Answering The Call
Answering the Call
I believe every one in this room has a call on their life from the Lord. But many times people wait and do nothing, because they have their eyes on some grand calling where the Heavens part and Jesus delivers it in person. Meanwhile there is ministry opportunity all around you.
Proverbs 21:3 (The Message) "Clean living before God and justice with our neighbors mean far more to God than religious performance."
Luke 10:25-37
One thing you want to avoid with this parable is turn it into an allegory and make everything stand for something. The victim becomes the lost sinner who is half dead (alive physically, dead spiritually), helplessly left on the road of life. The priest and Levite represent the Law and the sacrifices, neither of which can save the sinner.
The Samaritan is Jesus Christ who saves the man, pays the bill, and promises to come again. The inn stands for the local church where believers are cared for.
While that is all true, it over-spiritualizes things and takes it out of real-world application.
Jesus wasn’t telling this parable to provide some lofty spiritual truth…he was bringing correction to an arrogant fool.
The ministry in front of you.
“I’m not called to that kind of ministry…”
Here’s the great thing about the “Good Samaritan” as you may have heard Jews and Samaritans were kind of enemies. They didn’t go to war all the time, but they hated each other. The first two that passed this Jew by were other Jews…respected religious leaders.
Reasons why priest and levite passed by on other side:
Could have been a trap with Samaritan as bait…besides this is a busy road…someone else will come.
Could have been in a hurry
Could have feared being contaminated according to Law.
Reasons why you don’t:
Could just be lazy
Could take what help I give and use it for evil
In a hurry
What was the reason the Samaritan rearranged his plans and paid two days wages for this “enemy?” Compassion. Not sympathy…compassion. Sympathy has a moment of feeling and then moves on. Compassion compels you to action!
"Isn't helping the poor just a drop in the ocean?" - Reporter
"Yes but the ocean is made up of drops" - Mother Teresa
Can one dude or chick do everything? Of course not! That is why when there is opportunity we can all do something. And we are still looking into getting a team together that will be able to do Random Acts of Kindness from time to time. In fact if you know someone who needs help let me know. A granny that can’t mow her lawn. A handicapped person who needs a ramp built, or walkway repaired. People who may need some food or some clothing. We have a team of young people itching to execute Justice! If you want to be a part of this team see Kate or Liz.
This is the Day…
Stop living your life for “who you are going to be”, and start living according to “WHO you are” today! Your life is right now, your future, no matter how much faith you have, is uncertain.
I have spent a lot of time focusing people through the years on the fact that God has a plan for their life and He has given them a future and a hope. But what the enemy does is to twist that and get people so focused on their calling and future that they fail to recognize the ministry and potential that is right in front of their faces!
Yes, live your life with purpose and with faith in what God is going to do in and through you, but you will be disqualified from that future if you do nothing but sit back and anxiously wait for it.
Be faithful now! Reach out around you now! Love people around you now! Pour yourself out now!
There is NEED all around you, open your eyes and be Jesus to those who are hurting!
Sit and think of 4 or 5 people or situations that could benefit from your act of service. If any of them need a team of people to minister to, give the info to Kate or Liz and make sure you are available to do something about it if appropriate or possible.