Oct 25, 2020 Sunday Morning Worship Service
That certainly is a pretty song.
Back to Basics is what we're doing still doing and will continue to do in the next several weeks. But as we think about today's lesson concerning going back to the basics really talking about send death and Hell. And I haven't done a lesson on hell since I've been here and I will get more into that but as we consider our lesson this morning consider the fact that we have to have. A hell because God designed it. God designed it for punishment, and he did so in eternity. Just ask God wanted the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel saving Souls so that they'd go to heaven. Also design another place. We're in those who refuse to obey the gospel those who refuse to obey God will find themselves there. And so as we consider hell this morning, we got to begin with the starting point and that's it. Send brings us to that place. But of course the whole point of Jesus coming was to Nelson to the cross. and your son and my son are nailed to the cross, but the Lord also said if we say we have no sin as we continue in our walk with Jesus Christ. He says we deceive are ourselves and the truth is not in us. So realistically we have to understand that although Christ died for our sins and we are not sinful people because of the blood of Christ. We do have occasions of sin and sometimes those sins keep us from Christ. Simply because we refuse to repent of them silly beef because we refuse to accept the remedy for which is repentance and knowing that if we repent of our sins sincerely from the heart his blood still covers our sins. And so that's the blessing us one of the spiritual blessings.
That are found in Christ Jesus. And of course all spiritual blessings are in Christ, but the Forgiveness of sins is only for those in Christ. What we consider what Sin is Sin is hamartia. Hermitage to mr. Mart anomia, which is Iniquity or Lawless lawlessness Sin, is the transgression of the law according to First John chapter 3 and verse 4 and therefore paraban. They know you're a bingo means to go beyond to transgress to cross over. So we are contained by the word of God. That's where our life is but when we step out of bounds or when we become Lawless and do not do what he asked us to do. We fall short of doing that then we send or we speculated iniquity or we have committed a transgression. All three are different words with different meanings, but they're also used synonymously. That is they mean the same thing sometimes in whatever context we're reading from and so those three items make up the whole idea of sitting there are others Unrighteousness is another one but this is related to the action of sin sin is an offense against God a departure from his word. That's said we're missing the mark. Send to trample send to profaned the sacred and send to insult that's the idea behind and it's it's interesting that the Hebrews Rider points that out to us in this one passage. He uses all three words of how much worse punishment. Do you suppose? Will he be before worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot counted the blood of the Covenant by which he was Sanctified a common thing. That is what we make the sacred into the profane a common thing and insulted the spirit of Grace. So all three of those things those elements are part of whatever we send. And the manner in which we sin we commit those three elements. That's why repentance is so necessary. But before we do that, that's why baptism is so necessary because it's through the washing. It's the washing of the water with the word according to Paul in Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 26. What is that washing a literal and figurative washing literal? Because we have to go through the waters of baptism figurative because the water doesn't really wash away our sins, but it's the blood that washes away our sins, but it's the act of obedience of that baptism that gets us to the blood of Jesus Christ. So therein lies sin, and of course we can read about the first instance of sin found in the garden in the Book of Genesis chapter 3.
So now we come to death because sin brings death. In fact, Isaiah chapter 59 tells us that sin separates us from God. Sin separates us from God. So that's separation that separation is a spiritual death anytime. We're separated from God means there's no connection to God, which means there's no connection to the blood which means there's no connection to the Forgiveness of sins and their for a permanent separation can happen. If we continue in that way if we're willing to repent of our sins and so we find here again death is mention the first time in Genesis chapter 2, simply because Our great mother and father Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree. Wish they were not supposed to eat them. In fact, he says in the day that you eat of the tree. You shall surely die now Adam we can read live to be 930 years old. So obviously he did not die in the day that he died. However consider the literal meaning of the word will die shall surely die. Literally it means and dying you will die. So he began the process I'm dying in that day, and he would surely die. Based upon that sin, but of course talking about a serious spiritual death we can read in the story of The Prodigal Son and Luke chapter 15. And it tells us that his son was dead, but it's now men Made Alive. So he was dead that is he was separated from his father. So therein lies the connection between separation and death. There's a physical death. James gives us succinctly definition of death and James chapter 2 and verse 26. He says for as the spirit without the body or with for the body without the spirit is deaf. So is faith without works. So the spirit are in man our soul that inner being that God designed for us to be encased in flesh. When that separates from our body. That's called Death. The Flash this as Paul would say this tent this Tabernacle of Flesh begins to wither and die Until it's returned to its body at the resurrection where the spirit and the body once again unite to spiritual laugh.
Our sins cause us to be dead according to Paul in Ephesians chapter 2 not dead physically but dead spiritually and so we find here that connection. We have the illustration of death as it is applied to spiritual death. So as we consider the death, we need to understand that death involved both a physical death and a spiritual death. Now a spiritual death is something to be very concerned about. Because a spiritual death means a permanent. separation from God in Revelation Chapter 20 The Bible tells us that there will be some Liars will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and then of course it tells us. That that is the second death. The second death. There's a first death. We all die right one of these days. I'm going to take my last breath one of these days. My heart's going to stop beating.
