Bad Donors
The Sermon on the Mount calls us to a different way of living, wear your righteousness well!
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
“Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Open with the Story of Leontyes in the Play: The Republic.
Plato is know for many things; one of them is his ideas about the importance of Human Flourishing. One of his dialogues or plays was called the Republic and there is one scene that captures the idea of what we will see in our text.
It is recorded that Leontyes is walking by the North wall of the city and he sees dead corpse lying on the ground. These corpse are at the foot of the wall and he is disturbed. Leontyes has an appetite ton look at them, but is disgusted and turns away. He struggles, he covers his eyes; but he couldn’t help but to see, smell, and see what was there.
I don’t have to go into all of the struggles Leontyes is faced with but the main thing we see is the reality that all of us have this internal battle/ this struggle will the pulling between different emotions inside. The struggle to act or not to act; the struggle to feel and responding or not responding. Internal strife is something all God’s people deal with.
This idea of internal strife is nothing new for us as believers. Paul talks about battle: he says he tries to do right and then the flesh pulls him into another direction. We have seen and read have everytime i tried to do right, evil is always present.
Jesus in the garden struggles: let this cup pass. . . not my will but yours be done. We are familiar with this; but I believe it plays out differently for many believers.
Our text this morning has the inverse in mind. . we not only struggle with internal strife; apparently we have problems expressing true desires as well.
This idea of practicing or flaunting our righteousness alone. . by itself is a major problem within the church. This practice has single-handedly ruined the witness of faithful followers Christ and turns away people from the church. Jesus shows us in this text one of the ways we flaunt our Religious Bravado and its how we serve those in need. .
We must serve. . we should serve. . but how you serve. . the heart behind your service is what’s on trial today.
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount A Christian’s Religion: Not Hypocritical but Real (Matthew 6:1–6, 16–18)
The essential difference in religion as in morality is that authentic Christian righteousness is not an external manifestation only, but one of the secret things of the heart
Caution V.1
Caution V.1
Beware. . concentrate on. . the central things
This is a stark difference from what stated previously-
The fundamental warning Jesus issues is against practising your piety before men in order to be seen by them. At first sight these words appear to contradict his earlier command to ‘let your light shine before men, that they may see …’. In both verses he speaks of doing good works ‘before men’ and in both the objective is stated, namely in order to be ‘seen’ by them
no difference . . just two different realities
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount A Christian’s Religion: Not Hypocritical but Real (Matthew 6:1–6, 16–18)
Our good works must be public so that our light shines; our religious devotions must be secret lest we boast about them.
hearts are bad-
The Russian author Turgenev wrote, “I do not know what the heart of a bad man is like, but I do know what the heart of a good man is like, and it is terrible.”
Unfortunately, practicing righteousness has been done in the wrong way...
Discretion V.2-3
Discretion V.2-3
It was a known fact that giving to the poor was the right thing to do; so people had no problem with giving to those less fortunate. What a beautiful reality; the haves giving to the have-nots. The Old testament os replete with passages where God charges the people to care for those in need
add some passages
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
however over time good things become perverted. This giving to the poor became a spectacle; it was like a parade showing off who gave how much for how long.
It became a status symbol, if you will, to give to the poor. True concern for the well being of the least turned into sponsorship battle. Reputation rather than relief of poverty was what mattered to them.
Story of working with Kirk Whalum at Manna House. . serving the poor. . cutting hair, having meaning conversations. Having time with a world renown Jazz artist. . mentor (i am probably his least talented student). . . We never said anything; we just did it.
Hypocrites in the streets: this is a loaded phrase. . Jesus likens those who sound off about their alms-giving to actors. Actors who speak words, but the the grand scheme of things. . . the words are spoken for effect and have no value other than entertainment.
So figuratively the word came to be applied to anybody who treats the world as a stage on which he plays a part
Hypocrites act like they have concern for the poor; however the real concern is Reputation of Piety!!!
Reputation of Piety is all around us. Prior to Covid, people were adamant on perfect attendance in all church events, first to run down to the altar for prayer, Beat the speaker at reciting the scripture ( they can end all the sentences). . . .
Some of that is ok I guess. . . the sad reality in those who major in those visible categories MINOR in heartfelt spiritual components. Prayer life is horrible, Gossip life on 100, they are evil
Discuss the Synagogue and The Streets as the two most public places to be noticed. If you are going to show off its in the Synagogue or the Streets. .
Social media are the new streets and synagogues. . we put everything on social media. we can dress it up so well.
Reward= Receipt. . . Those seeking the praise of men, received praise of men as their reward and thats all. The “tab” is now satisfied.
what a cheap reward!!
We should live to please God and His approval and not the approval of the World.
Exposure V.4
Exposure V.4
you give in secret, God rewards you on Display! You do good Privately … God will bless you Publicly
Sermon on the Mount—The Message of the Kingdom Jesus’ First Illustration: Almsgiving (vv. 2–4)
Regarding this matter of rewards, we are in error if we believe we must never seek rewards.
God is not to be treated like a genie in the bottle. . we don’t serve and give and do stuff with the expectation for God to do something for us.
He will. . but this is not some transactional relationship.