20080831 - Parable of lost sheep and coin
Sunday 31 August 2008
Luke 15:1-10 (Matt 18:10-14)
Aim: We are challenged to reach out to sinners and to joyfully welcome any who respond.
· Vs 1: Situation – tax collectors and sinners around Jesus
· Vs 2: Pharisees mutter
· 3 parables:
o Owner/Father
o Recognising item is lost
o Careful search
o Rejoicing
· Old brother muttering
1st parable fits in easily with the whole chapter 15.
1st parable justifies Jesus behaviour – in some sense, Jesus is performing the act of God in the first two parables.
5:31-32 – Read: It’s not the healthy who need a doctor…
So, Jesus
Reaches out to those who are sick & in need of a doctor. i.e. The sinners and outcasts…(5:31-32)
· Has anyone lost something of value? – How carefully did you search for it?
o Vs 8 woman searched carefully & diligently
· When have you been aware of God searching for you?
o My story (Gal 5:16-end)
· Who do we as the church, focus on?
o Mission place is where you live, work, spend your waking hours
o As a body, we also focus on the school.
· But too often the church is more like a club: Parable of life-saving station
· Do we want the Father’s heart for the lost?
· Vs 10: God is no more content with what remains when some of his people are lost in their sin, than the woman is with her 9 coins.
· The force of the parable comes from the challenge to each of us to recognise that were the loss our own, our behaviour would quite likely be the same.
· Therefore, we need to have a heart for the lost and to reach out to them.
But what do we do when we find them?
Joyfully welcome:
The parables all echo the theme of joyful celebration:
· Has anyone lost something of value? – How did you feel when you found it?
· Yet, if a smelly tramp were to come into the church…
· The moment Poppy heard Andy’s voice, she shot out of the hedge – Today, through Jesus, God is calling us.
o Have you experienced the joy of being united with him?
· Where do you find yourself in this story? Which character do you identify with? The sinner, the Pharisee or the owner?
· Jesus had a preoccupation: He [had]:
o An outward looking concern for the winning of sinners
o Participation in the joy of those who are successfully involved in such outreach.
· First parable challenges the church to reach out to, and joyful welcome of, the sinner who is outside.
· The shared joy theme is to encourage in the church the example of Jesus.