Kingdom Parables - Value
Matthew 13:44-46
Introduction: Great parables of this chapter. Common theme: the Kingdom of heaven. If asked, “Just what is the Kingdom of heaven like?” we can turn to Matthew 13 and find a lot of answers!
The parables of the Sower, the Tares, and the Net stress the responsibility of hearing, and the fact that the Kingdom of heaven will, from out-ward appearances, experience small returns on the seed sown.
The parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven emphasize the growth and influence of the Kingdom of heaven.
The parables under consideration in the present lesson emphasize another aspect of the Kingdom of heaven: its incomparable value. Once again, our Lord used very simple illustrations of this principle.
I. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Mt. 13:44).
A. The value of the treasure.
B. The sacrifice to buy the field.
1. “He selleth all he hath...”
2. Realized the value of an investment: good things are not always ‘‘bargains.”
C. The joy that it brought him!
II. The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Mt. 13:45,46).
A. The man was merchant.
1. He was in the business of buying and selling; thus, he knew his business.
2. He was actively seeking for that one great pearl: no flaws, etc.
B. His sacrifice
1. “All that he had...”
2. Again, he recognized the value, weighed the cost, and made his decision.
III. Application of These Parables
A. The Hidden Treasure — the Finders.
1. The Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8 - “went on his way rejoicing” (v. 39).
2. The Philippian Jailer — Acts 16 — “he rejoiced” (v.34).
3. These found the Kingdom unexpectedly!
B. The Pearl of Great Price — the Seekers.
1. Acts 10 — Cornelius.
2. Acts 9,22,26 — Saul of Tarsus.
3. These men were earnestly seeking for the way to please God, and were honest enough to recognize that, in the “gospel of the Kingdom,” is to be found that system of truth that alone is worth “all that he hath!”
Conclusion: The value of the Kingdom of heaven is so great, we must not allow anything to stand in the way of our investment! Thus can we enter it, serve in it, and ultimately enjoy its blessings.