This is the Day
Mark 11:1-11; Psalm 118
This is the Day Sun, Apr 1st 2007
Day of Visitation 2007 (Palm Sunday)
This is the Day the Lord has made….
· True today…but only application of verse :
· In context – not a generic – but specific promise
o Not speaking about every, but a certain day
· That specific day…1975 years ago–look at today
· Open Bible’s to Mark 11 :
Take a break in our study of David’s life- this & next week
· Reason: to commemorate, celebrate, understand the events that took place 1975 years ago.
First – begin w/seeking an understanding of the Calendar
· 1975 years ago…April 32 ad…Heb Cal-Nisan
· Allow me not to get overly technical here-days off
o Calendar changes, wrestling last 2,000 yrs
· But Sun before Rez day – April 6th, 32 ad or Nisan 10th
· Nisan 10th, April 6th significant?
o Yes, was day Jews would select and separate their Passover lamb – Ex 12:3
o It was the day, the Lamb of God – Jesus was separated & presented to the Jews
o More on that later this morning
· Lets look at the next few days on the calendar
· Nisan 13th, Apr 9th – Jesus takes the Passover meal?
o This is Jim’s personal belief–talk more Wed
o But if so, Jesus took Passover meal early
· Nisan 14th, Apr 10th – Passover! - Lev 23:5
o It was day they killed their lambs-Ex 12:6
o Jim’s personal belief – Jesus also killed
o I know many hold to it on “Good Friday”
o That it happened is the real importance
o Personally believe it was Thur, talk more then…but again, not worth arguing over
· Nisan 15th, Apr 11th–Feast Unleavened Bread Lev23:5-6
o Began a feast that lasted 7 days
· Nisan 17th, Apr 13th – Feast of First Fruits –Lev 23:10-11
o This feast didn’t have a specific day attached, always 1st Sun after Passover
o This day, Apr 13th 32 Ad–Jesus Resurrection!
· Quick grasp of the Seven Jewish, Biblical Feasts
o Listed in Lev 23 – God ordained Holy Days
o Passover, Unleavened Bread, First fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles
o See timing-really three times of celebration
o Also understand – all picture Jesus
o First 3 Jesus fulfilled 1975 yrs ago
§ Passover – Cross
§ Unleavened Bread – Sin put away
§ First Fruits – Resurrection, 1st of many
o Fourth feast – fulfilled 50 days later
§ Pentecost, Church, Spirit poured out
o Last 3 Jesus is yet to fulfill – coming
§ Celebrate in fall – often look at then
For us today – again – looking back 1975 yrs ago
· Jesus presented!
I. Jesus Uniquely Presented here
1. To this point in Jesus ministry–avoided proclamation
a. Mark 1:24-25,34; 3:11-12; 7:35-36; 8:25-26, 29-30; 9:9
2. This day– allows to be proclaimed, arranges it v.1-8
a. Perhaps you ask…how is this a proclamation?
i) Understand was a lot of Messianic expectation
b. This presentation – would have exploded on them
i) Zech 9:9– clear, public, powerful presentation!
3. Question – why now? What makes this day special?
a. Because of the Cross – fulfilling the Passover
i) Is time for Lamb of God to be presented-Jn 1:29
b. Such a special day–Jesus calls it time of visitation-Lk 19
i) It was their day, when God visited…opportunity
c. This is a day they should have know…why?
i) Technical and fast….but hold on – Dan 9:22-27
ii) Told them when the Messiah would come
iii) Start clock at command to build Jerusalem
A. 3 returns of Jews to Jerusalem, only one fits
B. Under Nehemiah, date: March 14, 445 BC
iv) Count the time – 7 & 62 sevens or 69 sevens
A. Sevens: Heb word Shabua – sevens. Not specific to seven what (like word dozen)
B. Context is clear – years – thus 483 years
C. Problem again…different calendars….
D. Convert to days…come to 173, 880 days
v) Go back…do math…come to Apr 6, 32 AD
A. This day, celebrate today…Jesus presented
vi) Dan 9 goes on to prophesy of cross & Tribulation
4. Main point – this is their day! Day of visitation
II.People’s Response
1. Notice both Song and Palm Branches (Palm Sunday)
a. Looks good, right words, about Messiah…but…
b. Yet…they don’t. Already saw – Jesus wept over
c. In 4 days – this crowd will chant Crucify Him
d. So…how could they see this and still miss Jesus?
2. They missed Jesus – Politically
a. Understand – are under Roman rule, oppression
b. 200 yrs before–Judah Macabbee revolted against Greeks
i) Created the feat of dedication – Hanukah
ii) Part of the celebration – Palm branches
iii) Read 2 Macabbees 10 (not Bible, just history)
c. Palm became political symbol: freedom from oppression
d. Thus what they were wanted from Jesus– political Savior
i) Wanted better environment, better life…
3. They missed Jesus – Prophetically
a. Perhaps caught it reading of Macabees
b. Branches – were from Feast of Tabernacles
c. Prophetically – entirely different picture
d. Want heaven w/o cross, kingdom now….
4. They missed Jesus – Biblically
a. Quoted Psalm 118 – but didn’t understand context
b. God to Psalm 118 with me
i) v.21 – has become my salvation
ii) v.22 – builders, Jews–reject, chief cornerstone 1Co 3:11
iii) v.23-24 – this day, wow –rejoice
iv) v.25-26 – their song of praise
v) v.27 – how-light, sacrifice….cross
c. Passage quoted…explained, but they didn’t understand
5. They saw the Savior, sang the song…missed the point
a. Again right words…can not really find fault with
i) But they didn’t mean it. Wrong motive, life
b. Makes this scene almost a tragic one, does it not?
6. They missed Jesus…and people today still do
a. In a sense – this is passionate, serious warning
b. Dangerous picture for us to apply here….
i) You can say right words – in song
ii) You can say right words – to questions
iii) But your life – bent on something else- self
A. That self will keep you from Christ
B. Jesus spoke of in Matt 7:21 :
7. How do people do that…could it be same reasons?
a. Politics – want fix life here now, God to do
i) Come hoping to improve situation, marriage, kids, job, etc….but not see real need - sin
b. Prophetically – want heaven now….
i) Many want heaven without the Cross
ii) Without the cross for Jesus – don’t see need
iii) Without joining in cross – dying with Him
c. Biblically – don’t believe what is written
i) Right here in the Word, explains, shows
ii) But many have own opinions that hold higher
8. How do we deal with rightly? Mark 8 – resists the cross
a. Jesus rebukes –shows thinking wrong
b. How – die to self (politics)
c. Accept Cross for Christ, for self (this course)
d. Hold this book…over opinion – Jesus words above your thoughts
Danger…this was their day of visitation – Luke 19:41-44
· This was their opportunity – missed it
· Judgment is result – Luke 19:43
I believe we all have a day of visitation
· A time, which only God knows when it is
· At time Jesus is clearly presented-our decision time
· To miss it…it to really miss it – forever
o Judgment is the result
· Dangerous thing to see….not unlimited time
· Perhaps today is your day of opportunity
· Danger is to say the right thing,
o But live and be the wrong thing
End as we began – this is the day…rejoice in it
· In context…not today, but that day
· Day Christ presented Himself…the Lamb
· Today, Christian, this week, I call you to find your joy in the wonderful truth that Christ came!