And I'm going to die physically, but I will remain alive my spirit me who I really am. I'm living and I'm going to be living someplace. And I need to be in a place. Where Jesus is? I'm not in a place where I'm separated from him. Can you imagine being separated? We've all been there when you were kids you got separated from your mom and dad in the store, right? And then you started Cry-Baby movie rental store people would come in and they said call Little Carly little Janie up. Where's your mommy? Where did you see her last and they scalp you back and then you see your mommy and daddy and you run back to them and you hugging and kissing me. You're so happy together. Well to be separated from Jesus permanently. Think about that. never going back
There's no help. There's no remedy. The blood does not work for you for no forgiveness. The cross means nothing at that point. when it had all the purpose of meaning something in our lives while we were alive. But like Hebrews chapter 10 says we trampled. the Son of God underfoot encounter the cross a common thing common thing a profane thing. We took what was so sacred to the father. And we abused it. a lot of people do that today and a lot of people died in that state and a lot of people will go to hell because of that state again because of separation from god notice this most assuredly I say to you he who hears my word and believes now that's present tense participles right there and says, he who continues hearing my word and continue believing in him who sent me has everlasting life so that kind of fits into the idea that John tells us about he says listen, we don't want to send What you're doing is it kind of a paradox God's idea will for all of us is that we don't say but then he goes on to say but if any man says let him know we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous. So that's the blessings that we have being children of God. So he says whoever continues hearing that word believing in him who sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into judgment and has passed from death. into life So there's a point in someone's life who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ.
And then it comes to know the teaching of Jesus Christ and they begin to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And again, they take to heart what Jesus says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Repent or perish confess me before the father and he will confess you before before the angels in heaven. So these things are necessary and he tells them that that's part of believe if you believe in Jesus and you believe his word, then you will do those things and when you do those things you passed from death. It's a life. And now he's not talking about physical death. Obviously what he's talking about a spiritual death a spiritual state. In fact all of us were next date before. Right. Paul says we were dead in our trespasses and sins. Until he believed in Christ in his gospel and did what he asked us to do it. So we passed from Death unto life and he says most assuredly I say to you the hour is coming and now is so now he's transitioning. I want us to think about that. That's why I made different colors there. So we have the darker yellow or orange or pink whatever you want to call that color. He says you've passed from Death unto life now. He's there he's talking about the spiritual death unto a spiritual life. And most people in our community. They will say that a person who's dead must have a supernatural act upon them by God in order for them to believe in God. Because a dead person cannot believe right but hear Jesus says know a person who is dead can believe a person who is dead can hear sponge to the gospel. That's what the gospel it's designed for that people to hear believe and be saved and to be brought into the relationship with Jesus Christ. So now he transitions from the spiritual death onto a spiritual life now to the physical death and a spiritual death at the same time. He says most assuredly I say to you the hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live for as the father has life in himself. So he has granted the sun to have life in himself and has given him authority to execute judgment. He's given him authority to execute judgment. What's going to be Jesus who's going to be judge and each and every one of us on that final day? how we lived in the body according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10 because he is the son of man do not Marvel at this for the hours coming in which all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation the King James damage ideas to say there's a two groups of people those saved those unsaved and that's exactly the point from the pastor's that David read to us this morning from Matthew chapter 25 back is he will separate those on the left will be the goats those on the right aren't sheep. And then he tells us she come to me you've done the will you've done my will you've lived your life for me either when you didn't think you were doing it? You help people in need you did good things in your life for my sake. So enter into your rest, but to those on the left two goats, he turns and he says get away from me for I never knew you. You're going to a place that's been prepared for you. Just as those on the right had a place to go to that was prepared for them. In fact, he says a place that was prepared for the devil and his angels He says you're going to you're going to be there with him. in that place in that place and then he says Eternal fire Eternal fire this is so much misinformation about help you watch you watch some of those preachers on TV and and you get an idea that there's no such thing as hell. But everybody has to go to God's going to go to heaven. And a lot of people today don't even want to talk about hell because it's such a downer. I like to say it's no longer a Hot Topic but it is Hot Topic spoken of by Jesus more than any other subject. That's how important is. Jesus didn't dismiss it. Kevin said well, you know to make it sound a little better as some people do today. They say well when you die, you're just going to be an island. You just want to go out of existence. You won't have any pain. You won't have any suffering. Wait a minute. The Bible tells me that my inner man that spirit being a God. That's my dog. Cannot die.
