Man's Search for Happiness #2 - Where Happiness is Found
Text: Ecc. 12
Thesis: To prove that “true” happiness is found by following God.
1. As Solomon sought to find happiness in worldly things, his heart was turned away after worldly gods (I Kin. 11: 4).
2. Solomon writes of his search for wisdom, and he comes to a conclusion in Ecclesiastes 12.
3. He had already mentioned that happiness was not found in worldly things (Ecc. 2).
4. Illustration of the man who lived one way, but when death came, he called for the preacher saying that he can't die by the words by which he lived.
5. We often think that we know the right way (Pro. 14: 12), but we can’t direct our own steps (Jer. 10: 23).
6. We must heed the advice of Solomon as to where happiness is found.
I. Happiness is found in remembering God (Ecc. 12: 1-8).
A. Solomon had forgotten God, and turned to serving his own gods.
B. It is said of Israel that she had forgotten God days without number (Jer. 2: 32).
C. Every phrase of Ecclesiastes 12: 2-8 describes with a vivid metaphor, a symptom of the infirmities of old age.
D. One forgetting God while he is young, thinking that he will change when he gets older, is in for a surprise.
E. We must remember God today.
1. There is a God (Gen. 1: 1).
2. We must answer to God (II Cor. 5: 10).
3. Our Spirits will return to God (Ecc. 12: 7).
F. Are we living our lives as if there were no God?
II. Happiness is found in listening to God (Ecc. 12: 9-12).
A. Solomon had stopped listening to God, and he followed his wives’ desires.
B. We must not let the world turn us away from listening to God.
C. The words of God are acceptable, upright, wise, and words of truth (Ecc. 12: 10-11).
D. Our ears can become dull of hearing (Mat. 13: 13-15).
E. The Words of God are life (John 6: 63).
1. They are the words of eternal life (John 6: 68).
2. They are the words that will make one complete (II Tim. 3: 17).
F. Are we living our lives not listening to God?
III. Happiness is found in obeying God (Ecc. 12: 13-14).
A. Solomon reaches a final conclusion (Ecc. 12: 13).
1. One must fear God.
a. Fear is reverence for God.
b. One must adhere to God’s teaching.
2. One must keep God’s commandments.
a. That is the only way to know God (I John 2: 3).
b. That is the only way to love God (John 14: 15).
c. That is the only way to be a friend to God (John 15: 14).
d. His commandments are not grievous (I John 5: 3).
3. These are the two items that comprise the whole of man. This is the purpose of man.
B. This is the only way true happiness can be found.
1. One has eternal life (John 6: 68).
2. One knows that he is saved (I John 5: 13).
3. One has a crown of righteousness (Rev. 2: 10).
4. One has laid up treasure in Heaven that will never corrupt (Mat. 6: 20).
C. One will fear the judgment if he doesn’t obey God, but one obeying God has no fear of the judgment (Ecc. 12: 14).
1. Do you seek happiness?
2. We’ve looked at the only place that happiness can be found.
3. Would you obey God and be set free having true happiness in your life once and for all?