Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Hebrews 11:20-22
Introduction: In the “Hall of Fame” of the faithful, there are of necessity some who do not receive all the attention that is their due. Though many things could be said of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, the writer, by inspiration, chooses just one example from each life to illustrate the principle of faith.
Let us examine the incidents mentioned, with a view to learning how we might be better able to please God, and have a stronger, deeper faith.
I. Isaac
A. Son of Abraham
1. “The child of promise...” (Gal. 4:23)
2. Sometimes he was overshadowed by his father and his son.
B. Isaac’s blessing of Jacob (Gen. 27: 26-29).
1. Jacob was the younger twin, and by all rights the birthright (double-portion) belonged to his brother (but see Gen. 25:29ff.).
2. Jacob stole the blessing which was due Esau by disguising himself as his brother.
3. The blessing given him had reference to the nation which would come from him (see Gen. 25:23). (Israel)
C. Isaac’s blessing of Esau (Gen. 27:39, 40).
1. Esau was given a “left-over.”
2. The one note of promise was that the yoke would be broken (v. 40).
D. These things were fulfilled in the history of the nations which came from these two men.
1. Jacob - Israel.
2. Esau - Edom (Gen. 36:18).
3. Remember the reunion of Jacob and Esau (Gen. 32, 33).
4. Unfortunately, their descendants were at enmity (Num. 20:14-21).
5. Edom became servants of Israel under David (2 Sam. 8:14).
6. Edom revolted in days of Joram (2 Kings 8:20, 22) and in the days of Ahaz (2 Chron. 28:16,17 - probable occasion for Obadiah). See Mal. 1:2, 3; Rom. 9:12, 13.
E. Isaac’s blessings were made by faith; so there must have been some revelation from God that these things would be (Rom. 10:17)!
II. Jacob
A. One of the strange characters of the Bible.
1. His name means “supplanter” (see Gen. 27:36).
2. He is often portrayed as a schemer.
B. But, Jacob’s faith is seen in his blessing to Joseph’s children.
1. Genesis 48:13-22
2. Ephraim and Manasseh were Joseph’s sons. Ephraim was the younger, but he received the greater blessing.
3. There was such a strong custom that the older son would receive the greater inheritance, only an unusual circumstance would make Jacob change the order. But he did so knowingly and confidently. The Bible says he did it “by faith;” faith in God’s word, etc.
4. Ephraim did indeed become a greater tribe than Manasseh, being the “leader” of the N. Kingdom. (In Hosea, Ephraim is often used to stand for the whole N. Kingdom.)
III. Joseph
A. A truly great man.
1. Many things could have been mentioned concerning his great faith.
2. Nothing of a negative nature is said of him.
B. The illustration chosen is the reference to his bones (Gen. 50:22-26).
1. Joseph had confidence in the promise of God.
2. Though he would be dead before the fulfillment came, still he expressed his assurance by commanding that, when they (the descendants) left Egypt, his bones were also to go with them.
3. Note: none of his brothers were this interested, or this concerned!
4. Fulfillment: Joshua 24:32
Conclusion: These three men are prime examples of what it means to believe the promises of God! We, like them, should have a faith strong enough that our lives will be in conformity with His expectations.