s holy presence in your life? Are you ready to see the mighty things God is going to do through you?
In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. AMEN!
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