
A lamp unto my feet  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God's word revives us

Thank you for coming tonight
Thank you fort your faithfulness
Ps 18:25To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless
God blesses those who remain faithful
God blesses those who remain faithful to Him
The topic tonight is: “Revival”
Our churches are in desperate need of revival
I pray for revival in our land
I pray for revival in this church
But revival really starts with us individually
I think we as people need to be constantly revived
We are so prone to drift from God
So prone to stray off His path
And that is really what revival is all about
Its about getting us back into the will of God
Getting us back on the right track
Correcting our waywardness
“Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love”
When true revival is experienced WE CHANGE
We often think of revival as a spiritual high but that’s not it at all
Biblical revival is more like spiritual fruit
When revival happens, change happens
God is glorified
People change
The Spirit moves
“My soul cleaves to the dust”
The TEV (Today’s English Version) translates this: “I lie defeated”
He is in a low place in life
A place of emptiness
A place of spiritual drought
Anyone ever feel like this?
I sure have felt this way lately
Ministry is so difficult
The smallest things are major battles
Sunday after Sunday nothing changes
That feeling of defeat
We need all need to come to places like this in our lives
We think of defeat as a bad thing but it is not always bad
In fact it is a good thing spiritually speaking
Matt 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
Why is a good thing to be in this place of lowliness?
Because its in this place of lowliness that we can experience transformation
People are transformed through pain
people are transformed in dry places
And people experience revival in the valleys
Lets define revival:
“Revive me according to Your Word”
His key to revival is the Word of God
He prays
And God answers Him according to His Word
Revival is just a realignment with God’s Word
There are may other aspects that comes along with it
When we align with God’s Word we become filled with the Spirit
When we align with God’s Word step into the will of God
On and on
But the point is it begins with the Word of God
God’s Word has the ability to bring revival in your life
it can bring revival in my life
It can bring revival in this church
It can bring revival to this nation

I want to give you three principles about revival:

The Word of God is indispensable from true revival


(v 26) “I have told of my ways, and You have answered me; Teach me Your statutes”
This speaks of confession before the Lord
He is repenting of the things in his life that should not be there
No revival has ever happened apart from repentance
The most godly people will be repentant people
The most powerful church will be a repentant church
The most joyful person will be one who spends more time on his knees than he does in the pews
God has always called for repentance
People have always strayed from God
We are to declare our ways to God
Confess our sins to God!
This is the beginning of revival
1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
Everyone has sins in their life
And there is a need to confess them
But notice he is saying, “I have declared my ways”
Sometimes the reason we are in a spiritual drought is because we are trying to do life our way instead of God’s way
And this is what I struggle with over and over
I want to fix things my way
And my way is wrong
We need to be able to confess to God we don’t have all the answers
We don’t know the best thing we should do
And declare our ways before the Lord
And then ask for understanding!
“Make me understand the way of Your precepts; So I will mediate on Your wonders”
Ask God to give us understanding!
The word “ways” means “way of life”
Precepts means “instructions” or “procedures”
“God help me understand your instructions on how to do life”
God does things so unlike we would do them
And we so easily drift because his ways make no sense to us!
Is 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord”
I think one of the hardest parts of the Christian life is not giving up
God sends us into the wilderness and sometimes it is years before we make it out
And not one time has the wilderness ever made sense to me
Not one time have I not tried to bail out of it
But every time God gives the same instructions: WAIT
We need to confess our ways before the Lord
Confess them to God in prayer
Ask God is you are headed in the right direction
Pray and ask god before you do anything in life!
And don’t do anything until you have an answer


(v 28-29) “My soul weeps because of grief; strengthen Me according to Your Word. Remove the false way from me, and graciously grant me Your law”
Remove from me the false way
Ashley and I rarely fight
When I say fight I mean argue
We don’t actually fight
But when we do its because I think I’m right and she is wrong
And she thinks she is right and I am wrong
And we argue about it
And sometimes she is right and sometimes I am am right but she won’t admit it
But one of us is usually right!
God has a right way for us to go through this life
God has a right way for us to live
And it is often not the way we would do things
Too many people believe that Christianity is doing whatever we want and grace makes up the rest
Christianity is doing what God has for us and experiencing His best
Revival is about correction
Satan is constantly trying to deceive us
He is constantly trying to pull us off the path God has for us
And part of our walk with God is discerning the false way in this life
This was the Psalmist’s prayer
Oh God remove the false way from me
Lord take my options down to one
Lord show me the right way you would have me to go
This is why is so vital for the health of a Christian to remain in the Word of God
The will of God is the Word of God
The right way is revealed in the Word of God
And we so easily forget therefore we need to read it everyday
Ezra 8:21 “Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions”
Revival begins with confession
It then moves to correction
We look for the right way God would have us to go
We pray and seek God and do nothing until we know it is of Him
It becomes commitment


(v 30) “I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgements I have laid before me.”
Revival is a work of both man and God
God will not revive us if we do nothing on our part
It takes a willingness
It takes humility
It takes determination to do it God’s way
“I cling to Your testimonies”
The word “cling used here is the same Hebrew word used in V25
In the beginning he was clinging to the dust
He was feeling as low as he could get
He was desperate
But now he is clinging to God’s Word
He is clinging to God’s precepts
He is clinging to God’s written will for His life
Heres what happens when revival happens
God enlarges our hearts
And this is God’s will for every person who is born of Him
God wants to make you and more like Jesus Christ
“I will run the course of your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart”
This is something that only God can do
This is something that everyone of us need done
Turn with me to
2 kings 22:8-13
2 kings 23:1-3
2 Chronicles 34:31-33
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