Most Upright One
The City of the Upright One (1-6)
The City of the Upright One (1-6)
Walls of Salvation- vs 1
Open Gates- vs 2
Everlasting Strength- vs 4
Only remaining city- vs 5-6
The People of the Upright One (7-15)
The People of the Upright One (7-15)
We become like who we worship- vs 7
We are just and follow uprightness as we follow after Him
We desire him and wait for Him- vs 8-9
His judgments are all that matter, we do not care what the world says
In the night and in the morning
We pray for the wicked- vs 10
We trust in the promise of peace- vs 12
All things work togethe for good
Romans 8:28
He has become our one and only Lord
The Victory of the Upright One
The Victory of the Upright One
The wicked cry out in trouble but will not be heard
Like a women in labor that never brings forth a child
The righteous cry out to God in persecution and will be heard
God comes out to punish
All is accounted and God will repay
He will destroy the dragon of the sea
Meaning he will have final and ultimate victory