How can I become extinct if I cannot die? Moreover How can there be Eternal fire? Was no one there. What's the point? Bobo punishment in that particular context David red. It's so very clear. You can't get the words of Jesus wrong. But a lot of people want to a lot of people want to because I don't like the ideal help. How could a loving God have a place called hell? Well, the point is this he's giving us the Avenue for salvation. He's provided us his son. He's provided the word of Jesus. And yet so many go to boring. That's not for me. Leave me alone. And then they can walk to the rest of your life thinking. Oh one day. I die. I'm going to go to heaven. They have no idea either because every ejected the word of God. But God has given everybody that opportunity. That's why they say heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people but a hell is a prepared place for Luke for unprepared people. I didn't take the opportunity to prepare themselves. That's why I loving God can have a hell. 92% of Americans believe in heaven
92% of Americans believe in heaven and 18% believe in hell
Okay, you have a Bible that we believe is God's word and talked about a place called heaven. You believe that because it sounds really good. But the same Bible from the same God talks about a place called hell. But you don't believe that or if you don't believe me, you just spent it to mean that sister expression a figure of speech. That means you're just dead.
How can people do that? How can you accept one and not accept the other but that's what people do. And so the Bible describes hell as unquenchable fire Eternal fire where the worm does not die torment eternal torment.
How can you be dilated and have those words stand to mean anything? If they don't mean what they mean, but they do me what they mean, and they're also would help. In fact, you've heard the expression for you watch those the western movies and I'll say I'll see you in hell. Poor people make jokes. Yeah, I'll be in hell with you cuz I'm too bad to go to heaven. I won't have our own party and help our own little corner. Bank of the stupidity of those comments you're talkin about a place of Eternal punishment. You're talkin about Hell Fire. There's fire in hell for a reason and it's burning right now.
It's as if it's it's gleeful waiting for the souls of men to come there. Is that the Bible tells us and Isaiah chapter 5 verse 14 hell has enlarged itself every time someone does outside of Christ. Hell has enlarged itself. amazing the wicked are turned into hell a place.
So Jesus goes on. In a very safe passage David read to us. He said also about hell I don't understand it. But I do know this there's Hellfire Eternal, Hellfire. How many says outer Darkness? literally the Blackness of Darkness
That's what he'll is. How you going to see anybody? You will be there in darkness in a burning Hell in a burning fire. My goodness, can you imagine that? And so that's the description that the Bible gives us. concerning hell Now in Mark chapter 9 I don't think I put this up on the board. but Mark chapter 9
Jesus says the first 42 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble it would be better for him. If a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea if your hand causes you to sin cut it off. It is better for you to enter into the life maned rather than having to him to go to hell into the fire that she'll never be quenched where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. And he says the same thing about the foot if your foot causes you to sin cut. Otherwise, you'll be thrown into the Hellfire where their worm does not die in the fire is not quenched. And then he says the same thing about the eye and then he repeats himself. So the whole point is Jesus is talking about a place. It's a place called hell. It's a place that was his very name has Hellfire. There's fire associated with it. There's punishment and torment associated with want to stop right there and think about Matthew Luke chapter 16. Luke chapter 16 is a story about the rich man and Lazarus.
Lazarus was his poor guy and he standing outside the town and he's he's begging for money from the people man sees this guy everyday just ignores. So one day they both die. They both die and it says the Angels escorted. Lazarus Abraham's bosom Paradise
and then it says when the Richmond open his eyes he was in torment.
This is not hell. This is Hades. This is the wedding arrangements place if you will waiting for. The specific judgement of condemnation where the judge Jesus is going to stand up. then report Why you're going there?
And I find that if it was so terrible for the rich man wanting to get out of Hades. I just wonder what hell is going to be like
amazing thing to behold but there is Hell there it is deaf and there it is all because all because We wanted to do things our way and not God's way. So I can you have heard that it was said to those of old you shall not murder and whoever murders will be in danger of the Judgment. But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without cause she'll be in danger of the judgment and whoever says to his father Rocca, she'll be in danger of the council. But whoever says you shall be in danger of what Hell Fire, Hellfire. Not just he'll Hellfire. So it's imperative to know what helps and so we find here the necessity of wanting to avoid such a place. To do what Jesus asked us to do and this is a reminder. We did this this morning with the Lord's Supper. It takes us back to the Cross every Lord's day every first day of the week. We begin a new week and we begin that week by remembering Jesus remembering what he died for remembering why he shed his blood he's given us the remedy to save us from him so far. That's why he came he came to save us from hell. Because it was a design place for an unprepared people. But he wants us to be prepared. Therefore he's giving us his word his gospel. And he says hear yourself live by the standard. And you will be with me forever.
You will be with me in heaven forever.
In my father's house. There are many mansions the were not so I would have told you but I go to prepare a place for you. And if I come again, I will receive it to myself that where I am there. You may be also that's why he came he came to call you and me to life to have an abundant life on Earth not enriches not in gold and silver millions of dollars so much of what the world bottom of life with relationship with loved ones. Done with Christ having all the blessings that are in Christ Jesus and to save us from Hellfire to give us a place of gringer. A place of glory and a place of honor because we loved him. And if we love him Jesus says keep my Commandments you can do that this morning. You can avoid a place called hell and you can avoid the second death and your sins can be washed away with the blood of Jesus Christ by doing what Jesus said he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Perhaps you've done it. 4/2 weeks and you haven't sought the remedy of asking God for forgiveness. You can do that this morning about Together We Stand and swing.